1999 ◽  
K.E. Livo ◽  
Ken Watson ◽  
D.H. Knepper ◽  
Susanne Hummer-Miller

Nour El Cheikh Ali ◽  
Mahmoud Abouseida ◽  
Mashhad Fahes

In this paper, we present our interpretation for some of the unexpected experimental results that we obtained during 3D spontaneous imbibition experiments. We treated carbonate rocks with flourochemical polymers where we altered the wettability towards reduced liquid-wetting. The expected result is a reduced imbibition rate as a result of reduced capillary forces. Although the early imbibition rate decreased, we observed an increase in rate at late imbibition time resulting in a higher liquid saturation in the altered rock. We used numerical modeling to interpret the result and show that this observation actually represents the target wettability state we should be seeking in some applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 425-439
Ali Imamalipour ◽  
Samaneh Barak ◽  
Farzaneh Mami Khalifani

The Tavreh mercury prospect, a listwaenite-type alteration/mineralization system, is located c. 90 km west of Khoy in northwestern Iran. Tavreh is hosted within the Khoy ophiolite zone. Three types of listwaenites have been recognized in the Khoy ophiolite: silica, silica-carbonate and carbonate. Of these three, Hg mineralization at Tavreh is spatially and genetically associated with the silica-type listwaenite, also known as berberite. Alteration and mineralization at Tavreh are restricted to a faulted contact between shale and serpentinite. The Tavreh listwaenite is inferred to form from the hydrothermal alteration of brecciated serpentinite. Major mineralogical changes resulting from this alteration include the decomposition of serpentine-group minerals and the formation of silica phases. In this study, the mass changes of 18 listwaenites from Tavreh were assessed relative to the least altered serpentinites. To illustrate these changes quantitatively a comparative analysis of three different methods of calculating mass change was undertaken using Grant's isocon analysis, MacLean's equation and Gresens’ equation. Results from the three methods are similar. Listwaenite alteration was associated with a large increase in SiO2 (44.4, 36.2, 63.9%, respectively). MgO and loss on ignition were depleted (−34.8, −36.9, −36.6; −8.5, −9.3, −8.3%, respectively) and Al2O3 was relatively unchanged (0.7, 0.6, 0.9%). Mercury is the most enriched rare element in altered rock (375.1, 346.8, 474.6 ppm). Arsenic, Pb, Au and Sb were also enriched. The intensity of mass changes of the various alteration components increases significantly from the serpentinite wall rock towards the listwaenite alteration and the ore-bearing zone. Therefore, the mass balance method can probably be used to locate mineral deposits from a few hundred metres and to explore for blind mineral deposits.

2010 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 238-248 ◽  
Carlito B. Tabelin ◽  
Toshifumi Igarashi ◽  
Shuichi Tamoto

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (01n02) ◽  
pp. 157-164

Rocks and melt inclusions (MI) from 11 volcanic centers of the Kermadec-Tofua arc, in the South West Pacific, were petrographically studied prior to chemical analysis under the ion beam. The abundance of MI with daughter minerals are volcano-specific with the most abundant found in "U", Putoto, and Hinepuia volcanoes where >50% of MI contain daughter minerals. The B , Li , Cl and S contents in MI generally increase with the silica content of the rock. Fe , Ni , Mn , Cu and Zn are common in MI of all rock types but Mo , Hg and Cu have the highest concentrations in dacite-rhyodacites. The highest concentrations of B , Ti , V , Fe , Co and Mo occur in plagioclase MI; S , Ni , Ge and Hg in pyroxene MI; Cl and Li in quartz MI; and Cu , Zn and M in hornblende MI. Different ore-forming components in volcanic rocks can be correlated with rock composition, Cl/S and B/S of the melts, the presence and abundance of mineral sinks for various elements and the occurrence of hydrothermally altered rock at depth and on the seafloor.

Geoderma ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 213 ◽  
pp. 163-172 ◽  
Carlito Baltazar Tabelin ◽  
Toshifumi Igarashi ◽  
Takahiko Arima ◽  
Daiki Sato ◽  
Takeshi Tatsuhara ◽  

Ecology ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-311 ◽  
Evan H. DeLucia ◽  
William H. Schlesinger ◽  
W. D. Billings

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 109 ◽  

The lateritic mantle overlying ultramafic rocks at Itacupim Island (state of Pará, northern Brazil) comprises 5 horizons. From bottom to top they are: (1) altered rock (hornblende, phlogopite, apatite, magnetite, fissural wavellite, and smaller amounts of smectite or kaolinite), (2) a smectitic saprolite (smectite, wavellite, goethite, and traces of hornblende), a kaolinitic saprolite (kaolinite, wavellite, goethite, and traces of phlogopite), a phosphatic duricrust (crandallite, goethite and hematite), and a ferruginous duricrust (hematite, goethite and crandallite). The mineralogical and chemical composition of the saprolitic and duricrust horizons indicate a discontinuity in the weathering evolution: the P-rich crandallitic duricrusts cannot be derived from the P-poor wavellitic saprolites. Most probably, the duricrusts developed during an earlier stage of the weathering evolution, under a drier climate, when the hypogene phosphates (wavellite and apatite) transformed into crandallite. Under subsequent more humid conditions, the weathering alteration of the parent rock led to the dissolution of the hypogene phosphates, resulting in the P-depleted saprolites.

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