Survival of the fittest?

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (7) ◽  
pp. 26-28

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings One of the less-discussed and analyzed phenomena in the wake of the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 was just how resilient, and even successful, some businesses had become. In the same way that in Western films the undertakers profited, when a new sheriff came to town to crack down on the bad guys, there is strong school of thought that certain types of firms and industries will benefit when all around them are failing. Practical implications The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds his/her own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings Take any financial or environmental scandal perpetrated by a major company – and unfortunately, there are quite a few to choose from – and people will tend to remember what went wrong and some of the fallout from the scandal, but it is unlikely they will know much about why something went wrong. For example, people will remember that Lehman Brothers went bust during the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 and can picture its employees leaving its offices with Iron Mountain boxes. They will also perhaps remember the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska in 1989, and the devastation it caused the local wildlife. But does anyone remember exactly why these events occurred? Practical implications This paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-37

Purpose – This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach – This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings – A lot has been written of the consequences of the global financial crisis (GFC) in the late 2000s – who was to blame, who should have seen it coming, who didn’t see it coming and who claimed to have predicted it years later. Such speculation has contributed to what might be termed a “global crisis of confidence”, as all the established rules went out of the window. Business leaders didn’t know who to trust any more, and decision-making suddenly got a lot more difficult as a result. Practical implications – The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value – The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 29-31 ◽  

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach – This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds his/her own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings – There are some business phenomena that, like fashion, never seem to go away, or be truly original. Think of the drainpipe trousers that first saw the light in the nineteenth century, or the 1970s frilly shirts that were not a patch on those worn in Elizabethan times. Similarly, the global financial crisis was not a Great Depression, and the dot-com bubble could not hold a candle to the bubble that did for the East India Company all those years ago. Practical implications – This study provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Original/value – The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and an easy-to-digest format.

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds his/her own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings Are we entering the next stage of organizational development? It could be argued that the learning organization, by necessity, follows macroeconomic and wider environmental concerns, and certainly the first 20 years of the 2000s has seen a thirst for growth through unregulated markets quelled following the global financial crisis (GFC). The search for new growth after that readjustment does, however, seem at odds with the need for a more sustainable development path. If markets still require growth, but organizations are less able to produce it, what is the next stage? It is hard to argue that it will have to factor in the so-called “VUCA” environment. Practical implications This paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-9

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings The idea of mindfulness – the state achieved by focusing awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts, sensations – has ancient roots, but has only recently begun to gain significant adoption as a mainstream technique or therapy. Indeed, it has seemed to have gained more credence and followers in a post-global financial crisis, smartphone-saturated world where getting away from things and focusing on the good things in life seem to matter much more to greater numbers of people. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 11-13

Purpose Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings Why do firms fail? The reasons behind given for corporate failure vary widely. During the financial crisis, firms failed because of the financial crisis, or during the Coronavirus pandemic firms failed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. When there are global market problems, those problems tend to get the blame for most things, including firms going under. But other reasons are sometimes given as well – that a firm is carrying too much debt to be sustainable, or a hypercompetitive market, or there are unsurmountable problems in the supply chain. Very often, these reasons are not scrutinized very closely as everyone moves on to invest in another company or try and find work elsewhere. Practical implications Provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Original/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 38-40

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings The concept of wellbeing is all the rage following the ravages of the Global Financial Crisis, and step-change in people’s view of work-life balance on the one hand and how enhancing employees’ contentment can increase productivity on the other. This, coupled with much-improved technology such as Skype, and greater access to super fast broadband means that connectivity across regions, countries and internationally has allowed many more workers to work from home regularly and maintain greater contact with family and friends. As a result, wellbeing is no longer viewed by firms as a luxury but rather a necessity. Practical implications The paper provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-5

Purpose – Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach – This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings – Among the rubble following the global financial crisis from 2008 onwards, several commentators believed that the behaviour, and perceived behaviour, of banks and other financial institutions would kick start the process of moving towards enhanced ethical standards. Business schools, the media, politicians and high profile members of the finance community all came were all at the receiving end of huge amounts of opprobrium from the public, and it was thought it would be in all of their interest to win that four our back in order to prop up the creaking financial systems. Practical implications – Provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world's leading organizations. Originality/value – The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 17-19

Purpose – Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach – This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings – The core ideas behind corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been with us for the best part of a century, and certainly in the latter decades of the twentieth century, it became one of the hottest topics in both business and management research and practice. Since the start of the twenty-first century, the topic has matured, and also faced severe scrutiny with challenges such as the global financial crisis and widespread globalization. So after all these years how has it roared, and is it still relevant or merely now part of the furniture. Practical implications – Provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world’s leading organizations. Originality/value – The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 33-35

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and to pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds his own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings Are we entering the next phase of strategic development? It could be argued that corporate strategy, by necessity, follows macroeconomic and wider environmental concerns, and certainly the 2000s have seen the thirst for growth through unregulated markets quelled following the global financial crisis and the search for new markets from globalization, technological innovation, or service development. What is the next stage? It is hard to argue that it will have to factor in the so called “VUCA” – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous – environment. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

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