Optimal hydrogen storage sizing for wind power plants in day ahead electricity market

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 220 ◽  
C. Brunetto ◽  
G. Tina
Linda Ponta ◽  
Luca Oneto ◽  
Davide Anguita ◽  
Silvano Cincotti

The paper deals with the problem of choosing the best O&M strategy for wind power plants. Current maintenance theory considers just production opportunities and minimizes the maintenance costs, but with the liberalization of the electricity market also the electricity price has become an important variable to take into account in the O&M scheduling. Another important variables that is often neglected by the existing maintenance theory is the weather condition. This paper proposes a new strategy that takes into account the electricity price and weather conditions, improves the expected profit of the systems, and reduce the overall maintenance and logistic costs. The maintenance schedule is formalized as an optimization problem where the discounted cumulative profit of a wind generation portfolio in a fixed-time horizon (e.g. two years ahead), subject to the technologically-derived maintenance time constraints is optimized. Both the theoretical and computational aspects of the proposed O&M strategy are discussed. Results show that taking into account market and weather opportunities in the design of the maintenance strategy, it is possible to achieve a more complete scheduling for a given set of wind power plants.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 043306 ◽  
Anuj Banshwar ◽  
Naveen Kumar Sharma ◽  
Yog Raj Sood ◽  
Rajnish Shrivastava

A. Singh ◽  
F. Wolff ◽  
N. Chokani ◽  
R. S. Abhari

The increased penetration of wind-generated electricity exposes wind farm operators to market risks of a balanced supply in the transmission grid. In order to reduce the risks and to gain financial advantage for wind farm operators, the use of pumped hydro storage to adjust the delivery schedule of energy is proposed. An approach that systematically and rapidly addresses the economic, infrastructural, geographic and meteorological factors relevant to wind power plants and pumped hydro storage over large areas is required. An integrated Geographic Information System-based tool is developed to identify, on the scale of a country, wind power plants and pumped hydro storage facilities. Further, a decision algorithm that has inputs of the forecasted and actual wind energy productions, and the day-ahead and intraday electricity market prices is also developed to optimise the use of pumped hydro storage. This approach is demonstrated for Germany, with the target of increasing electricity production from renewable energy sources. A countrywide portfolio of wind power plants that meets the increased electricity production target, and existing and potential pumped hydro storage facilities are identified. By optimizing the use of pumped hydro storage, it is shown that wind farm operators can achieve a 2–4% gain on the Internal Rate of Return on investments. The improved financial performance with the use of pumped hydro storage increases the attractiveness for investments in the wind power sector and mitigates the adverse effects of the variability in the dispatch of wind-generated electricity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0958305X2110435
Rajeev Kumar ◽  
Pavan Khetrapal ◽  
Manoj Badoni ◽  
Sourav Diwania

Nowadays, to fulfill growing power requirements at reasonable prices, like other European countries, the Indian electricity market is now more oriented towards renewable energy resources. Today, the wind energy industry has grown from a marginal activity to a multi-billion-dollar business in India's power production sector because of its comparatively safer and positive environmental features. Though, there are several wind energy power plants generating electricity in India's different geographical locations, assessing their performance is a crucial task and an important target for stakeholders. In the present study, an attempt is made to quantitatively assess the relative operational efficiencies of 14 wind power plants in India during 2016–2017 to 2019–2020 employing a two-stage data envelopment analysis Tobit model. Further, the sensitivity analysis is implemented in the present study to assess the robustness and efficacy of the data envelopment analysis models with different combinations of inputs and outputs. Data envelopment analysis results indicate that 14% of India's wind power plants were operated at the most productive scale during the observed period 2016–2017 to 2019–2020. The Tobit regression results indicate that the wind turbines’ age adversely affects production efficiency. In contrast, the site elevation has a significant positive impact on the operational efficiency of wind power plants. Findings from the present study may help stakeholders and policy regulators in the wind industry to identify the key factors influencing the performance of ongoing wind power plants in India and optimize operational strategies and policies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
pp. 563-568
Daphne Schwanz ◽  
Math H.J. Bollen

Yu. Kozlov ◽  
R. Serebryakov

A new coronavirus pandemic is raging all over the world, especially in densely populated areas. Unlike most countries, more than half of the territory of Russia is not used by humans — which means that it is possible to settle large cities to avoid crowding people on a small area. The authors of the article consider wind power, namely vortex wind power plants, as a new source of energy that can be quickly and with less harm built in rural areas. The article also discusses the possibilities of an alternative Autonomous non-volatile installation "Air spring" for obtaining fresh water from atmospheric air.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1781 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
C P Chioncel ◽  
G Erdodi ◽  
O G Tirian

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