scholarly journals Boundary fermions, coherent sheaves and D-branes on Calabi–Yau manifolds

2001 ◽  
Vol 618 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 50-80 ◽  
Suresh Govindarajan ◽  
T. Jayaraman
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (769) ◽  
pp. 87-119
Sabin Cautis ◽  
Aaron D. Lauda ◽  
Joshua Sussan

AbstractRickard complexes in the context of categorified quantum groups can be used to construct braid group actions. We define and study certain natural deformations of these complexes which we call curved Rickard complexes. One application is to obtain deformations of link homologies which generalize those of Batson–Seed [3] [J. Batson and C. Seed, A link-splitting spectral sequence in Khovanov homology, Duke Math. J. 164 2015, 5, 801–841] and Gorsky–Hogancamp [E. Gorsky and M. Hogancamp, Hilbert schemes and y-ification of Khovanov–Rozansky homology, preprint 2017] to arbitrary representations/partitions. Another is to relate the deformed homology defined algebro-geometrically in [S. Cautis and J. Kamnitzer, Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves IV, colored links, Quantum Topol. 8 2017, 2, 381–411] to categorified quantum groups (this was the original motivation for this paper).

Tom Bachmann ◽  
Kirsten Wickelgren

Abstract We equate various Euler classes of algebraic vector bundles, including those of [12] and one suggested by M. J. Hopkins, A. Raksit, and J.-P. Serre. We establish integrality results for this Euler class and give formulas for local indices at isolated zeros, both in terms of the six-functors formalism of coherent sheaves and as an explicit recipe in the commutative algebra of Scheja and Storch. As an application, we compute the Euler classes enriched in bilinear forms associated to arithmetic counts of d-planes on complete intersections in $\mathbb P^n$ in terms of topological Euler numbers over $\mathbb {R}$ and $\mathbb {C}$ .

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
Fernando Marchesano ◽  
Eran Palti ◽  
Joan Quirant ◽  
Alessandro Tomasiello

Abstract In this work we study ten-dimensional solutions to type IIA string theory of the form AdS4 × X6 which contain orientifold planes and preserve $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 supersymmetry. In particular, we consider solutions which exhibit some key features of the four-dimensional DGKT proposal for compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds with fluxes, and in this sense may be considered their ten-dimensional uplifts. We focus on the supersymmetry equations and Bianchi identities, and find solutions to these that are valid at the two-derivative level and at first order in an expansion parameter which is related to the AdS cosmological constant. This family of solutions is such that the background metric is deformed from the Ricci-flat one to one exhibiting SU(3) × SU(3)-structure, and dilaton gradients and warp factors are induced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Magdalena Larfors ◽  
Davide Passaro ◽  
Robin Schneider

Abstract The systematic program of heterotic line bundle model building has resulted in a wealth of standard-like models (SLM) for particle physics. In this paper, we continue this work in the setting of generalised Complete Intersection Calabi Yau (gCICY) manifolds. Using the gCICYs constructed in ref. [1], we identify two geometries that, when combined with line bundle sums, are directly suitable for heterotic GUT models. We then show that these gCICYs admit freely acting ℤ2 symmetry groups, and are thus amenable to Wilson line breaking of the GUT gauge group to that of the standard model. We proceed to a systematic scan over line bundle sums over these geometries, that result in 99 and 33 SLMs, respectively. For the first class of models, our results may be compared to line bundle models on homotopically equivalent Complete Intersection Calabi Yau manifolds. This shows that the number of realistic configurations is of the same order of magnitude.

2017 ◽  
Vol 153 (9) ◽  
pp. 1908-1944
David Ben-Zvi ◽  
David Nadler ◽  
Anatoly Preygel

We present a Langlands dual realization of the putative category of affine character sheaves. Namely, we calculate the categorical center and trace (also known as the Drinfeld center and trace, or categorical Hochschild cohomology and homology) of the affine Hecke category starting from its spectral presentation. The resulting categories comprise coherent sheaves on the commuting stack of local systems on the two-torus satisfying prescribed support conditions, in particular singular support conditions, which appear in recent advances in the geometric Langlands program. The key technical tools in our arguments are a new descent theory for coherent sheaves or ${\mathcal{D}}$-modules with prescribed singular support and the theory of integral transforms for coherent sheaves developed in the companion paper by Ben-Zvi et al. [Integral transforms for coherent sheaves, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), to appear].

2018 ◽  
Vol 116 (5) ◽  
pp. 1187-1243 ◽  
Mattia Talpo ◽  
Angelo Vistoli

Jon F. Carlson ◽  
Eric M. Friedlander ◽  
Julia Pevtsova

AbstractWe introduce and investigate a functorial construction which associates coherent sheaves to finite dimensional (restricted) representations of a restricted Lie algebra

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