standard model process
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Luca Buonocore ◽  
Paolo Nason ◽  
Francesco Tramontano ◽  
Giulia Zanderighi

Abstract We study a few basic photon- and lepton-initiated processes at the LHC which can be computed using the recently developed photon and lepton parton densities. First, we consider the production of a massive scalar particle initiated by lepton-antilepton annihilation and photon-photon fusion as representative examples of searches of exotic particles. Then we study lepton-lepton scattering, since this Standard-Model process may be observable at the LHC. We examine these processes at leading and next-to-leading order and, using the POWHEG method, we match our calculations to parton shower programs that implement the required lepton or photon initial-states. We assess the typical size of cross-sections and their uncertainties and discuss the preferred choices for the factorization scale. These processes can also be computed starting directly from the lepto-production hadronic tensor, leading to a result where some collinear-enhanced QED corrections are missing, but all strong corrections are included. Thus, we are in the unique position to perform a comparison of results obtained via the factorization approach to a calculation that does not have strong corrections. This is particularly relevant in the case of lepton-scattering, that is more abundant at lower energies where it is affected by larger strong corrections. We thus compute this process also with the hadronic-tensor method, and compare the results with those obtained with POWHEG. Finally, for some lepton-lepton scattering processes, we compare the size of the signal to the main quark-induced background, which is double Drell-Yan production, and outline a preliminary search strategy to enhance the signal to background ratio.

2001 ◽  
Vol 16 (supp01b) ◽  
pp. 761-763
T. Adams ◽  
A. Alton ◽  
S. Avvakumov ◽  
L. de Barbaro ◽  
P. de Barbaro ◽  

A search for the decay of long-lived neutral particles has been performed using an instrumented decay channel at the E815 (NuTeV) experiment at Fermilab. The data were examined for particles decaying into the muonic final states μμ, μe, and μπ. Three μμ events were observed over an expected background of 0.040±0.009 events; no events were observed in the other modes. No Standard Model process appears to be consistent with this observation.

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