On Boundaries and Boundary Crack-Codes of Multidimensional Digital Images

1994 ◽  
pp. 71-80
T. Yung Kong
1998 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-96 ◽  
C H Versteeg ◽  
G C H Sanderink ◽  
S R Lobach ◽  
P F van der Stelt

1999 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-126 ◽  
E Gotfredsen ◽  
J Kragskov ◽  
A Wenzel

D. P. Gangwar ◽  
Anju Pathania

This work presents a robust analysis of digital images to detect the modifications/ morphing/ editing signs by using the image’s exif metadata, thumbnail, camera traces, image markers, Huffman codec and Markers, Compression signatures etc. properties. The details of the whole methodology and findings are described in the present work. The main advantage of the methodology is that the whole analysis has been done by using software/tools which are easily available in open sources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 183-210
Erin Nunoda

This article examines YouTube videos (primarily distributed by a user named Cecil Robert) that document so-called dead malls: unpopulated, unproductive, but not necessarily demolished consumerist sites that have proliferated in the wake of the 2008 recession. These works link digital images of mall interiors with pop-song remixes so as to re-create the experience of hearing a track while standing within the empty space; manipulating the songs’ audio frequencies heightens echo effects and fosters an impression of ghostly dislocation. This article argues that these videos locate a potentiality in abandoned mall spaces for the exploration of queer (non)relations. It suggests that the videos’ emphasis on lonely, unconsummated intimacies questions circuitous visions of the public sphere, participatory dynamics online, and the presumably conservative biopolitics (both at its height and in its memorialization) of mall architecture.

2010 ◽  
Vol 69 (19) ◽  
pp. 1681-1702
V. V. Lukin ◽  
S. K. Abramov ◽  
A. V. Popov ◽  
P. Ye. Eltsov ◽  
Benoit Vozel ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 72 (19) ◽  
pp. 1787-1801
C. M. Vargas-Martinez ◽  
Victor Filippovich Kravchenko ◽  
Vladimir Il'ich Ponomarev ◽  
Juan Carlos Sanchez-Garcia

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Edial Rusli

AbstrakImaji visual fotografi merupakan media rekam visual yang objektif dan representatifkebenarannya dalam merekam suatu realitas. Revolusi teknologi menyebabkan perubahandari teknologi fotografi analog sebagai salah satu media yang menyatakan kebenaran ataubukti dan sebagai media yang representatif kebenarannya ke teknologi digital yang dapatmemungkinkan untuk merekayasa gambar digital melalui perangkat lunak. Teknologi digitaltelah menjadikan kebenaran dalam sebuah foto tidak lagi absolut. Akhirnya fotografi sebagaialat perekam imaji yang representatif kebenarannya semakin diragukan. Karena semakin sulituntuk membedakan foto asli atau palsu, bahkan sebuah foto asli bisa saja dikatakan sebagaihasil manipulasi. Penciptaan imajinasi visual fotografi ini dihasilkan dari suatu olah daya pikirmanusia. Dalam proses tersebut dibutuhkan suatu kreativitas dari penggabungan imaji-imajisebelumnya atau sekarang ini untuk diimajinasikan. Pemaknaan akan bergeser dari imaji visualfotografi menjadi imaji visual fotografi yang baru. Proses artistik imajinasi visual ini diciptakandengan didasarkan pada artistik yang berdasarkan imajinasi, artistik berdasarkan imajinasi danartistik didasarkan pada kombinasi antara kenyataan dan imajinasi. Penciptaan Imajinasi visualfotografi merupakan daya untuk mengonstruksi ataau menggabungkan kembali dari berbagaiimaji-imaji atau foto- secara imajinatif dan kreatif dengan persepsi yang menyertainya untukmenjadi imaji baru yang utuh, logis, dan mungkin terjadi dengan menggunakan teknik danefek fotografi. Proses mengonstruksi membutuhkan suatu kemampuan berimajinasi untukmenggabungkan dan menyatukannya untuk menjadi satu kesatuan (unity) yang utuh dalam satupermukaan gambar/imaji secara ekspresif dan imajinatif melalui proses estetis yang kreatifberdasarkan ciri personal penciptanya. Dengan demikian, hasil dari proses konstruksi tersebutsudah tidak tampak lagi imaji sebelumnya dan pemaknaannya sudah bergeser menjadi karyaimaji dengan pemaknaan baru.AbstractImage to Photography Visual Imagination. Visual image of photography is a visual recordingmedia which is objective and representative in revealing the truth when recording a reality. Thetechnology revolution led to the change in photography, from analog photographic technologyas one of the media for promoting truth or evidence and as media representing truth to thedigital technology which allow people to manipulate digital images through software. Digitaltechnology has made the truth in a photograph is no longer absolute. In the end, photographyas an images recording tool representing truth is doubted. It is getting harder and moredifficult to distinguish the original or fake photo, even an original photo can be said as aresult of manipulation.The creation of visual imagination photography is produced by thepower of human thought. The process requires a creativity of merging the previous or recentimages to imagine. The meanings will be shifted from visual image photography into a newvisual image photography. Visual imagination of the artistic process is created on the basisof artistic imagination, artistic imagination and artistic are based on a combination of realityand imagination.The creation of visual photography imagination is a power to construct orrecombine from multiple images or pictures imaginatively and creatively with the perceptionto be a whole new image, logical, and may occur with the use of techniques and photographiceffects. The process of constructing requires an ability of imagining to combine and unitethem into a single unit as a unity which is intact on s single surface of the picture/image,expressively and imaginatively through an aesthetic creative process based on the personalcharacteristics of the creator. By doing so, the construction process will no longer visible onthe former image and the meaning will shift into an image with a new meaning.

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