The Effect of the Disturbing Potential for the Gravity Field

2015 ◽  
Vol 220-221 ◽  
pp. 257-263
Petras Petroškevičius ◽  
Rosita Birvydiene ◽  
Darius Popovas

The Earth’s gravity field tends to change due to various reasons. These are diverse processes occurring inside the Earth or changes initiated by human activity. The increasing accuracy of measurements has enabled to take into consideration fluctuations in the gravity field. The article presents research study on the effect of gravity potential describing variations in the gravity field affecting gravity field elements related to the performed measurements. Due to the effect of the disturbing potential, a change in gravity and the deviation of vertical and equipotential surface deformation have been determined. The paper has analyzed the disturbing effect of the material point or homogeneous sphere and has specified the possibilities of assessing the disturbing effect of any form of the homogeneous body. Based on the tidal potential induced by the celestial body, the disturbing effect of the Moon and Sun onto the Earth’s gravity field has been assessed. The carried out research indicates that the range of deformation changes in the equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field induced by the effect of the Moon is equal to 0.4824 m, whereas that of the Sun makes 0.1861 m. The conducted studies prove that, due to the effect of the Moon, the direction of the vertical, in terms of the Earth’s surface, tends to change up to 0.0541", and as a result of the Sun’s effect it could reach 0.0204". Having assessed the Lunisolar effect in the first order vertical network measurements in Lithuania, in a polygon with the perimeter of 451 km, it has been determined that the closing error of normal height difference has decreased by the factor of 1.3.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-28 ◽  
Jan Kostelecký ◽  
Jaroslav Klokočník ◽  
Blažej Bucha ◽  
Aleš Bezděk ◽  
Christoph Förste

<p>The combined gravity field model EIGEN-6C4 (Förste et al., 2014) is the latest combined global gravity field model of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse. EIGEN-6C4 has been generated including the satellite gravity gradiometry data of the entire GOCE mission (November 2009 till October 2013) and is of maximum spherical degree and order 2190. In this study EIGEN-6C4 has been compared with EGM2008 to its maximum degree and order via gravity disturbances and T<sub>zz</sub> part of the Marussi tensor of the second derivatives of the disturbing potential. The emphasis is put on such areas where GOCE data (complete set of gradiometry measurements after reductions) in EIGEN-6C4 obviously contributes to an improvement of the gravity field description. </p><p>GNSS/levelling geoid heights are independent data source for the evaluation of gravity field models. Therefore, we use the GNSS/levelling data sets over the territories of Europe, Czech Republic and Slovakia for the evaluation of EIGEN-6C4 w.r.t. EGM2008.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 93 (10) ◽  
pp. 1943-1961
Hadi Amin ◽  
Lars E. Sjöberg ◽  
Mohammad Bagherbandi

Abstract The geoid, according to the classical Gauss–Listing definition, is, among infinite equipotential surfaces of the Earth’s gravity field, the equipotential surface that in a least squares sense best fits the undisturbed mean sea level. This equipotential surface, except for its zero-degree harmonic, can be characterized using the Earth’s global gravity models (GGM). Although, nowadays, satellite altimetry technique provides the absolute geoid height over oceans that can be used to calibrate the unknown zero-degree harmonic of the gravimetric geoid models, this technique cannot be utilized to estimate the geometric parameters of the mean Earth ellipsoid (MEE). The main objective of this study is to perform a joint estimation of W0, which defines the zero datum of vertical coordinates, and the MEE parameters relying on a new approach and on the newest gravity field, mean sea surface and mean dynamic topography models. As our approach utilizes both satellite altimetry observations and a GGM model, we consider different aspects of the input data to evaluate the sensitivity of our estimations to the input data. Unlike previous studies, our results show that it is not sufficient to use only the satellite-component of a quasi-stationary GGM to estimate W0. In addition, our results confirm a high sensitivity of the applied approach to the altimetry-based geoid heights, i.e., mean sea surface and mean dynamic topography models. Moreover, as W0 should be considered a quasi-stationary parameter, we quantify the effect of time-dependent Earth’s gravity field changes as well as the time-dependent sea level changes on the estimation of W0. Our computations resulted in the geoid potential W0 = 62636848.102 ± 0.004 m2 s−2 and the semi-major and minor axes of the MEE, a = 6378137.678 ± 0.0003 m and b = 6356752.964 ± 0.0005 m, which are 0.678 and 0.650 m larger than those axes of GRS80 reference ellipsoid, respectively. Moreover, a new estimation for the geocentric gravitational constant was obtained as GM = (398600460.55 ± 0.03) × 106 m3 s−2.

2020 ◽  
Hu Wu ◽  
Jürgen Müller ◽  
Annike Knabe

&lt;p&gt;In the past three decades, optical clocks and frequency transfer techniques have experienced a rapid development. They are approaching a fractional frequency uncertainty of 1.0x10&lt;sup&gt;-18&lt;/sup&gt;, corresponding to about 1.0 cm in height. This makes them promising to realize &amp;#8220;relativistic geodesy&amp;#8221;, and it opens a new door to directly obtain gravity potential values by the comparison of clock frequencies. Clocks are thus considered as a novel candidate for determining the Earth&amp;#8217;s gravity field. We propose to use a spaceborne clock to obtain gravity potential values along a satellite orbit through its comparison with reference clocks on ground or with a co-orbital clock. The sensitivity of clock measurements is mapped to gravity field coefficients through closed-loop simulations.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In addition, clocks are investigated for other geodetic applications. Since they are powerful in providing the height difference between distant sites, clocks can be applied for the unification of local/regional height systems, by estimating the offsets between different height datums and the systematic errors within levelling networks. In some regions like Greenland, clocks might be a complementary tool to GRACE(-FO) for detecting temporal gravity signals. They can be operated at locations of interest and continuously track changes w.r.t. reference clock stations. The resulting time-series of gravity potential values reveal the temporal gravity signals at these points. Moreover, as the equipotential surface at a high satellite altitude is more regular than that on the Earth&amp;#8217;s surface, a couple of clocks in geostationary orbits can realize a space-based reference for the determination of physical heights at any point on the Earth through clock comparisons.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany&amp;#8217;s Excellence Strategy EXC-2123/1 (Project-ID: 390837967).&lt;/p&gt;

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-132
D. Zhao ◽  
Z. Gong ◽  
J. Feng

Abstract For the modelling and determination of the Earth’s external gravity potential as well as its second-order radial derivatives in the space near sea surface, the surface layer integral method was discussed in the paper. The reasons for the applicability of the method over sea surface were discussed. From the original integral formula of disturbing potential based on the surface layer method, the expression of the radial component of the gravity gradient tensor was derived. Furthermore, an identity relation was introduced to modify the formula in order to reduce the singularity problem. Numerical experiments carried out over the marine area of China show that, the modi-fied surface layer integral method effectively improves the accuracy and reliability of the calculation of the second-order radial gradient component of the disturbing potential near sea surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
Laura Sánchez ◽  
Jonas Ågren ◽  
Jianliang Huang ◽  
Yan Ming Wang ◽  
Jaakko Mäkinen ◽  

AbstractIn 2015, the International Association of Geodesy defined the International Height Reference System (IHRS) as the conventional gravity field-related global height system. The IHRS is a geopotential reference system co-rotating with the Earth. Coordinates of points or objects close to or on the Earth’s surface are given by geopotential numbersC(P) referring to an equipotential surface defined by the conventional valueW0 = 62,636,853.4 m2 s−2, and geocentric Cartesian coordinatesXreferring to the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS). Current efforts concentrate on an accurate, consistent, and well-defined realisation of the IHRS to provide an international standard for the precise determination of physical coordinates worldwide. Accordingly, this study focuses on the strategy for the realisation of the IHRS; i.e. the establishment of the International Height Reference Frame (IHRF). Four main aspects are considered: (1) methods for the determination of IHRF physical coordinates; (2) standards and conventions needed to ensure consistency between the definition and the realisation of the reference system; (3) criteria for the IHRF reference network design and station selection; and (4) operational infrastructure to guarantee a reliable and long-term sustainability of the IHRF. A highlight of this work is the evaluation of different approaches for the determination and accuracy assessment of IHRF coordinates based on the existing resources, namely (1) global gravity models of high resolution, (2) precise regional gravity field modelling, and (3) vertical datum unification of the local height systems into the IHRF. After a detailed discussion of the advantages, current limitations, and possibilities of improvement in the coordinate determination using these options, we define a strategy for the establishment of the IHRF including data requirements, a set of minimum standards/conventions for the determination of potential coordinates, a first IHRF reference network configuration, and a proposal to create a component of the International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) dedicated to the maintenance and servicing of the IHRS/IHRF.

1974 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-238
F. Morrison

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