percolation probability
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Stephan Mertens

Abstract We present an algorithm to compute the exact probability $R_{n}(p)$ for a site percolation cluster to span an $n\times n$ square lattice at occupancy $p$. The algorithm has time and space complexity $O(\lambda^n)$ with $\lambda \approx 2.6$. It allows us to compute $R_{n}(p)$ up to $n=24$. We use the data to compute estimates for the percolation threshold $p_c$ that are several orders of magnitude more precise than estimates based on Monte-Carlo simulations.

Jonathan Hermon ◽  
Tom Hutchcroft

Abstract Let G be a connected, locally finite, transitive graph, and consider Bernoulli bond percolation on G. We prove that if G is nonamenable and $$p > p_c(G)$$ p > p c ( G ) then there exists a positive constant $$c_p$$ c p such that $$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {P}_p(n \le |K| < \infty ) \le e^{-c_p n} \end{aligned}$$ P p ( n ≤ | K | < ∞ ) ≤ e - c p n for every $$n\ge 1$$ n ≥ 1 , where K is the cluster of the origin. We deduce the following two corollaries: Every infinite cluster in supercritical percolation on a transitive nonamenable graph has anchored expansion almost surely. This answers positively a question of Benjamini et al. (in: Random walks and discrete potential theory (Cortona, 1997), symposium on mathematics, XXXIX, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 56–84, 1999). For transitive nonamenable graphs, various observables including the percolation probability, the truncated susceptibility, and the truncated two-point function are analytic functions of p throughout the supercritical phase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 149 (14) ◽  
pp. 144904 ◽  
Anatoly Golovnev ◽  
Matthew E. Suss

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 1001-1018 ◽  
Venkat Anantharam ◽  
François Baccelli

Abstract Consider a family of Boolean models, indexed by integers n≥1. The nth model features a Poisson point process in ℝn of intensity e{nρn}, and balls of independent and identically distributed radii distributed like X̅n√n. Assume that ρn→ρ as n→∞, and that X̅n satisfies a large deviations principle. We show that there then exist the three deterministic thresholds τd, the degree threshold, τp, the percolation probability threshold, and τv, the volume fraction threshold, such that, asymptotically as n tends to ∞, we have the following features. (i) For ρ<τd, almost every point is isolated, namely its ball intersects no other ball; (ii) for τd<ρ<τp, the mean number of balls intersected by a typical ball converges to ∞ and nevertheless there is no percolation; (iii) for τp<ρ<τv, the volume fraction is 0 and nevertheless percolation occurs; (iv) for τd<ρ<τv, the mean number of balls intersected by a typical ball converges to ∞ and nevertheless the volume fraction is 0; (v) for ρ>τv, the whole space is covered. The analysis of this asymptotic regime is motivated by problems in information theory, but it could be of independent interest in stochastic geometry. The relations between these three thresholds and the Shannon‒Poltyrev threshold are discussed.

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