Economic trade-offs between carbon sequestration, timber production, and crop pollination in tropical forested landscapes

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-319 ◽  
Roland Olschewski ◽  
Alexandra-Maria Klein ◽  
Teja Tscharntke
2007 ◽  
Vol 248 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 64-79 ◽  
Rupert Seidl ◽  
Werner Rammer ◽  
Dietmar Jäger ◽  
William S. Currie ◽  
Manfred J. Lexer

Forests ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1409-1431 ◽  
Ronald Cademus ◽  
Francisco Escobedo ◽  
Daniel McLaughlin ◽  
Amr Abd-Elrahman

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Timothy Thrippleton ◽  
Clemens Blattert ◽  
Leo Gallus Bont ◽  
Reinhard Mey ◽  
Jürgen Zell ◽  

Sustainable forest management plays a key role for forest biodiversity and the provisioning of ecosystem services (BES), including the important service of carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation. Forest managers, however, find themselves in the increasingly complex planning situation to balance the often conflicting demands in BES. To cope with this situation, a prototype of a decision support system (DSS) for strategic (long-term) planning at the forest enterprise level was developed in the present project. The DSS was applied at three case study enterprises (CSEs) in Northern Switzerland, two lowland and one higher-elevation enterprise, for a 50-year time horizon (2010 to 2060) under present climate and three climate change scenarios (‘wet’, ‘medium’, ‘dry’). BES provisioning (for biodiversity, timber production, recreation, protection against gravitational hazards and carbon sequestration) was evaluated for four management scenarios (no management, current (BAU), lower and higher management intensity) using a utility-based multi-criteria decision analysis. Additionally, four alternative preference scenarios for BES provisioning were investigated to evaluate the robustness of the results to shifting BES preferences. At all CSEs, synergies between carbon sequestration, biodiversity and protection function as well as trade-offs between carbon sequestration and timber production occurred. The BAU management resulted in the highest overall utility in 2060 for different climate and BES preference scenarios, with the exception of one lowland CSE under current BES preference, where a lower intensity management performed best. Although climate change had a relatively small effect on overall utility, individual BES indicators showed a negative climate change impact for the lowland CSEs and a positive effect for the higher elevation CSE. The patterns of overall utility were relatively stable to shifts in BES preferences, with exception of a shift toward a preference for carbon sequestration. Overall, the study demonstrates the potential of the DSS to investigate the development of multiple BES as well as their synergies and trade-offs for a set of lowland and mountainous forest enterprises. The new system incorporates a wide set of BES indicators, a strong empirical foundation and a flexible multi-criteria decision analysis, enabling stakeholders to take scientifically well-founded decisions under changing climatic conditions and political goals.

2021 ◽  
Tiantian Chen ◽  
Li Peng ◽  
Qiang Wang

Abstract The Grain to Green Program (GTGP), as a policy tool for advancing ecological progress, has been operating for 20 years and has played an important role in improving ecosystem service values. However, there are few studies on the trade-off/synergy changes in ecosystem services during the implementation of the GTGP and how to select the optimal scheme for regional ecological security based on the trade-off relationship. Thus, we took the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration (CCUA) in southwestern China as the study area; we used multisource data and the corresponding models and methods to estimate the regional food production, carbon sequestration, water yield, soil conservation and habitat quality services. Then, we clarified the trade-off/synergy relationships among ecosystem services from 2000 to 2015 by spatial analysis and statistical methods and evaluated the influential mechanism of the GTGP on trade-offs between ecosystem services. Finally, different risk scenarios were constructed by the ordered weighted average algorithm (OWA), and the regional ecological security pattern was simulated under the principle of the best protection efficiency and the highest trade-off degree. We found that (1) the trade-offs/synergies of regional ecosystem services changed significantly from 2000 to 2015. Among them, food production, water yield and soil conservation have always had trade-off relationships, while carbon sequestration, soil conservation and habitat quality have all had synergistic relationships. The relationships between carbon sequestration and water yield and food production changed from non-correlated to trade-off/synergistic, and the relationship between habitat quality and food production and water yield was not obvious. (2) Except for carbon sequestration service, the trade-off intensity between other ecosystem services decreased, indicating that the change trend of ecosystem services in the same direction was obvious. (3) The GTGP has been an important factor affecting the trade-off intensity of regional ecosystem services. On the one hand, it has strengthened the synergistic relationships among carbon sequestration, soil conservation and habitat quality; on the other hand, it has increased the constraints of water resources on soil conservation and vegetation restoration. (4) The decision risk coefficient α = 1.6 was the most suitable scenario, the total amount of regional ecosystem services was high, and the allocation was balanced under this scenario. The ecological security area corresponding to this scenario was also the area with high carbon sequestration and habitat quality services. The purpose of this study was to provide a scientific reference for the precise implementation of the GTGP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Tuomo Kalliokoski ◽  
Jaana Bäck ◽  
Michael Boy ◽  
Markku Kulmala ◽  
Nea Kuusinen ◽  

1994 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 1260-1265 ◽  
David N. Holland ◽  
Robert J. Lilieholm ◽  
David W. Roberts ◽  
J. Keith Gilless

Three indices of forest stand structural and compositional diversity were incorporated into a linear programming timber harvest scheduling model to examine the trade-offs between managing stands for timber production and biodiversity objectives. The indices, based on Shannon's diversity index, characterized stand species diversity, basal area diversity, and vertical crown diversity. While harvest-level objectives were often compatible with the maintenance of vegetative diversity, the maximization of present net value was accompanied by substantial reductions in all three measures of diversity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-131 ◽  
Patrick Bottazzi ◽  
David Crespo ◽  
Harry Soria ◽  
Hy Dao ◽  
Marcelo Serrudo ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-23 ◽  

SUMMARYManaging for multiple ecosystem services is a growing issue for forest managers. As trade-offs arise between conflicting management objectives, stakeholders must be informed of the possible outcomes of alternative choices in order to facilitate decision-making. We modelled stand dynamics under single-management and functional zoning multiple-management (TRIAD; i.e. three-zone) scenarios in different forest types typical of eastern North America with the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS). Timber production, carbon stocking and habitat quality ecosystem services were calculated with simulation outputs. Habitat quality was measured using a habitat suitability index that integrated stand structural indicators. A multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was performed in order to rank scenarios. We show that the most intensive management yielded greater timber volumes but resulted in the weakest carbon and habitat quality scores. The TRIAD scenarios in sugar maple–beech stands offered the best compromise in services compared to single management. In shade-intolerant deciduous stands, there was a loss of timber production with TRIAD scenarios, but greater carbon stock and habitat quality were observed. Our study contrasts alternative management scenarios for ecosystem services in woodlots of different forest types. It confirms that multiple harvest systems better achieve multiple services. The coupling of simulation modelling with MCDA offers a simple and flexible method to help stakeholders and managers make sound decisions.

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