Spacecraft Plasma Environment Analysis Via Large Scale 3D Plasma Particle Simulation

Masaki Okada ◽  
Hideyuki Usui ◽  
Yoshiharu Omura ◽  
Hiroko O. Ueda ◽  
Takeshi Murata ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 1551-1571 ◽  
Ming Xia

Purpose The main purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive upscale theory of the thermo-mechanical coupling particle simulation for three-dimensional (3D) large-scale non-isothermal problems, so that a small 3D length-scale particle model can exactly reproduce the same mechanical and thermal results with that of a large 3D length-scale one. Design/methodology/approach The objective is achieved by following the scaling methodology proposed by Feng and Owen (2014). Findings After four basic physical quantities and their similarity-ratios are chosen, the derived quantities and its similarity-ratios can be derived from its dimensions. As the proposed comprehensive 3D upscale theory contains five similarity criteria, it reveals the intrinsic relationship between the particle-simulation solution obtained from a small 3D length-scale (e.g. a laboratory length-scale) model and that obtained from a large 3D length-scale (e.g. a geological length-scale) one. The scale invariance of the 3D interaction law in the thermo-mechanical coupled particle model is examined. The proposed 3D upscale theory is tested through two typical examples. Finally, a practical application example of 3D transient heat flow in a solid with constant heat flux is given to illustrate the performance of the proposed 3D upscale theory in the thermo-mechanical coupling particle simulation of 3D large-scale non-isothermal problems. Both the benchmark tests and application example are provided to demonstrate the correctness and usefulness of the proposed 3D upscale theory for simulating 3D non-isothermal problems using the particle simulation method. Originality/value The paper provides some important theoretical guidance to modeling 3D large-scale non-isothermal problems at both the engineering length-scale (i.e. the meter-scale) and the geological length-scale (i.e. the kilometer-scale) using the particle simulation method directly.

Yutaka Akiyama ◽  
Kiyotaka Misoo ◽  
Yoshihaxu Omura ◽  
Hiroshi Matsumoto ◽  
Minoru Saito ◽  

1992 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 424
J.P. Verboncoeur ◽  
M.V. Alves ◽  
V. Vahedi ◽  
C.K. Birdsall

2021 ◽  
Riku Jarvinen ◽  
Esa Kallio ◽  
Tuija Pulkkinen

<p>We discuss the solar wind interaction with Mars in a self-consistent, 3-dimensional global hybrid simulation, where ions are treated as macroscopic particle clouds moving under the Lorentz force and electrons form a charge-neutralizing fluid. In the model, ion populations include both the solar wind and planetary ions. We concentrate on the formation of plasma waves near Mars. Especially, we analyze properties of large-scale waves in the ion foreshock and their transmission in the magnetosheath. Further, we study the coupling of the waves with ion dynamics in the Martian plasma environment. We discuss the solar wind interaction with Mars in a self-consistent, 3-dimensional global hybrid simulation, where ions are treated as macroscopic particle clouds moving under the Lorentz force and electrons form a charge-neutralizing fluid. In the model, ion populations include both the solar wind and planetary ions. We concentrate on the formation of plasma waves near Mars. Especially, we analyze properties of large-scale waves in the ion foreshock and their transmission in the magnetosheath. Further, we study the coupling of the waves with ion dynamics in the Martian plasma environment. Finally, we compare these Mars simulations to our earlier global hybrid modeling of Venus and Mercury to investigate how the waves and ion dynamics depend on the distance from the Sun and the size of a planetary plasma environment.</p><p>References:</p><p>Jarvinen R., Alho M., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I., 2020, Oxygen Ion Escape From Venus Is Modulated by Ultra-Low Frequency Waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, 11, doi:10.1029/2020GL087462</p><p>Jarvinen R., Alho M., Kallio E., Pulkkinen T.I., 2020, Ultra-low frequency waves in the ion foreshock of Mercury: A global hybrid modeling study, Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc., 491, 3, 4147-4161, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz3257 </p>

1994 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-282 ◽  
Glenn Joyce ◽  
Jonathan Krall ◽  
Steven Slinker

ELBA is a three-dimensional, particle-in-cell, simulation code that has been developed to study the propagation and transport of relativistic charged particle beams. The code is particularly suited to the simulation of relativistic electron beams propagating through collisionless or slightly collisional plasmas or through external electric or magnetic fields. Particle motion is followed via a coordinate “window” in the laboratory frame that moves at the speed of light. This scheme allows us to model only the immediate vicinity of the beam. Because no information can move in the forward direction in these coordinates, particle and field data can be handled in a simple way that allows for very large scale simulations. A mapping scheme has been implemented that, with corrections to Maxwell's equations, allows the inclusion of bends in the simulation system.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-94 ◽  
Joseph Wang ◽  
Yong Cao ◽  
Raed Kafafy ◽  
Viktor Decyk

A parallel, three-dimensional electrostatic PIC code is developed for large-scale electric propulsion simulations using parallel supercomputers. This code uses a newly developed immersed-finite-element particle-in-cell (IFE-PIC) algorithm designed to handle complex boundary conditions accurately while maintaining the computational speed of the standard PIC code. Domain decomposition is used in both field solve and particle push to divide the computation among processors. Two simulations studies are presented to demonstrate the capability of the code. The first is a full particle simulation of near-thruster plume using real ion to electron mass ratio. The second is a high-resolution simulation of multiple ion thruster plume interactions for a realistic spacecraft using a domain enclosing the entire solar array panel. Performance benchmarks show that the IFE-PIC achieves a high parallel efficiency of ≥ 90%

2020 ◽  
Anthony Rasca ◽  
Shahab Fatemi ◽  
William Farrell ◽  
Andrew Poppe ◽  
Yihua Zheng

<p>Under nominal solar wind conditions, a low density wake region forms downstream of the nightside lunar surface.  However, the lunar plasma environment undergoes a transformation as the Moon passes through the Earth’s magnetotail, with the warm plasma typically not having a strong flow, and thus the wake structure disappears.  However, while in the tail, there can be a sudden intense change due to solar-driven events such as coronal mass ejections.  With a new planned human presence on the Moon, it is important to understand the near-surface plasma environment’s response to these extreme conditions.  We investigate the response of the lunar wake to a passing coronal mass ejection on 2012 March 8 while crossing the Earth’s magnetotail using both a large-scale MHD model of the Earth’s global magnetosphere and smaller-scale 3-D hybrid-PIC simulations.</p><p>The CME plasma shock was detected by the Wind spacecraft around 10:30 UT and in the Earth’s magnetotail around 11:20 UT by the ARTEMIS spacecraft in lunar orbit.  Wind observations are used as time-dependent up-stream conditions for a 24-hour global magnetosphere MHD simulation run through NASA’s Community Coordinated Modeling Center using the OpenGGCM model.  Extracted plasma parameters from the ARTEMIS spacecraft following the plasma shock are used as upstream static boundary conditions for hybrid-PIC simulations using the AMITIS code.</p><p>Results for the hybrid-PIC lunar wake simulations performed during a momentary jump in magnetotail plasma velocity and density show a short misaligned plasma void relative to nominal SW conditions.  MHD results indicate that changes near the Moon appear as a result of a warped magnetopause boundary moving inward after 11:00 UT, causing the Moon to enter the magnetosheath.  These results also show a number of plasmoids developing and propagating down the tail, including one seen at 11:20 UT that corresponds temporarily with plasmoid-like features in the ARTEMIS magnetic field profiles.</p>

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