Individual or Collective Rights for Cultural Heritage in the Information Society?

2002 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-12 ◽  
Lyndel Prott
Tatyana Ya. Kuznetsova

On the All-Russian Scientific Seminar “Preservation of Document Cultural Heritage in the Information Society” held within the framework of the 7th International Library Philosophy School on September, 14—16, 2010.

Ciencia Unemi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (30) ◽  
pp. 87-102
Pablo Ormaza-Mejía

La búsqueda del sentido a la vida ha sido una constante en todas las esferas de desarrollo humano. La práctica orientadora —trasformada en disciplina orientativa— ha estimulado la capacidad de decisión de las personas mediante procesos de autoconocimiento, información y toma de decisión. Desde los enfoques funcionalista, evolucionista, factorialista, humanista e histórico-cultural, hasta los nuevos postulados de la post-modernidad, la orientación se ha constituido en un mecanismo utilizado en diferentes contextos sociales para reproducir modos de producción o para reivindicar derechos individuales y colectivos. Muestra de ello es el desarrollo de dicha disciplina en el contexto ecuatoriano, donde la evidencia cronológica muestra el cambio cualitativo de enfoque: desde lo vocacional y profesional a un abordaje centrado en derechos. El presente ejercicio de investigación descriptiva esboza el desarrollo del concepto de la orientación en cada uno de sus estadios históricos en el Ecuador, su implicación en la normativa nacional e internacional a más de establecer un punto de conexión con el goce mismo de los derechos y libertades individuales y colectivas. Finalmente, se deja abierto un escenario de inquietudes con respecto a la práctica orientadora en la nueva sociedad del conocimiento e información. AbstractThe search for meaning in life has been a constant in all spheres of human development. The orienting practice -transformed into orienting discipline- has stimulated the decision capacity of people through processes of self-knowledge, information and decision making. From the functionalist, evolutionist, factorialistic, humanist and historical-cultural approaches to the new postulates of post-modernity, orientation has become a mechanism used in different social contexts to reproduce modes of production or to claim individual and collective rights. An example of this is the development of this discipline in the Ecuadorian context, where chronological evidence shows the qualitative change of approach: from the vocational and professional to a rights-centred approach. This descriptive research exercise outlines the development of the concept of orientation in each of its historical stages in Ecuador, its implication in national and international norms, and more than establishing a point of connection with the very enjoyment of individual and collective rights and freedoms. Finally, it leaves open a scenario of concerns regarding the guiding practice in the new knowledge and information society.

Elena V. Vodopiyanova ◽  
Larisa A. Korobeynikova ◽  

Based on the analysis of official documents of the European Union, and, in particular, introducing the content of the supranational initiative “Creative Europe” for 2021–2027, the article examines the latest trends in the organization of management of Old World culture. It is shown that in the era of formation of the information society, digitalization is becoming a basic tool not only for preserving cultural heritage, but also for promoting modern culture in the region. At the same time, it is established that this digital paradigm is now inseparable not only from the EU's innovation and technology strategies, but also seeks to develop in line with the classical postulates of European values. It is shown that in the modern European information society, digitalization is gradually becoming the main means of broadcasting culture. Thus, it is connected with the cultural system by feedback links, since it is generated by the information society and its determinants, and then it begins to exert almost a determining influence on the nature and pace of cultural dynamics. The study revealed that the digitalization of creativity, accessible to all, is now as fundamental a change as the industrial revolution in the industrial era, and the current Framework programs (including in the field of culture) are aimed at continuing these traditions in the post-industrial era. Most of these initiatives are at least partially implemented in a digital format, when it comes to informing potential participants about them, the application procedure, their subsequent examination and further promotion of the project within the EU and beyond. The author emphasizes that in the current environment, digitalization has a huge impact on how cultural products and processes are created, managed, distributed, consumed and commercialized, changing the values that prevailed in the analog era. It is established that specialists in this field must transform from “analog” to “digital” in order to compete with the culture and creativity available in the networks and at the same time offer digital versions of traditional audiovisual products. The author comes to the conclusion that the formation and expansion of the potential audience of creative industries and cultural heritage is now impossible without innovative formats. And of course, digitalization plays a leading role in them, allowing us to realize the needs primarily in various types of remote cooperation and communication. It is emphasized that this evolution is contradictory: in digital technologies, flexibility is initially programmed. EU directives declaring digitalization, however, are repeatedly agreed at all levels of government, which means that they are objectively late in meeting the needs of time and the aspirations of professionals and consumers in the cultural and creative sphere. However, this contradiction is the key to the progress of modern Creative Europe as a combination of real and virtual activities of Europeans in this area, as well as EU megaproject.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 207
Benedito Medeiros Neto

Os países em desenvolvimento se empemham em participar da Sociedade da Informação, por reconhecerem sua importância para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e político de uma nação. Este artigo analisou o Modelo Político do Programa Sociedade da Informação no Brasil - SocInfo, cujo percurso aconteceu nitidamente no início deste século. A implantação do Programa contou com avanços e retrocessos, como por exemplo, a baixa articulação política. Uma das justificativas é a efervescência provocada pela forte presença das TIC, ensejando o descobrimento dos novos modos de vida. Ficou demonstrado que o uso apropriado de informações é a peça chave para que um cidadão ser um agente ativo dentro da Sociedade da Informação. Confirma-se que a Internet no Século XXI passou a ser principal traço da sociedade contemporânea, e a Web termina por marcar a conquista dos direitos, quando o cidadão lhe é permitido acessar os serviços oferecidos pelo mercado, ou pelo governo, como por exemplo, educação, comunicação, saúde e segurança. Pode-se afirmar que são os empregos daqueles que estão mais ou menos à margem da sociedade pós-moderna a questão de fundo, pois os que ficarem de fora, de certa maneira, estarão dispostos alterar o curso do uso das TIC, e modular a inovação. Daqui para frente, possuir riquezas e serviços não será mais importante do que o sentimento de direitos mais coletivo, como a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente, que ganha corpo com o suporte das redes sociais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Impactos das TIC. Política pública. Tecnologia e trabalho. Desigualdade de acesso. Comunicação ubíqua. ABSTRACT Developing countries have committed to participate in the Information Society, recognizing its importance for the economical, social and political development of a nation. This article analyzed the Political Model of Brazilian Information Society Program - SocInfo, that had sharply initiated in the beginning of this century. The implementation of the Program had advances and setbacks, such as the low political articulation, being justified due to the effervescence provoked for the strong presence of ICT, leading the discovery of new ways of life. It is demonstrated that the appropriate information use is a key piece for citizens to be un active agent inside the Information Society. It is confirmed that internet in 21st Century turned to be the most important feature in the contemporary society, and the Web ends up making the rights achievement, when to citizen is permitted to access the offered services by the marked, government, such as education, health, communication, and safety. We can affirm that the matter of substance is the employment of the ones who are more or less on the margins of a Postmodern Society, once they stayed out of this process, in certain way, they are willing to change the course of ICT, and to modulate the innovation. From now on, having wealth and services will not be more important then the feelings of a more collective rights, such as sustainability of environment, that receives power with the support of social networks. KEY-WORDS: Impacts of ICT. Public policy. Technology and work. Inequality of access. Ubiquitous communication. RESUMEN Los países en desarrollo se empeñan en participar en la Sociedad de la Información, reconociendo su importancia para el desarrollo económico, social y político de una nación. En este artículo se analiza el modelo político del Programa Sociedad de la Información en Brasil - SocInfo cuyo el recorrido comenzó al principio de este siglo. La implementación del programa tuvo avances y retrocesos, como la baja articulación política. Una de las razones es la efervescencia causada por la fuerte presencia de las TIC, que permitió el descubrimiento de nuevas formas de vida. Se demostró que el uso adecuado de la información es la parte clave para que un ciudadano pueda ser un agente activo dentro de la Sociedad de la Información. Se confirma que la Internet en el siglo XXI se ha convertido en la principal característica de la sociedad contemporánea, y la web termina por indicar la realización de los derechos cuando se permite que el ciudadano para acceder a los servicios ofrecidos por el mercado o por el gobierno, tales como la educación, la comunicación, la salud y la seguridad. Se puede decir que son los puestos de trabajo de los que están más o menos en las márgenes de la sociedad postmoderna la cuestión de fondo, para los que se quedan fuera, en cierto modo, estarán dispuestos a cambiar el curso de la utilización de las TIC, y modular la innovación. De este punto adelante, poseer la riqueza y servicios no serán más importantes que el sentimiento de los derechos más colectivos, como la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente, que se materializa con el apoyo de las redes sociales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Impactos de las TIC. política pública. Tecnología y mano de obra. El acceso desigual. La comunicación ubicua.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Alina A. Kildyusheva

In the era of the information society and postmodern culture, the concept of cultural heritage has changed, the discourse on the meaning and prospects of the museum has been updated. The relevance of addressing the study of the fundamental cultural foundations of the museum phenomenon is associated with crisis phenomena in culture; modern global problems of mankind stimulate the formation of new cultural universals. Despite the large number of museological literature, from a philosophical point of view, the problem of the museum was rarely considered. The sociocultural significance of the museum is obvious, but the question of its essence remains open - the abundance of museological and cultural definitions of the museum does not add clarity. The work raises the question of the possibility of analyzing the phenomenon of the museum through the problems of universals, worldview universals.

Elena V. Vodopiyanova ◽  
Larisa A. Korobeynikova ◽  

Based on the analysis of official documents of the European Union, the article considers the lat-est trends in determining the main directions of the EU's activities in the field of cultural policy. It is established that despite the absolute importance and attention to the classical European cultural herit-age, the information age makes significant adjustments to management paradigms that today require innovation even in the most traditional areas. It is shown that the heritage of classical culture today exists and develops as a contradictory unity of traditional and innovative, and the role of the latter is steadily growing, obeying the logic of the development of information society. In the process of achieving these goals, economic benefits be-come inseparable from social benefits, primarily aimed at improving the quality of life. The author argues that the phenomenon of heritage, which is the Foundation of the EU's cultural policy, is still a system-forming one, but the post-industrial society certainly makes adjustments to the approaches that have been established for decades. And today, the European Union's activities in the field of cultural policy are no longer possible outside of digitalization. The latter, on the one hand, appears as a completely Autonomous entity, but in relation to cultural heritage, it undoubtedly acts as a means for preserving and expanding the latter in the context of information realities. The scale of the use of digital processes to optimize the functioning of the European classicist heritage is currently so large that there is every reason to assert that the basic direction of the European Union's cultural policy has been differentiated into heritage as such and its digitalization. The study reveals that in the process of its non-existence in the space of cultural heritage, digital-ization itself has acquired new functions, becoming a kind of intermediary between the presentation of new forms of vision of European classics and modern culture in its innovative and industrial hyposta-ses. Digitalization equalizes and unites heritage and cultural industries on a new level, as well as pro-moting modern creativity and stimulating innovation in this area. The legacy of classical culture today exists and develops as a contradictory unity of traditional and innovative, and the role of the latter is steadily growing, obeying the logic of the development of information society. It is established that if today in the official documents of the European Union heritage and digi-talization are postulated as the main directions of the cultural policy of the Association, then there are good reasons to believe that in the future, initiatives to promote the dynamics of cultural industries and expand innovations in the field of culture will take their proper place in the system of basic manage-ment actions of the EU. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that this will in no way detract from the role and place of traditional European cultural heritage, but will only expand the space of its potential possibilities.

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