2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Randy Manapa

Abstract: House Dust Mites (HDM) is one of the allergen that triggers allergic reactions, such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and conjunctivitis, also it could happen to anyone. One of the common ways to do an allergic test, is Skin Prick Test, and this kind of test often performed in hospital. The aim of this study is to know the profile of patients with positive result in Skin Prick Test of HDM. This is a descriptive retrospective study. Subject of this study is medical records of all the patients that diagnosed as allergy with positive results in Skin Prick Test of HDM in Allergy-Immunology department of Prof. Kandou hospital Manado from January 2010 – October 2012. The data is then  processed in the form of tables/graphs that are included based on frequency of year of occurrence, sex, age, occupation, and diagnose. It is included that the number of patients who met the study criteria are 119 patients, with the highest peak in the year 2010 (39.5%), women patients are more than males (53.8%), the largest age group is 51-60 years (29, 4%), most jobs are civil servants (26.0%), and bronchial asthma (28.6%) is the highest diagnosis. Keywords: House Dust Mites, allergy, Skin Prick Test.   Abstrak: Tungau Debu Rumah (TDR) merupakan salah satu alergen pencetus terjadinya reaksi alergi, seperti serangan asma, dermatitis atopik, rhinitis alergi dan konjungtivitis dan bisa terjadi pada siapa saja. Salah satu cara yang umum dilakukan untuk pemeriksaan alergi terhadap TDR adalah Skin Prick Test, dan jenis pemeriksaan ini banyak dilakukan di rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran profil penderita dengan hasil Skin Prick Test TDR positif. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif retrospektif. Subjek penelitian adalah rekam medis dari semua penderita yang terdiagnosa sebagai alergi dengan Skin Prick Test TDR positif di poliklinik alergi-imun RSUP Prof. Kandou Manado periode Januari 2010-Oktober 2012. Data kemudian diolah dalam bentuk tabel/grafik yang mencakup frekuensi berdasarkan tahun kejadian, jenis kelamin, umur, pekerjaan, dan diagnosa. Jumlah penderita yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian sejumlah 119 penderita dengan puncak tertinggi pada tahun 2010 (39,5%), perempuan lebih banyak dari laki-laki (53,8%), kelompok umur terbanyak pada 51 – 60 tahun (29,4%), pekerjaan terbanyak adalah PNS (26,0 %), dan Asma Bronkial (28,6%) adalah diagnosis terbanyak. Kata kunci: Tungau Debu Rumah, Alergi, Skin Prick Test

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 511
Gardenia Akhyar ◽  
Rahma Ledika Veroci

Beberapa kasus urtikaria pada paparan debu dan diantaranya menghubungkan sensitivitas tungau debu rumah (TDR) dengan urtikaria berdasarkan riwayat pasien dan pemeriksaan uji intradermal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan korelasi antara kepadatan TDR dan rekurensi urtikaria. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 30 orang. Kepadatan TDR dari tiap kamar sampel dihitung dengan mengumpulkan debu, dan sampel dinilai sensitivitas terhadao TDR dengan pemeriksaan skin prick test (SPT). Diagnosis urtikaria berdasarkan anamnesis, kemudian ditanyaan rekurensinya dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Hasil: Dari 30 peserta, tujuh (23,3%) sampel memiliki kepadatan TDR sedang sementara 23 (76,7%) memiliki kepadatan rendah. Selain itu, 15 sampel positif SPT terhadap alergen TDR. Dari anamnesis, 12 (40%) sampel didiagnosis urtikaria dan diantaranya, 11 orang (91,67%) positif terhadap SPT. Tidak ada sampel yang memiliki rekurensi urtikaria dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Kesimpulan: Meskipun penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan antara kepadatan TDR dan tingkat kekambuhan urtikaria (p> 0,05), TDR memang bisa memicu eksaserbasi. Penelitian ini membutuhkan penyelidikan lebih lanjut dengan ukuran sampel yang lebih besar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 511
Gardenia Akhyar ◽  
Rahma Ledika Veroci

Beberapa kasus urtikaria pada paparan debu dan diantaranya menghubungkan sensitivitas tungau debu rumah (TDR) dengan urtikaria berdasarkan riwayat pasien dan pemeriksaan uji intradermal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan korelasi antara kepadatan TDR dan rekurensi urtikaria. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 30 orang. Kepadatan TDR dari tiap kamar sampel dihitung dengan mengumpulkan debu, dan sampel dinilai sensitivitas terhadao TDR dengan pemeriksaan skin prick test (SPT). Diagnosis urtikaria berdasarkan anamnesis, kemudian ditanyaan rekurensinya dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Hasil: Dari 30 peserta, tujuh (23,3%) sampel memiliki kepadatan TDR sedang sementara 23 (76,7%) memiliki kepadatan rendah. Selain itu, 15 sampel positif SPT terhadap alergen TDR. Dari anamnesis, 12 (40%) sampel didiagnosis urtikaria dan diantaranya, 11 orang (91,67%) positif terhadap SPT. Tidak ada sampel yang memiliki rekurensi urtikaria dalam tiga bulan terakhir. Kesimpulan: Meskipun penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan antara kepadatan TDR dan tingkat kekambuhan urtikaria (p> 0,05), TDR memang bisa memicu eksaserbasi. Penelitian ini membutuhkan penyelidikan lebih lanjut dengan ukuran sampel yang lebih besar.

Mounika K. ◽  
K. N. Shivaswamy

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> The urticaria lasting for more than 6 weeks is termed chronic urticaria. The etiology of chronic urticaria and angioedema remains uncertain in most of the patients. Aeroallergens can induce or exacerbates chronic urticaria. The common aeroallergens are house dust mites (HDM), pollens, moulds, etc. House dust mites can trigger immunological process through ingestion, inhalation or inoculation. These mite allergens are resistant to high temperatures, and do not lose their antigenic property even on cooking. HDMs can also cause worsening of existing atopic dermatitis. Skin test with HDMs is well known to cause irritation due to their proteolytic enzymes.The study was undertaken with the objective to study the skin prick test positivity to house dust mites in patients with chronic urticaria<span lang="EN-IN">.</span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> The study was done on 56 consecutive patients of clinically diagnosed cases of chronic urticaria attending the OPD. The skin prick test was done according to the standard protocol.<strong></strong></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> We had a total of 56 patients with chronic urticaria, of which males were 30 and females were 26 with a male to female ratio of 1:0.8. Of the 56 patients with chronic urticaria skin prick test to HDM was seen in 8 (14.2%) patients. <em>D. pteronysinnus</em> 6 (10.7%) constituted the majority among the HDM positivity followed by <em>D. farinae</em> 2(3.5%). We also found skin prick test positivity to pollens, moulds and animal dander in 5, 4 and 2 patients respectively<span lang="EN-IN">. </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> House dust mites can cause or trigger the urticarial symptoms and one should consider to do skin prick test to HDM in identifying the cause and thereby reliving the symptoms of urticaria on its avoidance<span lang="EN-IN">.</span></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Novitasari .

Background: House dust mites are inhaled allergens and as a trigger of the onset of allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and alergic rhinitis. Mites are the major allergenic components from house dust. House dust mite section containing allergens in the cuticle, the sex organs and the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 80% of patients allergic to house dust mites have specific IgE antibodies against group I and II allergens that clinically associated with asthma, atopic dermatitis, alergic rhinitis. This IgE can be detected in serum by immune assay or on the skin with a skin allergy test.Purpose: To provide a profil picture of allergy with the result of skin prick test positive to housedust mites in allergy - immunology clinic medicine in public hospital Prof. Kandou period 2007 - 2009.Method and results : This study uses a retrospective descriptive method trough medical records at the allergy- immunology clinic in public hospital Prof. Kandou period 2007 - 2009. Result of this study, the number of allergy sufferers with positive results of skin prick test of house dust mite is 136 patients, with the highest prevalence in 2008. Earned women more than men, highest in the age group 51 - 60 years, most patients work as civil servants, and most diagnosis was found is bronchial asthma.Keyword : house dust mite, allergy, skin prick test.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Tungau Debu Rumah (TDR) merupakan alergen hirup dan sebagai faktor pencetus timbulnya penyakit alergi seperti asma bronkial, dermatitis atopik, konjungtivitis, dan rinitis alergik.1-4 Tungau merupakan komponen alergenik utama dari debu rumah. Bagian TDR yang mengandung alergen adalah kutikula, organ seks dan saluran cerna.1-3Kurang lebih 80% penderita alergi TDR mempunyai antibodi IgE spesifik terhadap alergen kelompok I dan II yang secara klinis berkaitan dengan penyakit asma, dermatitis atopik, dan rinitis alergika.2 IgE ini dapat dideteksi dalam serum melalui immune assay atau pada kulit dengan tes kulit alergi.6Tujuan: Untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai profil penderita alergi dengan hasil skin prick test TDR positif di Poliklinik Alergi-Imunologi RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou periode 2007-2009.Metode dan Hasil: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode retrospektif deskriptif melalui rekam medik di Poliklinik Alergi-Imunologi RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Periode 2007-2009. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan Jumlah penderita alergi dengan hasil skin prick test TDR positif (+) sebanyak 136 penderita, dengan prevalensi terbanyak pada tahun 2008. Didapatkan perempuan lebih banyak dibandingkan laki-laki, terbanyak pada kelompok usia 51-60 tahun, sebagian besar penderita berprofesi sebagai (PNS), dan diagnosis terbanyak yang ditemukan adalah asma bronkial.Kata Kunci: TDR, Alergi, Skin Prick Test

ISRN Allergy ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Claire Smith ◽  
Thorsten Stanley ◽  
Julian Crane ◽  
Robert Siebers

Bedding dust is a mixture of many components, of which the house dust mite (HDM) allergen, Der p 1, is the most allergenic. There has been little work to investigate the effect of other bedding dust components on HDM sensitisation. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of endotoxin in bedding dust on the allergic response in HDM-sensitised individuals. Twenty-nine house dust mite-sensitised adults were skin prick and allergen patch tested against a sterile solution of their own bedding dust and against a solution containing the same concentration of Der p 1 as the bedding solution for comparison. There was no significant difference in wheal size between the diluted house dust mite solution and the bedding dust in spite of their high levels of endotoxin. Symptomatic subjects had larger, but not statistically significant, responses to commercial house dust mite solution than asymptomatic subjects. Allergen patch test responses were negative in 22/29 of subjects using either bedding dust solutions or comparable diluted house dust mite solutions. An individual's own bedding dust does not appear to contain factors that enhance skin prick test or atopy patch test responses to house dust mites.

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Fakhri Widyanto ◽  
Rita Evalina Rusli ◽  
Muhammad Ali ◽  
Melda Deliana ◽  
Lily Irsa ◽  

Background Children who grow up in rural areas have a lower incidence of atopy and other allergic manifestations than children in urban areas. Several recent studies have suggested that agricultural exposure may protect children from developing asthma and atopy, but these findings are inconsistent.Objective To examine an association between living in rural or urban areas and skin prick allergy test results in children and to detennine associated risk factors for atopy.Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in Karo district (rural) and Medan (urban) in October-December 2009. We enrolled primary school children who had a history of atopy in their families. Skin prick testing was done on the volar side of the forearm and included eight aero-allergens: house dust mites, house dust, cotton, chicken feathers, cat dander, cockroaches, mould, and pollen. We analyzed the folloMng risk factors forassociation Mth atopy: tobacco smoke, pets, livestock exposure, and having older sibling(s).Results We recruited 49 children from the Karo district and 52 children from the city of Medan. There were significant associations between living in an urban area and positive skin prick test results for house dust mites and house dust compared to living in a rural area (P=0.04, 95% CI: 1.11 to 5.91; P=0.04, 95% CI: 1.13 to 12.45, respectively). The reverse was true for cockroach allergens (P=0.02, 95% CI: 0.16 to 0.81). Tobacco smoke and livestock exposure were associated Mth negative skin prick test results in rural children (P=O.03, 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.81 and P=0.002, 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.42, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed that lack of livestock exposure was the major risk factor associated Mth any positive skin prick test results in rural children (P=0.004; 95% CI ; 0.02 to 0.49).Conclusion There were differing associations between living in rural and urban areas to various skin prick test results in children. Lack of livestock exposure was the risk factor associated with positive skin prick test results in rural children.

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