Activated Protein C Sensitivity, Protein C, Protein S and Coagulation in Normal Pregnancy

1998 ◽  
Vol 79 (06) ◽  
pp. 1166-1170 ◽  
J. Brennand ◽  
J. A. Conkie ◽  
F. McCall ◽  
I. A. Greer ◽  
Isobel Walker ◽  

SummaryA prospective study of activated protein C sensitivity, protein C, protein S, and other coagulation factors in 239 women during normal pregnancy was carried out. Protein C activity appeared unaffected by gestation, although an elevation of protein C activity was observed in the early puerperium. A fall in total and free protein S with increasing gestation was observed. Activated protein C sensitivity ratio (APC:SR) showed a progressive fall through pregnancy. This fall correlated with changes in factor VIIIc, factor Vc and protein S. 38% of subjects, with no evidence of Factor V Leiden or anticardiolipin antibodies, showed a low APC:SR (APC:SR <2.6) in the third trimester of pregnancy. Aside from a significant reduction in birth weight, no difference in pregnancy outcome was observed between these subjects and those with a normal APC:SR. Activated protein C sensitivity ratio, modified by pre-dilution of patient samples with factor V depleted plasma, showed no consistent trend with gestation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 152 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S5-S5
William R Perry ◽  
Steven W Pipe ◽  
Shih-Hon Li

Abstract Factor V Leiden (FVL) is a variant form of coagulation factor V that is the most common inherited risk factor for venous thromboembolism in people of European ancestry. FVL is associated with the missense mutation, p.R506Q, which encodes a FV protein resistant to cleavage by activated protein C (APC). Laboratory testing for FVL includes both phenotypic assays that assess APC resistance (APCR) and molecular assays that evaluate FVL genotype (FVLM) directly. Although APCR results are typically highly concordant with FVL genotype, discrepancies are known to occur and may result in inference of an incorrect FV genotype if only APCR testing is used. The objective of this study was to compare the results of these two testing methodologies and to identify potential explanations for discrepancies in results. Data were obtained by searching the electronic medical record of a large academic hospital for patients who underwent both APCR and FVLM testing from 2013 to 2018. APCR was evaluated using the ratio between two dilute Russell Viper Venom Time (DRVVT) tests, one preincubated with a protein C activator derived from A contortrix contortrix venom and the other with vehicle; the validated normal APCR ratio is ≥1.7. FVLM was performed by invader analysis utilizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In total, 424 patients underwent testing with both assays. Of 21 patients who had APCR assay clot times that exceeded the measurement range, all were FVLM negative, and 15 were anticoagulated during APCR testing. Of the 403 patients with reportable results for both tests, 385 (95.5%) patients had normal APCR and were FVLM negative. Of the 18 (4.5%) patients with discrepant results, 15 (3.7%) had an abnormally low APCR but were FVLM negative, and 3 (0.8%) had a normal APCR but were FVLM heterozygous. Among the 15 FVLM-negative patients with abnormal APCR <1.7, 11 (73.3%) were on warfarin with/out enoxaparin and had low protein S activity and/or low protein C activity. Of the 3 FVLM heterozygous patients with normal APCR, 1 was on apixaban. Our results demonstrated a high concordance between APCR phenotype and FVLM genotype. The concordance of APCR and FVLM may be limited in patients with low protein S or low protein C activity and those on a range of anticoagulant therapy.

2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 259-268 ◽  
Yale S. Arkel ◽  
De-Hui W. Ku

The association of thrombophilia with pregnancy complications has received increasing attention. It is now apparent that thrombophilia is respernsihle for a large number of the serious complications of pregnancy such as venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, fetal loss, pregnancy loss, intrauterine fetal demise, and preeclampsia. The inherited thrombophilia abnormalities, factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombin gene mutation 20210A, and antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S deficiency, and the acquired disorders, the anticardiolipin syndrome and lupus inhibitor, are responsible for a large share of the incidences of premature termination of pregnancy and many of the above complications. The normal physiology of pregnancy may be prothrombotic, with evidence for increased markers of activated coagulation and coagulation factors. There is a decrease in protein S and resistance to activated protein C occurs in a significant number of pregnancies in the absence of the factor V Leiden mutation. In the following article, we review some of the major studies that have correlated the thrombophilia and other acquired disorders that adversely impact pregnancies.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 1058-1058
Marianne Wilmer ◽  
Christoph Stocker ◽  
Beatrice Buehler ◽  
Brigitte Conell ◽  
Andreas Calatzis

Abstract A new functional prothrombin-based activated protein C (APC) resistance (APC-R) test (Pefakit® APC-R Factor V Leiden, Pentapharm, Basel, Switzerland) is presented. Methods: The plasma sample is mixed with a reagent containing APC and snake venom specifically activating FV (RVV-V, Daboia russelli) and plasma that has been depleted of FV. During an incubation period of 180 sec the activated FV is inactivated by APC. Subsequently a reagent that contains a FV dependent prothrombin activator (Noscarin, Notechis scutatus) and EDTA is added. The clotting time is recorded. A second determination is performed under identical conditions, with the exception that no APC is added to the first reagent. A ratio between the two measurements is calculated. 703 samples of patients undergoing thrombophilia screening were analysed. Results were correlated to PCR based FVL testing, aPTT, PT, and to levels of Protein C, Protein S, Fibrinogen, FVIII and lupus anticoagulant index. Results: Using a predefined cut-off of a ratio of 2.5 a 100% sensitivity and specificity for the detection of a FVL mutation was found. Using a cut-off ratio of 1.2 a complete but narrow distinction of FVL heterozygous (n=192) and FVL homozygous samples (n=27) was determined. No interference by sample’s INR and aPTT, PS, fibrinogen and FVIII levels and lupus anticoagulant ratio was detected. Conclusion: The new snake-venom-based APC-R assay provides an improved distinction of FV wild-type and FVL carriers compared to the data reported for the aPTT based methods. The use of a FV dependent prothrombin activator eliminates effects of FVIII concentration or lupus anticoagulants in the sample.

A.A. Abrishamizadeh

Ischemic stroke (IS) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality with significant socioeconomic impact especially when it affects young patients. Compared to the older adults, the incidence, risk factors, and etiology are distinctly different in younger IS. Hypercoagulable states are relatively more commonly detected in younger IS patients.Thrombophilic states are disorders of hemostatic mechanisms that result in a predisposition to thrombosis .Thrombophilia is an established cause of venous thrombosis. Therefore, it is tempting to assume that these disorders might have a similar relationship with arterial thrombosis. Despite this fact that 1-4 % of ischemic strokes are attributed to Thrombophillia, this   alone rarely causes arterial occlusions .Even in individuals with a positive thrombophilia screen and arterial thrombosis, the former might not be the primary etiological factor.Thrombophilic   disorders can be broadly divided into inherited or acquired conditions. Inherited thrombophilic states include deficiencies of natural anticoagulants such as protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III (AT III) deficiency, polymorphisms causing resistance to activated protein C(Factor V Leiden mutation), and disturbance in the clotting balance (prothrombin gene 20210G/A variant). Of all the inherited  thrombophilic disorders, Factor V Leiden mutation is perhaps the commonest cause. On the contrary, acquired thrombophilic disorders are more common and include conditions such as the antiphospholipid syndrome, associated with lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies.The more useful and practical approach of ordering various diagnostic tests for the uncommon thrombophilic states tests should be determined by a detailed clinical history, physical examination, imaging studies and evaluating whether an underlying hypercoagulable state appears more likely.The laboratory thrombophilia   screening should be comprehensive and avoid missing the coexisting defect and It is important that a diagnostic search protocol includes tests for both inherited and acquired thrombophilic disorders.Since the therapeutic approach (anticoagulation and thrombolytic therapy) determines the clinical outcomes, early diagnosis of the thrombophilic  disorders plays an important role. Furthermore, the timing of test performance of some of the  thrombophilic  defects (like protein C, protein S, antithrombin III and fibrinogen levels) is often critical since these proteins can behave as acute phase reactants and erroneously elevated levels of these factors may be observed in patients with acute thrombotic events. On the other hand, the plasma levels of vitamin K-dependent proteins (protein C, protein S and APC resistance) may not be reliable in patients taking vitamin K antagonists. Therefore, it is suggested that plasma-based assays for these disorders should be repeated3 to 6 months after the initial thrombotic episode to avoid false-positive results and avoid unnecessary prolonged   anticoagulation therapy. The assays for these disorders are recommended after discontinuation of oral anticoagulant treatment or heparin for at least 2 weeks.    

2012 ◽  
Vol 111 (suppl_1) ◽  
Sirisha Emani ◽  
David Zurakowski ◽  
Christopher Baird ◽  
Frank Pigula ◽  
Trenor Cameron ◽  

Thrombosis is a crucial contributor of morbidity and mortality in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery. Although there is published data on several factors of the hemastatic system, there is no data correlating factor expression and/or function with thrombosis in neonates. We tested the hypothesis that hypercoagulability markers are predictive of thrombosis in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery. Sixty neonates undergoing cardiac surgery were tested for thrombin generation assay; coagulation factors; antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, and factor VIII; fibrinolytic inhibitors; thrombin-activatable fibrinolytic inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor; and presence of cardiolipin antibodies by immunoassays. Factor V Leiden mutation was also tested in a few patients utilizing single nucleotide polymorphism assays. In this pilot study, thrombosis occurred in 15% of the neonates undergoing cardiac surgery. Significant risk factors associated with thrombosis were pre-mature birth, use of cardio pulmonary bypass, and single ventricle physiology. Hypercoagulability factors associated with thrombosis determined by univarent analysis were elevated thrombin generation, enhanced expression of thrombin-activatable fibrinolytic inhibitor and plasminogen activator inhibitor as well as presence of cardiolipin antibodies and factor V Leiden mutation. No correlation was observed between thrombosis and expression of coagulation factors antithrombin III, protein C, protein S, and factor VIII. Multivarient analysis has proven to show thrombin generation, thrombin-activatable fibrinolytic inhibitor, and presence of cardiolipin antibodies as multivariable predictors of thrombosis. These significant hypercoagulability markers are independent predictors of thrombosis. Thus thrombosis predictability can help in post-operative management and care for neonates undergoing cardiac surgery by regulating pro- and/or anti-coagulation therapy.

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (05) ◽  
pp. 761-765 ◽  
Robbert van de Poel ◽  
Joost Meijers ◽  
Bonno Bouma

SummaryActivated protein C (APC) is an important inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa. In the inactivation of factors Va and VIIIa, protein S serves as a cofactor to APC. Protein S can bind to C4b-binding protein (C4BP), and thereby loses its cofactor activity to APC. By modulating free protein S levels, C4BP is an important regulator of protein S cofactor activity. In the factor VIIIa inactivation, protein S and factor V act as synergistic cofactors to APC. We investigated the effect of C4BP on both the factor V-independent and factor V-dependent cofactor activity of protein S in the factor VIIIa inactivation using a purified system. Protein S increased the APC-mediated inactivation of factor VIIIa to 60% and in synergy with protein S, factor V at equi-molar concentrations increased this effect further to 90%. The protein S/factor V synergistic effect was inhibited by preincubation of protein S and factor V with a four-fold molar excess of C4BP. However, C4BP did not inhibit the factor V-independent protein S cofactor activity in the purified system whereas it inhibited the cofactor activity in plasma. We conclude that C4BP-bound protein S retains its cofactor activity to APC in the factor VIIIa inactivation.

2005 ◽  
Vol 93 (03) ◽  
pp. 453-456 ◽  
Daniela Scanavini ◽  
Cristina Legnani ◽  
Barbara Lunghi ◽  
Federico Mingozzi ◽  
Gualtiero Palareti ◽  

SummaryElevated factor VIII (FVIII) levels are a recognized risk factor for venous thrombosis. Recently, family studies suggested that the G allele of the 3951C/G (D1241E) FVIII polymorphism is associated to lower FVIII activity. We investigated in case-control studies both biological effects (FVIII levels and activated protein C sensitivity ratio) and clinical associations (venous thromboembolism) of the D1241E change. Among 145 healthy and 150 thrombotic women, not carriers of known thrombophilic defects, the 1241E allele was associated with 11% reduced (t-test, P< 0.05) FVIII levels. The effect on activated protein C sensitivity ratio was not statistically significant. Carriership of the 1241E allele, potentially conferring protection from thrombosis, was found in 22.8% of controls and in 15.3% of cases. In an additional cohort of factor V Leiden carriers (n=283), carriership of the 1241E allele was 25.2% among 143 asymptomatic subjects and 17.1% among 140 thrombotic patients. Our data do not indicate a specific interaction with factor V Leiden. These genotype distributions suggest a mild protective effect from venous thrombosis conferred by 1241E FVIII, masked by other genetic and/or environmental components, and detectable only in very large population studies. Our findings point toward the presence of genetic determinant of coagulation factor levels with a biologically significant role, but with a poor predictive value to estimate thrombotic risk beyond established risk factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 144 (11) ◽  
pp. 1401-1407 ◽  
Elena Maryamchik ◽  
Elizabeth M. Van Cott

Context.— Apixaban causes a false increase in activated protein C resistance (APCR) ratios and possibly protein S activity. Objective.— To investigate whether this increase can mask a diagnosis of factor V Leiden (FVL) or protein S deficiency in an actual population of patients undergoing apixaban treatment and hypercoagulation testing. Design.— During a 4.5-year period involving 58 patients, we compared the following 4 groups: heterozygous for FVL (FVL-HET)/taking apixaban, wild-type/taking apixaban, heterozygous for FVL/no apixaban, and normal APCR/no apixaban. Patients taking apixaban were also tested for protein S functional activity and free antigen (n = 40). Results.— FVL-HET patients taking apixaban had lower APCR ratios than wild-type patients (P &lt; .001). Activated protein C resistance in FVL-HET patients taking apixaban fell more than 3 SD below the cutoff of 2.2 at which the laboratory reflexes FVL DNA testing. No cases of FVL were missed despite apixaban. In contrast to rivaroxaban, apixaban did not interfere with the assessment of protein S activity (mean activity 93.9 IU/dL, free antigen 93.1 IU/dL, P = .39). A total of 3 of 40 patients (8%) had low free protein S antigen (30, 55, and 57 IU/dL), with correspondingly similar activity results (27, 59, and 52 IU/dL, respectively). Apixaban did not cause a missed diagnosis of protein S deficiency. Conclusions.— Despite apixaban treatment, APCR testing can distinguish FVL-HET from healthy patients, rendering indiscriminate FVL DNA testing of all patients on apixaban unnecessary. Apixaban did not affect protein S activity.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 216-216
Hartmut Weiler ◽  
Hai-Po Liang ◽  
Edward J Kerschen ◽  
Alireza Rezaie ◽  
Jose A. Fernandez ◽  

Abstract BACKGROUND: The key effector molecule of the natural protein C pathway, activated protein C (aPC), exerts pleiotropic effects on coagulation, fibrinolysis, and inflammation. Coagulation-independent cell signaling by aPC appears the predominant mechanism underlying its highly reproducible therapeutic efficacy in most animal models of injury and infection. The naturally occurring R506Q Leiden polymorphism in fV largely abrogates the anticoagulant functions of aPC by rendering fVa partially refractory to aPC proteolysis, but also by preventing the formation of the anticoagulant cofactor form of fV. Among patients enrolled in the placebo arm of the PROWESS sepsis trial, heterozygous fV Leiden carriers showed significantly reduced mortality 1, and a similar survival advantage of heterozygous Leiden carriers was documented in mice harboring the fV R504Q mutation (equivalent to the human R506Q mutation) that were challenged with endotoxin1, gram-positive (S.aureus), or gram-negative infection (Y.pestis)2. The objective of the current study was to examine how aPC-resistance of fV Leiden modulates responsiveness to sepsis therapy with aPC in mice. RESULTS: In murine sepsis models of S.aureus-induced septic peritonitis, aPC-resistance of endogenous fV R504Q prevents marked disease stage-specific deleterious effects associated with aPC's anticoagulant activity, but also abrogated the mortality-reducing benefits of therapy with the signaling-selective 5A-aPC variant that only exerts minimal anticoagulant activity towards activated fVa. In mice homozygous for the R504Q mutation (fVQQ mice), 5A-aPC failed to suppress inflammatory gene expression in the presence of fVR504Q. This finding was reproduced in an in vitro culture model of murine RAW cells and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, in which thrombosis and thrombin generation play no role. Gene expression analyses and functional in vitro studies of LPS-induced inflammatory cell signaling showed that fV, as well as protein S were required for the aPC-mediated suppression of inflammatory tissue factor-PAR2 signaling3. Structure-function analyses of recombinant variants of aPC and fV showed that this anti-inflammatory cofactor function of protein S and fV involved the same structural features that underlie their accessory role for aPC's anticoagulant function, but did not involve the degradation of activated fVa or fVIIIa. CONCLUSION: These findings reveal a novel biological function and mechanism of the protein C pathway in which protein S and the aPC-cleaved form of fV are cofactors for anti-inflammatory cell signaling by aPC in the context of endotoxemia and infection. This cofactor function is structurally related, but mechanistically distinct from the anticoagulant cofactor activities of protein S and fV. APC-resistance of fV thus emerges as a response modifier of the endogenous host response to infection, as well as the outcome of sepsis therapy with normal APC and signaling-selective variants thereof. REFERENCES 1. Kerlin BA, Yan SB, Isermann BH, et al. Survival advantage associated with heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation in patients with severe sepsis and in mouse endotoxemia. Blood. 2003;102(9):3085-3092. 2. Kerschen E, Hernandez I, Zogg M, Maas M, Weiler H. Survival advantage of heterozygous factor V Leiden carriers in murine sepsis. J Thromb Haemost. 2015;13(6):1073-1080. 3. Liang HP, Kerschen EJ, Hernandez I, et al. EPCR-dependent PAR2 activation by the blood coagulation initiation complex regulates LPS-triggered interferon responses in mice. Blood. 2015. Disclosures Camire: Pfizer: Consultancy, Patents & Royalties, Research Funding; Novo Nordisk: Research Funding; Spark Therapeutics: Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees.

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