scholarly journals On q-th Derivative of Vector Bundles

1967 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 121-126
Akikuni Kato

In the present note we shall be concerned with the improvement of fundamental definitions in higher order enumerative geometry which has been recently given by W. F. Pohl. Pohl’s definition of q-th derivative of vector bundle is very complicated. We shall give a simpler and more reasonable definition of the q-th derivative of vector bundle in terms of sheaf theory and simplify the proofs in [P]. We shall also give a definition of higher order singularity of map.

The derivative strings of Barndorff-Nielsen and the differential strings of Blӕsild & Mora are considered here from the coordinate-free viewpoint. It is shown that the derivative strings of given length and degree over a differentiable manifold form a vector bundle associated to a principal bundle of higher-order frames and that there is an analogous result for differential strings. Bundles of derivative strings are identified with vector bundles obtained from 0-truncated versions of Ehresmann’s semi-holonomic jets by dualization and by taking tensor products. Similarly, bundles of differential strings are identified with vector bundles obtained from semi-holonomic jets of certain tensor fields.

1972 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-353 ◽  
Juraj Virsik

The paper is closely related to [1] and [2]. A skew connection in a vector bundle E as defined here is a pseudo-connection (in the sense of [1]) which can be changed into a connection by transforming separately the bundle E itself and the bundle of its differentials, i.e. one-forms on the base with values in E. The properties of skew connections are thus expected to be only “algebraically” more complicated than those of connections; especially one can follow the pattern of [1], and prolong them to obtain higher order semi-holonomic and non-holonomic pseudo-connections. It is shown in this paper that under some circumstances the main theorem of [1] or [2] applies also to skew connections.


This paper, based on results obtained in recent years with various coauthors,1–3,13,53 presents a proposal to extend some classical geometric concepts to a class of infinite-dimensional manifolds such as current groups and to a class of infinite-dimensional bundles including the ones arising in the family index theorem. The basic idea is to extend the notion of trace underlying many geometric concepts using renormalized traces which are linear functionals on pseudo-differential operators. The definition of "renormalized traces" involves extra data on the manifolds or vector bundles, namely a weight given by a field of elliptic operators which becomes part of the geometric data, leading to the notion of weighted manifold and weighted vector bundle. This weight is a source of anomaly arising typically as a Wodzicki residue of some pseudo-differential operator. We investigate the anomalies that arise when trying to extend to the infinite-dimensional setting classical results of finite-dimensional geometry such as a Weitzenböck formula, Chern–Weil invariants or the relation between the first Chern form on a complex vector bundle and the curvature on the associated determinant bundle. When comparable, we relate our approach to the one adopted for similar problems in noncommutative geometry.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (04) ◽  
pp. 1650030 ◽  
Huitao Feng ◽  
Kefeng Liu ◽  
Xueyuan Wan

In this paper, we present two kinds of total Chern forms [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] as well as a total Segre form [Formula: see text] of a holomorphic Finsler vector bundle [Formula: see text] expressed by the Finsler metric [Formula: see text], which answers a question of Faran [The equivalence problem for complex Finsler Hamiltonians, in Finsler Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 196 (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1996), pp. 133–144] to some extent. As some applications, we show that the signed Segre forms [Formula: see text] are positive [Formula: see text]-forms on [Formula: see text] when [Formula: see text] is of positive Kobayashi curvature; we prove, under an extra assumption, that a Finsler–Einstein vector bundle in the sense of Kobayashi is semi-stable; we introduce a new definition of a flat Finsler metric, which is weaker than Aikou’s one [Finsler geometry on complex vector bundles, in A Sampler of Riemann–Finsler Geometry, MSRI Publications, Vol. 50 (Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 83–105] and prove that a holomorphic vector bundle is Finsler flat in our sense if and only if it is Hermitian flat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-210
Aniruddha C. Naolekar

Abstract Let 𝓔 k denote the set of diffeomorphism classes of closed connected smooth k-manifolds X with the property that for any oriented vector bundle α over X, the Euler class e(α) = 0. We show that if X ∈ 𝓔2n+1 is orientable, then X is a rational homology sphere and π 1(X) is perfect. We also show that 𝓔8 = ∅ and derive additional cohomlogical restrictions on orientable manifolds in 𝓔 k .

2011 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-260

AbstractHere we classify the weakly uniform rank two vector bundles on multiprojective spaces. Moreover, we show that every rank r>2 weakly uniform vector bundle with splitting type a1,1=⋯=ar,s=0 is trivial and every rank r>2 uniform vector bundle with splitting type a1>⋯>ar splits.

The question of non-uniqueness in boundary integral equation formu­lations of exterior problems for the Helmholtz equation has recently been resolved with the use of additional radiating multipoles in the definition of the Green function. The present note shows how this modification may be included in a rigorous formalism and presents an explicit choice of co­efficients of the added terms that is optimal in the sense of minimizing the least-squares difference between the modified and exact Green functions.

Nils A. Baas ◽  
Marcel Bökstedt ◽  
Tore August Kro

AbstractFor a 2-category 2C we associate a notion of a principal 2C-bundle. For the 2-category of 2-vector spaces, in the sense of M.M. Kapranov and V.A. Voevodsky, this gives the 2-vector bundles of N.A. Baas, B.I. Dundas and J. Rognes. Our main result says that the geometric nerve of a good 2-category is a classifying space for the associated principal 2-bundles. In the process of proving this we develop powerful machinery which may be useful in further studies of 2-categorical topology. As a corollary we get a new proof of the classification of principal bundles. Another 2-category of 2-vector spaces has been proposed by J.C. Baez and A.S. Crans. A calculation using our main theorem shows that in this case the theory of principal 2-bundles splits, up to concordance, as two copies of ordinary vector bundle theory. When 2C is a cobordism type 2-category we get a new notion of cobordism-bundles which turns out to be classified by the Madsen–Weiss spaces.

Mihajlo Cekić ◽  
Thibault Lefeuvre

Abstract Given a smooth Hermitian vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ over a closed Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, we study generic properties of unitary connections $\nabla ^{\mathcal{E}}$ on the vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$. First of all, we show that twisted conformal Killing tensors (CKTs) are generically trivial when $\dim (M) \geq 3$, answering an open question of Guillarmou–Paternain–Salo–Uhlmann [ 14]. In negative curvature, it is known that the existence of twisted CKTs is the only obstruction to solving exactly the twisted cohomological equations, which may appear in various geometric problems such as the study of transparent connections. The main result of this paper says that these equations can be generically solved. As a by-product, we also obtain that the induced connection $\nabla ^{\textrm{End}({\operatorname{{\mathcal{E}}}})}$ on the endomorphism bundle $\textrm{End}({\operatorname{{\mathcal{E}}}})$ has generically trivial CKTs as long as $(M,g)$ has no nontrivial CKTs on its trivial line bundle. Eventually, we show that, under the additional assumption that $(M,g)$ is Anosov (i.e., the geodesic flow is Anosov on the unit tangent bundle), the connections are generically opaque, namely that generically there are no non-trivial subbundles of $\mathcal{E}$ that are preserved by parallel transport along geodesics. The proofs rely on the introduction of a new microlocal property for (pseudo)differential operators called operators of uniform divergence type, and on perturbative arguments from spectral theory (especially on the theory of Pollicott–Ruelle resonances in the Anosov case).

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