Transformation of Platform-Independent Model into Platform-Specific Model in Model-Driven Architecture

Yashwant Singh ◽  
Manu Sood

The Model-Driven Architecture approach to software development uses transformation models for transforming Platform-Independent Models (PIM) into Platform-Specific Models (PSM) as its core software development strategy. The Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach and corresponding standards of the software development based on models have been initiated by the Object Management Group. In this chapter, the authors analyze the basic models of MDA (i.e., Computational Independent Model [CIM], PIM, and PSM) using a suitable example and formalize the model transformations for transforming PIM into PSM. These transformations have been illustrated through the generation of a Relational Model, an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) Model, and a Web Model from PIM for the example under consideration, using UML profile, and keeping in mind the property of reusability of models in MDA transformations. The focus has been on the specification and formalization of rules needed to get the Relational PSM, EJB PSM, and Web PSM from PIM. A transformation tool, whose functionality of transformation of PIM into Relational PSM, EJB PSM, and Web PSM, is illustrated in this chapter.

Liliana María Favre ◽  
Claudia Teresa Pereira ◽  
Liliana Inés Martinez

The model driven architecture (MDA) is an initiative proposed by the object management group (OMG), which is emerging as a technical framework to improve productivity, portability, interoperability, and maintenance (MDA, 2003). MDA promotes the use of models and modelto- model transformations for developing software systems. All artifacts, such as requirement specifications, architecture descriptions, design descriptions, and code are regarded as models. MDA distinguishes four main kinds of models: computation independent model (CIM), platform independent model (PIM), platform specific models (PSM), and implementation specific model (ISM).

2008 ◽  
Liliana Inés Martínez

La arquitectura Model-Driven (Model-Driven Architecture o MDA) es un framework para el desarrollo de software definido por el Object Management Group (OMG) (MDA, 2007). Su propuesta es elevar el nivel de abstracción en el que se desarrollan sistemas complejos separando la especificación de la funcionalidad de un sistema de su implementación en una plataforma tecnológica específica. MDA promueve el uso de modelos y transformaciones de modelos para el desarrollo de sistemas de software. El proceso de desarrollo MDA distingue cuatro clases de modelos: - Modelo independiente de la computación (Computation Independent Model o CIM): describe los requerimientos del sistema y los procesos de negocio que debe resolver sin tener en cuenta aspectos computacionales. - Modelo independiente de la plataforma (Platform Independent Model o PIM): es un modelo computacional independiente de las características específicas a una plataforma de desarrollo, como por ejemplo .NET, J2EE o relacional. - Modelo específico a la plataforma (Platform Specific Model o PSM): describe un sistema en términos de una plataforma de implementación particular. - Modelo específico a la implementación (Implementation Specific Model o ISM): se refiere a componentes y aplicaciones que usan lenguajes de programación específicos. Los elementos esenciales de MDA son los modelos, los metamodelos y las transformaciones. Un modelo es una descripción o especificación de un sistema y su ambiente para algún cierto propósito. Dentro de MDA un modelo debe estar escrito en un lenguaje de forma tal de ser interpretado por una computadora. Dentro del contexto de MDA, los metamodelos son expresados usando MOF (Meta Object Facility) que define una forma común de capturar todos los estándares y construcciones de intercambio (MOF, 2006). Los metamodelos MOF se basan en los conceptos de entidades, interrelaciones y sistemas y se expresan como una combinación de diagramas de clases UML y restricciones OCL (UML-Infrastructure, 2007; UML-Superstructure, 2007; OCL, 2006). La transformación de modelo a modelo es el proceso de convertir un modelo en otro modelo del mismo sistema. Para expresar las transformaciones, OMG está trabajando en la definición del QVT (Query\View\Transformation) para expresar transformaciones como una extensión de MOF (QVT, 2007). El proceso de desarrollo Model-Driven (MDD) en el contexto de MDA es llevado a cabo como una secuencia de transformaciones de modelos que incluye al menos los siguientes pasos: construir un PIM, transformar el PIM en uno o más PSMs, y construir componentes ejecutables y aplicaciones directamente a partir de un PSM. Un alto grado de automatización de PIMs a PSMs, y de PSMs a ISMs es esencial en el proceso de desarrollo de MDA. Las herramientas que llevan a cabo la automatización se basan en la definición de las transformaciones, las cuales describen como generar un modelo a partir de otro. El éxito de esta propuesta depende de la definición de las transformaciones entre modelos y de librerías de componentes que tengan un impacto significativo sobre las herramientas que proveen soporte a MDA. Entre los posibles componentes MDA se pensó en definir componentes para patrones de diseño (Gamma y otros, 1995) dada su amplia difusión, aceptación y uso, debido a que describen soluciones a problemas de diseño recurrentes. Arnaut (2004) analiza los patrones de diseño de Gamma y otros (1995) para identificar cuales de ellos pueden ser transformados en componentes reusables en una librería Eiffel. Su hipótesis de trabajo es que “los patrones de diseño son buenos, pero los componentes son mejores”. En este caso en particular la reusabilidad está dada en términos de código, pero nos inspiró a pensar en los patrones de diseño en términos de componentes MDA.

Computers ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 89 ◽  
Imane Essebaa ◽  
Salima Chantit ◽  
Mohammed Ramdani

Model-driven engineering (MDE) uses models during the application development process. Thus, the MDE is particularly based on model-driven architecture (MDA), which is one of the important variants of the Object Management Group (OMG). MDA aims to generate source code from abstract models through several model transformations between, and inside the different MDA levels: computation independent model (CIM), platform independent model (PIM), and platform specific model (PSM) before code. In this context, several methods and tools were proposed in the literature and in the industry that aim to automatically generate the source code from the MDA levels. However, researchers still meet many constraints—model specifications, transformation automation, and level traceability. In this paper, we present a tool support, the model-driven architecture for web application (MoDAr-WA), that implements our proposed approach, aiming to automate transformations from the highest MDA level (CIM) to the lowest one (code) to ensure traceability. This paper is a continuity of our previous works, where we automate transformation from the CIM level to the PIM level. For this aim, we present a set of meta-models, QVT and Acceleo transformations, as well as the tools used to develop our Eclipse plug-in, MoDAr-WA. In particular, we used QVT rules for transformations between models and Acceleo for generating code from models. Finally, we use MoDAr-WA to apply the proposed approach to the MusicStore system case study and compare the generated code from CIM to the original application code.

Liliana María Favre

The model-driven architecture (MDA) is an approach to model-centric software development. The concepts of models, metamodels, and model transformations are at the core of MDA. Model-driven development (MDD) distinguishes different kinds of models: the computation-independent model (CIM), the platform-independent model (PIM), and the platform-specific model (PSM). Model transformation is the process of converting one model into another model of the same system, preserving some kind of equivalence relation between them. One of the key concepts behind MDD is that models generated during software developments are represented using common metamodeling techniques. In this chapter, we analyze an integration of MDA metamodeling techniques with knowledge developed by the community of formal methods. We describe a rigorous framework that comprises the NEREUS metamodeling notation (open to many other formal languages), a system of transformation rules to bridge the gap between UML/OCL and NEREUS, the definition of MDA-based reusable components, and model/metamodeling transformations. In particular, we show how to integrate NEREUS with algebraic languages using the Common Algebraic Specification Language (CASL). NEREUS focuses on interoperability of formal languages in MDD.

Liliana Favre

The model-driven architecture (MDA) is an approach to model-centric software development. The concepts of models, metamodels, and model transformations are at the core of MDA. Model-driven development (MDD) distinguishes different kinds of models: the computation-independent model (CIM), the platform-independent model (PIM), and the platform-specific model (PSM). Model transformation is the process of converting one model into another model of the same system, preserving some kind of equivalence relation between them. One of the key concepts behind MDD is that models generated during software developments are represented using common metamodeling techniques. In this chapter, we analyze an integration of MDA metamodeling techniques with knowledge developed by the community of formal methods. We describe a rigorous framework that comprises the NEREUS metamodeling notation (open to many other formal languages), a system of transformation rules to bridge the gap between UML/OCL and NEREUS, the definition of MDA-based reusable components, and model/metamodeling transformations. In particular, we show how to integrate NEREUS withalgebraic languages using the Common Algebraic Specification Language (CASL). NEREUS focuses on interoperability of formal languages in MDD.

2009 ◽  
Luis Fernando Palacios

Actualmente, la complejidad de los sistemas de software se ha incrementado. El software sufre cambios y evoluciona durante todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo, por lo tanto es fundamental contar con un proceso de pruebas que detecte errores y fallas en la implementación en todas las etapas garantizando además la calidad del producto final. Las técnicas de validación y verificación también se pueden aplicar a los modelos de pruebas de software permitiendo automatizar la creación y ejecución de los casos de pruebas, aumentando la productividad y reduciendo los costos. El Desarrollo de software Dirigido por Modelos (en inglés Model Driven software Development, MDD) propone un nuevo mecanismo de construcción de software a través de un proceso guiado por modelos que van desde los más abstractos (en inglés Platform Independent Model, PIM) a los más concretos (en inglés Platform Specific Model, PSM) realizando transformaciones y/o refinamientos sucesivos que permitan llegar al código aplicando una última transformación. Dentro del contexto de MDD, las Pruebas de software Dirigidas por Modelos (en inglés Model-Driven Testing, MDT) son una forma de prueba de caja negra que utiliza modelos estructurales y de comportamiento para automatizar el proceso de generación de casos de prueba. Para ello, MDT utiliza un lenguaje definido con mecanismos de perfiles basado en el Perfil de Pruebas UML (en inglés UML 2.0 Testing Profile, U2TP). Este lenguaje permite diseñar los artefactos de los sistemas de pruebas e identificar los conceptos esenciales del dominio en cuestión adaptados a plataformas tecnológicas y a dominios específicos. La especificación del Perfil de Pruebas UML proporciona además un marco formal para la definición de un modelo de prueba bajo la propuesta de caja negra que incluye las reglas que se deben aplicar para transformar dicho modelo a código ejecutable. Actualmente existen herramientas basadas en técnicas de validación y verificación formal de programas y de chequeo de modelos que se enfocan principalmente en cómo expresar las transformaciones. Sin embargo, la validación y verificación en forma automática a través de una alternativa práctica como es el testing dirigido por modelos lo hacen en menor medida. El testing consiste en el proceso de ejercitar un producto para verificar que satisface los requerimientos e identificar diferencias entre el comportamiento real y el comportamiento esperado (IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation, 1983), lo cual es más simple y no requiere tener experiencia en métodos formales comparadas con las técnicas mencionadas anteriormente. Tanto UML y sus extensiones, como el Perfil de Pruebas UML, están definidos a través de una especificación de tecnología estandarizada por OMG (en inglés Object Management Group) denominada MOF (en inglés Meta-Object Facility). MOF es un meta-metamodelo utilizado para crear metamodelos que pueden ser transformados a texto a través de herramientas que soporten la definición MOF. MOFScript [Oldevik 06] es un lenguaje textual basado en QVT (en inglés "Queries, Views and Transformations") que puede ser utilizado para realizar transformaciones de metamodelos MOF a texto. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una herramienta que permita realizar las transformaciones en forma automática de los modelos de pruebas estructurales y de comportamiento a código JUnit. Para lograr dicho objetivo, definimos el lenguaje para modelar dominios de pruebas utilizando el Perfil de Pruebas UML y las reglas formales de transformación de modelos U2TP a código de testing JUnit basadas en el lenguaje MOFScript. Esta tesis está organizada de la siguiente manera. En el capítulo 2 se introducen los conceptos del desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos. En el capítulo 3 se describen las pruebas de software dirigidas por modelos. En el capítulo 4 se definen las reglas de transformación de modelos de prueba a código JUnit. En el capítulo 5 se describe la implementación de la herramienta que permite transformar en forma automática modelos definidos con el Perfil de Pruebas UML a código JUnit, además de describir la arquitectura utilizada en el proyecto. El capitulo 6 muestra un caso de estudio del trabajo realizado desde la perspectiva del usuario final. En el capítulo 7 se detallan los trabajos relacionados. En el capítulo 8 se exponen las conclusiones finales y se citan futuros trabajos.

Nassim Kharmoum ◽  
Sara Retal ◽  
Yassine Rhazali ◽  
Soumia Ziti ◽  
Fouzia Omary

One of the most crucial objectives of enterprises is bridging the gap between its businesses and information systems. In this vein, many approaches have emerged among them: the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA). This approach is an initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG) and considers the model as the central entity in the software systems development process offering many techniques allowing transformation between models. In addition, the OMG introduces for the MDA three abstraction levels, namely Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM), and Platform-Specific Model (PSM). This contribution proposes a disciplined method that ensures an automatic alignment between businesses and information system models at CIM and PIM levels. The source model consists of E3value model, which is the Business Value model, whereas, the generated model represents UML2 Communication diagrams, that are the UML's behavior and interaction models. The transformation is achieved automatically using meta-models and ATLAS Transformation Language and proved to be effective.

Liliana María Favre ◽  
Claudia Teresa Pereira ◽  
Liliana Inés Martinez

The model driven architecture (MDA) is an initiative proposed by the object management group (OMG), which is emerging as a technical framework to improve productivity, portability, interoperability, and maintenance (MDA, 2003). MDA promotes the use of models and model-to-model transformations for developing software systems. All artifacts, such as requirement specifications, architecture descriptions, design descriptions, and code are regarded as models. MDA distinguishes four main kinds of models: computation independent model (CIM), platform independent model (PIM), platform specific models (PSM), and implementation specific model (ISM). A CIM describes a system from the computation independent viewpoint that focuses on the environment of and the requirements for the system. In general, it is called domain model. A PIM is a model that contains no reference to the platforms that are used to realize it. A PSM describes a system with full knowledge of the final implementation platform. In this context, a platform is “a set of subsystems and technologies that provide a coherent set of functionality which any application supported by that platform can use without concern for the details of how the functionality is implemented” (MDA, 2003, p. 2-3). PIMs and PSMs are expressed using the unified modeling language (UML) combined with the object constraint language (OCL) (Favre, 2003; OCL, 2004; UML, 2004). The idea behind MDA is to manage the evolution from CIMs to PIMs and PSMs that can be used to generate executable components and applications. In MDA is crucial to define, manage, and maintain traces and relationships between different models and automatically transform them and produce code that is complete and executable. Metamodeling has become an essential technique in model-centric software development. The metamodeling framework for the UML itself is based on architecture with four layers: meta-metamodel, metamodel, model, and user objects. A metamodel is an explicit model of the constructs and rules needed to build specific models, its instances. A meta-metamodel defines a language to write metamodels. OCL can be used to attach consistency rules to models and metamodels. Related OMG standard metamodels and metametamodels such as meta object facility (MOF), software process engineering metamodel (SPEM) and common warehouse model (CWM) share a common design philosophy (CWM, 2001; MOF, 2005; SPEM, 2005). MOF defines a common way for capturing all the diversity of modeling standards and interchange constructs. MOF uses an object modeling framework that is essentially a subset of the UML core. The four main modeling concepts are “classes, which model MOF metaobjects; associations, which model binary relationships between metaobjects; data types, which model other data; and packages, which modularize the models” (MOF, 2005, p. 2-6). The query, view, transformation (QVT) standard depends on MOF and OCL for specifying queries, views, and transformations. A query selects specific elements of a model, a view is a model derived from other model, and a model transformation is a specification of a mechanism to convert the elements of a model, into elements of another model, which can be instances of the same or different metamodels (QVT, 2003).

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (09) ◽  
pp. 170
Oualid Betari ◽  
Saida Filali ◽  
Amine Azzaoui ◽  
Mohamed Amine Boubnad

Over the last few years, as they evolve with business needs and technology, enterprises are faced with the need to adapt their business processes to work in open settings. In such settings, the automation and the interoperability of business process and applications become a key concern. The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is introduced as an approach to cope with this challenge. MDA specifies four levels of abstraction, most of the existing studies focus on modeling and transforming the Platform-Independent Model (PIM) to Platform-Specific Model (PSM) levels, while the more conceptual level, the Computation-Independent Model (CIM) is often presumed as present and is not further studied. In this paper, we propose an approach for transforming a CIM into a PIM using the core modeling concepts of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). One important characteristic of this approach is that it provides a method to capture and describe the requirements of the business process using a use cases model. The other important characteristic is proposing an architecture of the PIM based on the classes model. The execution of the transformation is programmed by the Query View Transformation (QVT) language.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Viktoria Ovchinnikova ◽  
Erika Asnina ◽  
Vicente García-Díaz

Abstract The software system needs to be analyzed and designed before the program code is written. A Computation Independent Model (CIM) and a Platform Independent Model/ Platform Specific Model (PIM/PSM) from Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) will be partially considered in this paper. A Topological Functioning Model (TFM) will be considered as a formal CIM, and UML sequence diagrams - as a behavioral PIM/PSM of the software system. The paper presents a short overview of the TFM and sequence diagrams with their constructs, as well as the example of transformation from the sequence diagrams to the TFM.

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