Evaluating Games-Based Learning

Thomas Hainey ◽  
Thomas Connolly

A highly important part of software engineering education is requirements collection and analysis, one of the initial stages of the Software Development Lifecycle. No other conceptual work is as difficult to rectify at a later stage or as damaging to the overall system if performed incorrectly. As software engineering is a field with a reputation for producing graduate engineers who are ill-prepared for real-life software engineering contexts, this paper suggests that traditional educational techniques (e.g. role-play, live-through case studies and paper-based case studies) are insufficient in themselves. In an attempt to address this problem we have developed a games-based learning application to teach requirements collection and analysis at the tertiary education level. One of the main problems with games-based learning is that there is a distinct lack of empirical evidence supporting the approach. This paper will describe the evaluation of the requirements collection and analysis process using a newly developed framework for the evaluation of games-based learning and will focus on evaluation from a pedagogical perspective.

Thomas Hainey ◽  
Thomas Connolly

A highly important part of software engineering education is requirements collection and analysis, one of the initial stages of the Software Development Lifecycle. No other conceptual work is as difficult to rectify at a later stage or as damaging to the overall system if performed incorrectly. As software engineering is a field with a reputation for producing graduate engineers who are ill-prepared for real-life software engineering contexts, this paper suggests that traditional educational techniques (e.g. role-play, live-through case studies and paper-based case studies) are insufficient in themselves. In an attempt to address this problem we have developed a games-based learning application to teach requirements collection and analysis at the tertiary education level. One of the main problems with games-based learning is that there is a distinct lack of empirical evidence supporting the approach. This paper will describe the evaluation of the requirements collection and analysis process using a newly developed framework for the evaluation of games-based learning and will focus on evaluation from a pedagogical perspective.

Shola Oyedeji ◽  
Birgit Penzenstadler ◽  
Ahmed Seffah

Like other ICT communities, sustainability in software engineering is a major research and development concerns. Current research focusses on eliciting the meanings of sustainability and proposing approaches for its engineering and integration into the mainstream software development lifecycle. However, few concrete guidelines that software designers can apply effectively are available and applicable. Such guidelines are needed for the elicitation of sustainability requirements and testing software against these guidelines. This paper introduces a sustainability design catalogue to assist software developers and managers in eliciting sustainability requirements, and then in measuring and testing software sustainability. The paper reviews the current research on sustainability in software engineering which is the grounds for the development of the catalogue. Four different case studies were analyzed using the Karlskrona manifesto on sustainability design. The output from this research paper is a software sustainability design catalogue through which a pilot framework is proposed that includes a set of sustainability goals, concepts and methods. The integration of sustainability for/in software systems requires a concrete framework that exemplifies how to apply and quantify sustainability. The paper demonstrates how the proposed software sustainability design catalogue provides a step towards this direction through a series of guidelines.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. e131 ◽  
Fabian Fagerholm ◽  
Marco Kuhrmann ◽  
Jürgen Münch

Software engineering education is under constant pressure to provide students with industry-relevant knowledge and skills. Educators must address issues beyond exercises and theories that can be directly rehearsed in small settings. Industry training has similar requirements of relevance as companies seek to keep their workforce up to date with technological advances. Real-life software development often deals with large, software-intensive systems and is influenced by the complex effects of teamwork and distributed software development, which are hard to demonstrate in an educational environment. A way to experience such effects and to increase the relevance of software engineering education is to apply empirical studies in teaching. In this paper, we show how different types of empirical studies can be used for educational purposes in software engineering. We give examples illustrating how to utilize empirical studies, discuss challenges, and derive an initial guideline that supports teachers to include empirical studies in software engineering courses. Furthermore, we give examples that show how empirical studies contribute to high-quality learning outcomes, to student motivation, and to the awareness of the advantages of applying software engineering principles. Having awareness, experience, and understanding of the actions required, students are more likely to apply such principles under real-life constraints in their working life.

2013 ◽  
Vol 303-306 ◽  
pp. 2341-2344
Huai Yong Deng

Traditional software engineering is complex and scalable. The research goal of this paper is to contribute to software engineering discipline via engineering perspective, engineering fundamental principles are studied through the identification of software engineering fundamental principles and the description of operational guidelines. This research also researches the software development lifecycle and the criteria and specifications of software engineering from an engineering perspective.

فتحي بن جمعة أحمد

ملخص البحث تعدّ هذه المحاولة في دراسة مجالات التفسير الموضوعي ومنهجية البحث فيه  مفتاحا لبعض القضايا المتعلقة بالموضوع، ومدخلا لدراسة التفسير الموضوعي يسهل على طلاب العلم والباحثين فهم كلام الله، وتدبر معانيه، والاهتداء به، والقيام ببحوث تطبيقية في مجالات التفسير الموضوعي. فقد بينت أن مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي أربعة وهي البحث في المصطلح، والموضوع، والمحاور، والوحدة الموضوعيّة في السورة القرآنيّة. وقد أكدت أن البحث في محاور القرآن الكريم من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي التي لم تحظَ باهتمام الباحثين، ثم توسعت في سوق الأدلة والبراهين الدالة على أن الوحدة الموضوعية للسورة القرآنيّة مجال أساس من مجالات البحث في التفسير الموضوعي الذي لا ينبغي إغفاله، وإهمال شأنه. ثم بحثت في موضوع منهجيّة البحث في التفسير الموضوعي، ونظراً للخلط أوالاضطراب الذي بدا لدى بعض الباحثين في هذا الصدد، وضحت المقدمات المنهجيّة العامة الضرورية للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ثم حاولت رسم الإطار التصوري والمنهجي العام والضوابط الأساسية التي يجب أن يتبعها الباحث إذا أراد الكتابة في التفسير الموضوعي. ثم بيّنت الخطوات الأساسيّة للبحث في التفسير الموضوعي ومنها حرية الباحث في اختيار موضوع بحثه والاطلاع على أكبر عدد ممكن من التفاسير بمختلف أنواعها مع الاستفادة من التراث البشري في حقول المعرفة المتنوعة على أن تكون الهيمنة للقرآن أولا وأخيرا على الكتب الأخرى والنظريات البشرية. الكلمات الرئيسة: القرآن، تفسير، موضوعي، مجالات، منهج. Abstract This article is an attempt to address the issue of the scopes and research methodology in the thematic commentary of the Holy Qur’Én. It could be considered as an introductory work for students and researchers who are interested in this field of research which will help them develop a good understanding of the meanings and teachings of the Qur’Én and its application to the real life. It may also help them undertake case studies and research in the field of thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. It has been explained in the article that the scope of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én includes four areas; i.e. the concept, the topic, the central themes and the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter. The article gives a special emphasis on the study of the Qur’Énic central themes as it was overlooked by some researchers. It also provides a systematic investigation on the thematic unity of the SËrah/Chapter and considers it a significant area of research in the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. The article also addresses the issue of the research methodology in the field of the thematic commentary of the Qur’Én. In this regard, the author highlights the principles, conditions and framework for undertaking research projects in this field of study and explains the major steps that should be followed in the execution of the research. These steps include freedom of choosing the research topic, freedom of benefitting from different types of tafsÊr (interpretation of the Qur’Én) works and schools and benefitting from the human heritage in different fields of knowledge, provided that the Qur’Én should have controlling power on other books and human theories.   Key Words: The Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Thematic, Scopes, Methodology. Abstrak Artikel ini ialah satu percubaan menangani isu  skop dan metodologi penyelidikan dalam tafsiran Al-Qur’Én Holy mengikut tema. Ia boleh dianggap sebagai satu kajian permulaan untuk pelajar-pelajar dan sarjana-sarjana yang meminati bidang ini penyelidikan yang akan membantu mereka merangka satu pemahaman yang baik tentang makna-makna dan ajaran-ajaran Qur’Én dan perlaksanaannya dalam kehidupan sebenar. Ia mungkin juga  dapat membantu mereka menjalankan kajian kes dalam bidang penyelidikan tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan  skop tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema ini merangkumi empat bidang:  konsep tafsiran mengikut tema, topiknya, tema-tema kecil dan tema umum Surah Al-Qur’Én. Artikel ini memberi satu penekanan khas pada kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut  tema kerana ia agak kurang mendapat perhatian beberapa penyelidik. Ia juga menampilkan satu kajian sistematik pada pemahaman tema Surah dalam Al-Qur’Én dan menganggapnya satu bidang penyelidikan penting dalam kajian tafsiran Al-Qur’Én mengikut tema. Artikel juga memberikan perhatian kepada bidang metodologi penyelidikan terhadap usaha tafsiran Al-Qur’Én secara bertema. Dalam hal ini, pengkaji akan menonjolkan prinsip-prinsip, syarat-syarat dan rangka kerja untuk projek-projek projek penyelidikan dalam lapangan ini dan menerangkan langkah-langkah utama yang harus diikuti dalam pelaksanaan penyelidikan yang berkenaan. Lang-langkah ini termasuk kebebasan memilih tajuk penyelidikan, kebebasan dalam mengambil  manfaat daripada jenis-jenis tafsiran Qur’Én yang berbeza serta sekolah-sekolah pemikiran yang berbeza dalam aliran tafsir serta rangka bagaimana memanfaatkan warisan tamadun manusia berlandaskan ajaran Al-Qur’Én. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur’Én, TafsÊr, Tema, Bidang-bidang, Metodologi.

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