springer fibers
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Zongbin Chen

Abstract We explain an algorithm to calculate Arthur’s weighted orbital integral in terms of the number of rational points on the fundamental domain of the associated affine Springer fiber. The strategy is to count the number of rational points of the truncated affine Springer fibers in two ways: by the Arthur–Kottwitz reduction and by the Harder–Narasimhan reduction. A comparison of results obtained from these two approaches gives recurrence relations between the number of rational points on the fundamental domains of the affine Springer fibers and Arthur’s weighted orbital integrals. As an example, we calculate Arthur’s weighted orbital integrals for the groups ${\textrm {GL}}_{2}$ and ${\textrm {GL}}_{3}$ .

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (17) ◽  
pp. 481-509
Martha Precup ◽  
Edward Richmond

Jens Niklas Eberhardt ◽  
Grégoire Naisse ◽  
Arik Wilbert

10.37236/9610 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
Brendon Rhoades ◽  
Tianyi Yu ◽  
Zehong Zhao

Let $k \leq n$ be nonnegative integers and let $\lambda$ be a partition of $k$. S. Griffin recently introduced a quotient $R_{n,\lambda}$ of the polynomial ring  $\mathbb{Q}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ in $n$ variables which simultaneously generalizes the  Delta Conjecture coinvariant rings of Haglund-Rhoades-Shimozono and the cohomology rings of Springer fibers studied by Tanisaki and Garsia-Procesi. We describe the space $V_{n,\lambda}$ of harmonics attached to $R_{n,\lambda}$  and produce a harmonic basis of $R_{n,\lambda}$ indexed by certain ordered set partitions $\mathcal{OP}_{n,\lambda}$. The combinatorics of this basis is governed by a new extension of  the Lehmer code of a permutation to $\mathcal{OP}_{n, \lambda}$.

2020 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings, 28th... ◽  
Eugene Gorsky ◽  
Mikhail Mazin ◽  
Monica Vazirani

International audience We study the relationship between rational slope Dyck paths and invariant subsets in Z, extending the work of the first two authors in the relatively prime case. We also find a bijection between (dn, dm)–Dyck paths and d-tuples of (n, m)-Dyck paths endowed with certain gluing data. These are first steps towards understanding the relationship between the rational slope Catalan combinatorics in non relatively prime case and the geometry of affine Springer fibers and representation theory.

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