scholarly journals Parasutterella secunda sp. nov., isolated from human faeces and proposal of Sutterellaceae fam. nov. in the order Burkholderiales

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 637-643 ◽  
Masami Morotomi ◽  
Fumiko Nagai ◽  
Yohei Watanabe

A novel, strictly anaerobic, non-spore-forming, Gram-reaction-negative coccobacillus bacterium, designated strain YIT 12071T, was isolated from human faeces. Biochemically, this strain was largely unreactive and asaccharolytic. Growth of this strain in peptone-yeast-extract broth was weak, producing no visible turbidity, and no short-chain fatty acids were detected as an end product of metabolism. Following 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain YIT 12071T was found to be most closely related to Parasutterella excrementihominis (90 % sequence similarity) and phylogenetically distinct from other known genera belonging to the order Burkholderiales. Biochemical data supported the affiliation of this strain with the genus Parasutterella. Strain YIT 12071T, therefore, represents a novel species of the genus Parasutterella, for which the name Parasutterella secunda sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIT 12071T (=DSM 22575T =JCM 16078T). On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, species of the genera Sutterella and Parasutterella form a distinct and deep evolutionary lineage of descent in the order Burkholderiales. This lineage could not be associated with any of the four known families of the order Burkholderiales. The distinct phylogenetic position and the unusual combination of chemotaxonomic characteristics shared by these genera, such as the predominant quinones and cellular fatty acid compositions, suggest that they constitute a novel family in the order Burkholderiales, for which the name Sutterellaceae fam. nov. is proposed to accommodate the genera Sutterella and Parasutterella.

2007 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-296 ◽  
Mitsuo Sakamoto ◽  
Maki Kitahara ◽  
Yoshimi Benno

A bacterial strain isolated from human faeces, M-165T, was characterized in terms of its phenotypic and biochemical features, cellular fatty acid profile, menaquinone profile and phylogenetic position (based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis). A 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the isolate was a member of the genus Parabacteroides. Strain M-165T was closely related to Parabacteroides merdae strains, showing 98 % sequence similarity. The strain was obligately anaerobic, non-pigmented, non-spore-forming, non-motile, Gram-negative, rod-shaped and was able to grow on media containing 20 % bile. Although the phenotypic characteristics of the strain M-165T were similar to those of P. merdae, the isolate could be differentiated from P. merdae by means of API 20A tests for l-arabinose and l-rhamnose fermentation. DNA–DNA hybridization experiments revealed the genomic distinctiveness of the novel strain with respect to P. merdae JCM 9497T (⩽60 % DNA–DNA relatedness). The DNA G+C content of the strain is 47.6 mol%. On the basis of these data, strain M-165T represents a novel species of the genus Parabacteroides, for which the name Parabacteroides johnsonii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is M-165T (=JCM 13406T=DSM 18315T).

2010 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 949-952 ◽  
Soo-Jin Kim ◽  
Hang-Yeon Weon ◽  
Yi-Seul Kim ◽  
Rangasamy Anandham ◽  
Seung-Hee Yoo ◽  

An ivory-coloured bacterium, designated strain 5YN7-3T, was isolated from a wetland, Yongneup, Korea. Cells of the strain were aerobic, Gram-stain-negative, non-motile and short rods. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis demonstrated that strain 5YN7-3T belongs to the order Rhizobiales of the class Alphaproteobacteria and is closely related to Kaistia soli 5YN9-8T (97.8 %), Kaistia granuli Ko04T (97.6 %) and Kaistia adipata Chj404T (97.4 %). Strain 5YN7-3T showed DNA–DNA hybridization values of 28, 22 and 35 % with K. granuli Ko04T, K. soli 5YN9-8T and K. adipata Chj404T, respectively. The major fatty acids were C18 : 1 ω7c (51.2 %), C19 : 0 cyclo ω8c (25.0 %), C18 : 0 (12.9 %) and C16 : 0 (10.8 %) (>10 % of total fatty acids). Ubiquinone-10 was the major isoprenoid quinone and the DNA G+C content was 66.5 mol%. The phenotypic characteristics in combination with 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization data clearly define strain 5YN7-3T as a novel species of the genus Kaistia, for which the name Kaistia terrae sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 5YN7-3T (=KACC 12910T =DSM 21341T).

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 (12) ◽  
pp. 2832-2836 ◽  
Chittpurna ◽  
Pradip K. Singh ◽  
Dipti Verma ◽  
Anil Kumar Pinnaka ◽  
Shanmugam Mayilraj ◽  

A Gram-positive, yellow-pigmented, actinobacterial strain, DW152T, was isolated from a dairy industry effluent treatment plant. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain DW152T exhibited low similarity with many species with validly published names belonging to the genera Micrococcus and Arthrobacter. However, phenotypic properties including chemotaxonomic markers affiliated strain DW152T to the genus Micrococcus. Strain DW152T had ai-C15 : 0 and i-C15 : 0 as major cellular fatty acids, and MK-8(H2) as the major menaquinone. The cell-wall peptidoglycan of strain DW152T had l-lysine as the diagnostic amino acid and the type was A4α. The DNA G+C content of strain DW152T was 68.0 mol%. In 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain DW152T exhibited significant similarity with Micrococcus terreus NBRC 104258T, but the mean value of DNA–DNA relatedness between these strains was only 42.3 %. Moreover, strain DW152T differed in biochemical and chemotaxonomic characteristics from M. terreus and other species of the genus Micrococcus. Based on the above differences, we conclude that strain DW152T should be treated as a novel species of the genus Micrococcus, for which the name Micrococcus lactis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Micrococcus lactis sp. nov. is DW152T ( = MTCC10523T  = DSM 23694T).

2010 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 1103-1107 ◽  
K. Sucharita ◽  
E. Shiva Kumar ◽  
Ch. Sasikala ◽  
B. B. Panda ◽  
S. Takaichi ◽  

An anoxygenic, phototrophic gammaproteobacterium designated strain JA418T was isolated from a sediment sample collected from the Baitarani River, Orissa, India. The bacterium was a Gram-negative, motile rod with a single polar flagellum. Bacteriochlorophyll a and rhodopin were the major photosynthetic pigments. The organism grew best at slightly alkaline pH (8–8.5) and lacked chemotrophic growth. The major fatty acids were C16 : 0, C16 : 1 ω7c/C16 : 1 ω6c and C18 : 1 ω7c. A phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain JA418T clusters with species of the genus Marichromatium belonging to the class Gammaproteobacteria. The highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of strain JA418T were found with the type strains of Marichromatium gracile (95.9 %), Marichromatium indicum (95.6 %), Marichromatium purpuratum (95.5 %) and Marichromatium bheemlicum (95.6 %). The DNA base composition of strain JA418T was 71.4 mol% G+C (by HPLC). Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and physiological and chemotaxonomic characteristics, strain JA418T is sufficiently different from other Marichromatium species to merit the description of a novel species, Marichromatium fluminis sp. nov., to accommodate it. The type strain is JA418T (=KCTC 5717T =NBRC 105221T).

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 1304-1308 ◽  
Fan Wang ◽  
Xiao-Xiong Xu ◽  
Zhi Qu ◽  
Cheng Wang ◽  
Hai-Peng Lin ◽  

Strain 210417T, which forms highly branched substrate and aerial mycelia, is a Gram-positive, aerobic and non-motile actinomycete isolated from mangrove rhizosphere soil. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the strain should be classified in the genus Nonomuraea, being most closely related to the type strains of Nonomuraea coxensis (99.6 %) and Nonomuraea bangladeshensis (99.3 %). Chemotaxonomic properties [madurose as the major sugar in the cell wall; meso-diaminopimelic acid and N-acetylmuramic acid in the peptidoglycan; MK-9(H4) as the major menaquinone; iso-C16 : 0 (24.1 %) as major fatty acid; and phospholipid pattern type IV] are consistent with the assignment of strain 210417T to the genus Nonomuraea. Strain 210417T could be differentiated from the closely related species N. coxensis and N. bangladeshensis by morphological, physiological, biochemical and chemotaxonomic properties, 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization results. It is therefore proposed that strain 210417T represents a novel species of the genus Nonomuraea, for which the name Nonomuraea wenchangensis sp. nov. is given; the type strain is 210417T ( = CGMCC 4.5598T  = DSM 45477T).

2007 ◽  
Vol 57 (7) ◽  
pp. 1535-1538 ◽  
Ivone Vaz-Moreira ◽  
M. Fernanda Nobre ◽  
Olga C. Nunes ◽  
Célia M. Manaia

A bacterial strain, DC-186T, isolated from home-made compost, was characterized for its phenotypic and phylogenetic properties. The isolate was a Gram-negative rod that was able to grow at 15–36 °C and pH 5.5–8.0. Strain DC-186T was positive in tests for catalase, oxidase and β-galactosidase activities and aesculin hydrolysis. The predominant fatty acids were the summed feature C16 : 1/iso-C15 : 0 2-OH (42 %) and iso-C15 : 0 (26 %), the major respiratory quinone was menaquinone-7 and the genomic DNA G+C content was 42 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and phenetic characterization indicated that this organism belongs to the phylum Bacteroidetes and revealed its affiliation to the family Sphingobacteriaceae. Of recognized taxa, strain DC-186T was most closely related to Sphingobacterium daejeonense (90 % sequence similarity) based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The low 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with other recognized taxa and the identification of distinctive phenetic features for this isolate support the definition of a new genus within the family Sphingobacteriaceae. The name Pseudosphingobacterium domesticum gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed, with strain DC-186T (=CCUG 54353T=LMG 23837T) as the type strain.

S. Mayilraj ◽  
G. S. Prasad ◽  
K. Suresh ◽  
H. S. Saini ◽  
S. Shivaji ◽  

The taxonomic position of a bacterium isolated from a cold desert of the Himalayas, India, was analysed by using a polyphasic approach. The isolated strain, designated K22-03T, had phenotypic characteristics that matched those of the genus Planococcus and it represents a novel species. The almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequence (1464 bases) of the novel strain was compared with those of previously studied Planococcus type strains and confirmed that the strain belongs to the genus Planococcus. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain K22-03T differs from all other species of Planococcus by at least 2·5 %. DNA–DNA hybridization showed that it had low genomic relatedness with Planomicrobium mcmeekinii (MTCC 3704T, 23 %), Planococcus psychrophilus (MTCC 3812T, 61 %), Planococcus antarcticus (MTCC 3854T, 45 %) and Planomicrobium okeanokoites (MTCC 3703T, 51 %), the four species with which it was most closely related based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (97–97·5 % similarity). Therefore, strain K22-03T should be recognized as a novel species, for which the name Planococcus stackebrandtii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is K22-03T (=MTCC 6226T=DSM 16419T=JCM 12481T).

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