distributed software
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А.А. Моисеенко ◽  
С.М. Фёдоров

Представлен метод использования расчетных методик и моделирования магнитных полей в двухмерном пространстве для нахождения высокочастотных потерь в обмотке моточных изделий, таких как дроссель или трансформатор. Была проведена работа по анализу литературы по данной теме, а также поднят вопрос оптимизации и адаптации аналитических формул для случая использования проводников круглого сечения и намотки, имеющей неоднородное распределение слоев в окне сердечника. Был также поднят вопрос об аналитическом нахождении длины обмоточного провода намотки с различным количеством слоев и переменного количества используемых при этом витков. Для проведения автоматизации расчета с помощью формул был написан скрипт, строящий зависимость сопротивления переменному току относительно частоты, используя аналитические формулы. Была написана программа для автоматической постановки начальных условий и граничных значений параметров моделирования, процесса самого моделирования электромагнитных полей, анализа полученных данных, а также формирования массива для построения графика полученной при этом зависимости сопротивления от частоты. В данном методе используется свободно распространяемое программное обеспечение как для математических расчетов, так и моделирования электромагнитных полей. Итогом данной работы стало сравнение полученных результатов, которые показали хорошую сходимость и преемственность этапов данного метода Here we present a method for using computational methods and modeling magnetic fields in two-dimensional space to find high-frequency losses in the winding of winding products, such as a choke or transformer. We analyzed the literature on this topic, as well as the issue of optimization and adaptation of analytical formulas for the case of using round-section conductors and winding having a non-uniform distribution of layers in the core window. We discussed the analytical finding of the length of the winding wire of the winding with a different number of layers and a variable number of turns used in this case. To automate the calculation using formulas, we wrote a script that builds the dependence of the resistance to alternating current relative to the frequency using analytical formulas. In addition, we wrote a program for automatically setting the initial conditions and boundary values of the modeling parameters, the process of modeling electromagnetic fields itself, analyzing the data obtained, as well as forming an array for plotting the resulting dependence of resistance on frequency. This method uses freely distributed software for both mathematical calculations and modeling of electromagnetic fields. The result of this work was a comparison of the results obtained, which showed good convergence and continuity of the stages of this method

2022 ◽  
Vol 355 ◽  
pp. 03036
Wei Li ◽  
Zhiyuan Han ◽  
Jian Shen ◽  
Dandan Luo ◽  
Bo Gao ◽  

Herein, on the basis of a distributed AI cluster, a real-time video analysis system is proposed for edge computing. With ARM cluster server as the hardware platform, a distributed software platform is constructed. The system is characterized by flexible expansion, flexible deployment, data security, and network bandwidth efficiency, which makes it suited to edge computing scenarios. According to the measurement data, the system is effective in increasing the speed of AI calculation by over 20 times in comparison with the embedded single board and achieving the calculation effect that matches GPU. Therefore, it is considered suited to the application in heavy computing power such as real-time AI computing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5-2021) ◽  
pp. 50-56
Boris M. Pileckiy ◽  

This paper describes one of the possible implementation options for the recognition of spatial data from natural language texts. The proposed option is based on the lexico-syntactic analysis of texts, which requires the use of special grammars and dictionaries. Spatial data recognition is carried out for their subsequent geocoding and visualization. The practical implementation of spatial data recognition is done using a free, freely distributed software tool. Also, some applications of spatial data are considered in the work and preliminary results of spatial data recognition are given.

Seyed Hossein HAERI ◽  
Peter Thompson ◽  
Neil Davies ◽  
Peter Van Roy ◽  
Kevin Hammond ◽  

This paper directly addresses a critical issue that affects the development of many complex distributed software systems: how to establish quickly, cheaply and reliably whether they will deliver their intended performance before expending significant time, effort and money on detailed design and implementation. We describe ΔQSD, a novel metrics-based and quality-centric paradigm that uses formalised outcome diagrams to explore the performance consequences of design decisions, as a performance blueprint of the system. The ΔQSD paradigm is both effective and generic: it allows values from various sources to be combined in a rigorous way, so that approximate results can be obtained quickly and subsequently refined. ΔQSD has been successfully used by Predictable Network Solutions for consultancy on large-scale applications in a number of industries, including telecommunications, avionics, and space and defence, resulting in cumulative savings of $Bs. The paper outlines the ΔQSD paradigm, describes its formal underpinnings, and illustrates its use via a topical real-world example taken from the blockchain/cryptocurrency domain, where application of this approach enabled an advanced distributed proof-of-stake system to meet challenging throughput targets.

Ilya Denisov

The functional capabilities of modern freely distributed engineering analysis tools are considered on the example of the most common software packages. The analysis of their main features, advantages and disadvantages is carried out.

Seyed Hossein HAERI ◽  
Peter Thompson ◽  
Neil Davies ◽  
Peter Van Roy ◽  
Kevin Hammond ◽  

This paper directly addresses a critical issue that affects the development of many complex distributed software systems: how to establish quickly, cheaply and reliably whether they will deliver their intended performance before expending significant time, effort and money on detailed design and implementation. We describe ΔQSD, a novel metrics-based and quality-centric paradigm that uses formalised outcome diagrams to explore the performance consequences of design decisions, as a performance blueprint of the system. The ΔQSD paradigm is both effective and generic: it allows values from various sources to be combined in a rigorous way, so that approximate results can be obtained quickly and subsequently refined. ΔQSD has been successfully used by Predictable Network Solutions for consultancy on large-scale applications in a number of industries, including telecommunications, avionics, and space and defence, resulting in cumulative savings of $Bs. The paper outlines the ΔQSD paradigm, describes its formal underpinnings, and illustrates its use via a topical real-world example taken from the blockchain/cryptocurrency domain, where application of this approach enabled an advanced distributed proof-of-stake system to meet challenging throughput targets.

Kunal Pimparkhede

Abstract: In the microservice architecture it is vital to distribute loads across replicated instances of microservices. Load distribution such that no single instance is overloaded is called as load balancing. Often the instances of microservices are replicated across different racks, different data centers or even different geographies. Modern cloud based platforms offer deployment of microservices across different server instances which are geographically disperse. Having a system that will balance the load across service instances becomes a key success criteria for accurate functioning of distributed software architecture Keywords: Load Balancing, Microservices, Distributed software system

2021 ◽  
Fabio Alexandre M.H. Silva ◽  
Bruno A. Bonifacio ◽  
Fabio Oliveira Ferreira ◽  
Fabio Coelho Ramos ◽  
Marcos Aurelio Dias ◽  

Although Distributed Software Development (DSD) has been a growing trend in the software industry, performing requirements management in such conditions implies overcoming new limitations resulting from geographic separation. SIDIA is a Research and Development (R&D) Institute, located in Brazil, responsible for producing improvements on the Android Platform for Samsung Products in all Latin America. As we work in collaboration stakeholders provided by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) from Latin countries, it is common that software requirements be provided by external stakeholders. As such, it is difficult to manage these requirements due to the coordination of many different stakeholders in a distributed setting. In order to minimize the risks, we developed a tool to assist our requirements management and development process. This experience paper explores the experience in designing and deploying a software approach that facilitates (I) Distributed Software Development, (II) minimizes requirements error rate, (III) teams and task allocations and (IV) requirements managements. We also report three lessons learned from adopting automated support in the DDS environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1351-1360
Weichao Gong ◽  
Dongyan Zhao ◽  
Yidong Yuan ◽  
Wuyang Zhang ◽  
Sujie Shao

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