feminist revolution
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2021 ◽  
pp. 146470012199718
Sam McBean

On 4 January 1971, Ti-Grace Atkinson delivered a talk entitled ‘Strategy and Tactics: A Presentation of Political Lesbianism’. The talk was later published in her collected essays, Amazon Odyssey. The essay contains thirty-five diagrams: ten ‘Strategy Charts’, three ‘Tactical Charts’ and twenty-two ‘Tactical-Strategy Charts’, which map a strategy of the ‘Oppressor’ (men) and the tactics that the ‘Oppressed’ (women) might develop to lead to a revolution – lesbians, significantly, are the ‘Buffer Zone’ between these two classes. In the only reference I have managed to find to these diagrams, they are referred to as ‘crazy’. This article re-visits these diagrams, exploring the role of the diagram in how Atkinson attempts to map patriarchal relations and also imagine a feminist revolution. Taking Atkinson’s diagrams as a starting point, the article then uses them to begin to narrate a genealogy of the diagram in feminist theory, exploring a diagrammatic imaginary that is an often-used but rarely discussed tactic in feminist writing. Finally, the article opens out to consider how this history of feminist diagrams might be a precursor to more contemporary feminist data visualisations.

Arthur Freddy Fokou Ngouo ◽  

This present reflection focuses on the theme of the feminist revolution from the linguistic area. We intend to highlight how the female narrator instrumentalizes the verb and expressiveness in the search of effects that are usually disruptive of the systemic developed around the phallus. This work investigates, then, the instrumentalization of the linguistic sign from a subversive perspective of the exclusive sexist discourse. Relying on decolonial feminism –given that the colonial matrix is the small daughter of the patriarchal dogma–, we try to shed light on how novelists use erographic expressiveness to question the self-proclaimed sovereignty of men over the logos, and also to break the values that have been traditionally attributed to sexism. Thus, this study contemplates the feminine logos de-censored from its sexist obstacles as a weapon of resistance and transgression against the ideology sustained for a long time by the phalocracy

Bibia Pavard ◽  
Florence Rochefort ◽  
Michelle Zancarini-Fournel

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 177
Carol Harrington

Review of Victoria Margree, Neglected or Misunderstood. A case for the enduring relevance of Shulamith Firestone.  

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