scholarly journals Herpesvirus Capsid Association with the Nuclear Pore Complex and Viral DNA Release Involve the Nucleoporin CAN/Nup214 and the Capsid Protein pUL25

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (13) ◽  
pp. 6610-6623 ◽  
David Pasdeloup ◽  
Danielle Blondel ◽  
Anabela L. Isidro ◽  
Frazer J. Rixon

ABSTRACT After penetrating the host cell, the herpesvirus capsid is transported to the nucleus along the microtubule network and docks to the nuclear pore complex before releasing the viral DNA into the nucleus. The viral and cellular interactions involved in the docking process are poorly characterized. However, the minor capsid protein pUL25 has recently been reported to be involved in viral DNA uncoating. Here we show that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids interact with the nucleoporin CAN/Nup214 in infected cells and that RNA silencing of CAN/Nup214 delays the onset of viral DNA replication in the nucleus. We also show that pUL25 interacts with CAN/Nup214 and another nucleoporin, hCG1, and binds to the pUL36 and pUL6 proteins, two other components of the herpesvirus particle that are known to be important for the initiation of infection and viral DNA release. These results identify CAN/Nup214 as being a nuclear receptor for the herpesvirus capsid and pUL25 as being an interface between incoming capsids and the nuclear pore complex and as being a triggering element for viral DNA release into the nucleus.

2009 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 2110-2121 ◽  
Ken Sagou ◽  
Masashi Uema ◽  
Yasushi Kawaguchi

ABSTRACT Herpesvirus nucleocapsids assemble in the nucleus and must cross the nuclear membrane for final assembly and maturation to form infectious progeny virions in the cytoplasm. It has been proposed that nucleocapsids enter the perinuclear space by budding through the inner nuclear membrane, and these enveloped nucleocapsids then fuse with the outer nuclear membrane to enter the cytoplasm. Little is known about the mechanism(s) for nuclear egress of herpesvirus nucleocapsids and, in particular, which, if any, cellular proteins are involved in the nuclear egress pathway. UL12 is an alkaline nuclease encoded by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and has been suggested to be involved in viral DNA maturation and nuclear egress of nucleocapsids. Using a live-cell imaging system to study cells infected by a recombinant HSV-1 expressing UL12 fused to a fluorescent protein, we observed the previously unreported nucleolar localization of UL12 in live infected cells and, using coimmunoprecipitation analyses, showed that UL12 formed a complex with nucleolin, a nucleolus marker, in infected cells. Knockdown of nucleolin in HSV-1-infected cells reduced capsid accumulation, as well as the amount of viral DNA resistant to staphylococcal nuclease in the cytoplasm, which represented encapsidated viral DNA, but had little effect on these viral components in the nucleus. These results indicated that nucleolin is a cellular factor required for efficient nuclear egress of HSV-1 nucleocapsids in infected cells.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (16) ◽  
pp. 7362-7374 ◽  
Scott M. Bunnell ◽  
Stephen A. Rice

ABSTRACT ICP27 is an essential herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immediate-early protein that regulates viral gene expression by poorly characterized mechanisms. Previous data suggest that its carboxyl (C)-terminal portion is absolutely required for productive viral infection. In this study, we isolated M16R, a second-site revertant of a viral ICP27 C-terminal mutant. M16R harbors an intragenic reversion, as demonstrated by the fact that its cloned ICP27 allele can complement the growth of an HSV-1 ICP27 deletion mutant. DNA sequencing demonstrated that the intragenic reversion is a frameshift alteration in a homopolymeric run of C residues at codons 215 to 217. This results in the predicted expression of a truncated, 289-residue molecule bearing 72 novel C-terminal residues derived from the +1 reading frame. Consistent with this, M16R expresses an ICP27-related molecule of the predicted size in the nuclei of infected cells. Transfection-based viral complementation assays confirmed that the truncated, frameshifted protein can partially substitute for ICP27 in the context of viral infection. Surprisingly, its novel C-terminal residues are required for this activity. To see if the frameshift mutation is all that is required for M16R's viability, we re-engineered the M16R ICP27 allele and inserted it into a new viral background, creating the HSV-1 mutant M16exC. An additional mutant, exCd305, was constructed which possesses the frameshift in the context of an ICP27 gene with the C terminus deleted. We found that both M16exC and exCd305 are nonviable in Vero cells, suggesting that one or more extragenic mutations are also required for the viability of M16R. Consistent with this interpretation, we isolated two viable derivatives ofexCd305 which grow productively in Vero cells despite being incapable of encoding the C-terminal portion of ICP27. Studies of viral DNA synthesis in mutant-infected cells indicated that the truncated, frameshifted ICP27 protein can enhance viral DNA replication. In summary, our results demonstrate that the C-terminal portion of ICP27, conserved widely in herpesviruses and previously believed to be absolutely essential, is dispensable for HSV-1 lytic replication in the presence of compensatory genomic mutations.

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (13) ◽  
pp. 6654-6666 ◽  
Valerie G. Preston ◽  
Jill Murray ◽  
Christopher M. Preston ◽  
Iris M. McDougall ◽  
Nigel D. Stow

ABSTRACT Studies on the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL25-null mutant KUL25NS have shown that the capsid-associated UL25 protein is required at a late stage in the encapsidation of viral DNA. Our previous work on UL25 with the UL25 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant ts1204 also implicated UL25 in a role at very early times in the virus growth cycle, possibly at the stage of penetration of the host cell. We have reexamined this mutant and discovered that it had an additional ts mutation elsewhere in the genome. The ts1204 UL25 mutation was transferred into wild-type (wt) virus DNA, and the UL25 mutant ts1249 was isolated and characterized to clarify the function of UL25 at the initial stages of virus infection. Indirect immunofluorescence assays and in situ hybridization analysis of virus-infected cells revealed that the mutant ts1249 was not impaired in penetration of the host cell but had an uncoating defect at the nonpermissive temperature. When ts1249-infected cells were incubated initially at the permissive temperature to allow uncoating of the viral genome and subsequently transferred to the restrictive temperature, a DNA-packaging defect was evident. The results suggested that ts1249, like KUL25NS, had a block at a late stage of DNA packaging and that the packaged genome was shorter than the full-length genome. Examination of ts1249 capsids produced at the nonpermissive temperature revealed that, in comparison with wt capsids, they contained reduced amounts of UL25 protein, thereby providing a possible explanation for the failure of ts1249 to package full-length viral DNA.

1998 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 2463-2473 ◽  
Carmela Lamberti ◽  
Sandra K. Weller

ABSTRACT Six genes, including UL32, have been implicated in the cleavage and packaging of herpesvirus DNA into preassembled capsids. We have isolated a UL32 insertion mutant which is capable of near-wild-type levels of viral DNA synthesis; however, the mutant virus is unable to cleave and package viral DNA, consistent with the phenotype of a previously isolated temperature-sensitive herpes simplex virus type 1 mutant, tsN20 (P. A. Schaffer, G. M. Aron, N. Biswal, and M. Benyesh-Melnick, Virology 52:57–71, 1973). A polyclonal antibody which recognizes UL32 was previously used by Chang et al. (Y. E. Chang, A. P. Poon, and B. Roizman, J. Virol. 70:3938–3946, 1996) to demonstrate that UL32 accumulates predominantly in the cytoplasm of infected cells. In this report, a functional epitope-tagged version of UL32 showed that while UL32 is predominantly cytoplasmic, some nuclear staining which colocalizes with the major DNA binding protein (ICP8, UL29) in replication compartments can be detected. We have also used a monoclonal antibody (5C) specific for the hexon form of major capsid protein VP5 to study the distribution of capsids during infection. In cells infected with wild-type KOS (6 and 8 h postinfection), 5C staining patterns indicate that capsids are present in nuclei within replication compartments. These results suggest that cleavage and packaging occur in replication compartments at least at 6 and 8 h postinfection. Cells infected with the UL32 mutant exhibit a hexon staining pattern which is more diffusely distributed throughout the nucleus and which is not restricted to replication compartments. We propose that UL32 may play a role in “bringing” preassembled capsids to the sites of DNA packaging and that the failure to localize to replication compartments may explain the cleavage/packaging defect exhibited by this mutant. These results suggest that the UL32 protein is required at a step distinct from those at which other cleavage and packaging proteins are required and may be involved in the correct localization of capsids within infected cells.

2017 ◽  
Vol 91 (15) ◽  
Jamie B. Huffman ◽  
Gina R. Daniel ◽  
Erik Falck-Pedersen ◽  
Alexis Huet ◽  
Greg A. Smith ◽  

ABSTRACT The herpes simplex virus (HSV) capsid is released into the cytoplasm after fusion of viral and host membranes, whereupon dynein-dependent trafficking along microtubules targets it to the nuclear envelope. Binding of the capsid to the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is mediated by the capsid protein pUL25 and the capsid-tethered tegument protein pUL36. Temperature-sensitive mutants in both pUL25 and pUL36 dock at the NPC but fail to release DNA. The uncoating reaction has been difficult to study due to the rapid release of the genome once the capsid interacts with the nuclear pore. In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of a truncation mutant of pUL25. Live-cell imaging and immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that the mutant was not impaired in penetration of the host cell or in trafficking of the capsid to the nuclear membrane. However, expression of viral proteins was absent or significantly delayed in cells infected with the pUL25 mutant virus. Transmission electron microscopy revealed capsids accumulated at nuclear pores that retained the viral genome for at least 4 h postinfection. In addition, cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstructions of virion capsids did not detect any obvious differences in the location or structural organization for the pUL25 or pUL36 proteins on the pUL25 mutant capsids. Further, in contrast to wild-type virus, the antiviral response mediated by the viral DNA-sensing cyclic guanine adenine synthase (cGAS) was severely compromised for the pUL25 mutant. These results demonstrate that the pUL25 capsid protein has a critical role in releasing viral DNA from NPC-bound capsids. IMPORTANCE Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is the causative agent of several pathologies ranging in severity from the common cold sore to life-threatening encephalitic infection. Early steps in infection include release of the capsid into the cytoplasm, docking of the capsid at a nuclear pore, and release of the viral genome into the nucleus. A key knowledge gap is how the capsid engages the NPC and what triggers release of the viral genome into the nucleus. Here we show that the C-terminal region of the HSV-1 pUL25 protein is required for releasing the viral genome from capsids docked at nuclear pores. The significance of our research is in identifying pUL25 as a key viral factor for genome uncoating. pUL25 is found at each of the capsid vertices as part of the capsid vertex-specific component and implicates the importance of this complex for NPC binding and genome release.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1126-1139 ◽  
Frédéric Catez ◽  
Monique Erard ◽  
Nathalie Schaerer-Uthurralt ◽  
Karine Kindbeiter ◽  
Jean-Jacques Madjar ◽  

ABSTRACT By microinjecting purified glutathione S-transferase linked to all or parts of herpes simplex virus type 1 US11 protein into either the nucleus or the cytoplasm, we have demonstrated that this nucleolar protein exhibits a new type of localization signal controlling both retention in nucleoli and export to the cytoplasm. Saturated mutagenesis combined with computer modeling allowed us to draw the fine-structure map of this domain, revealing a new proline-rich motif harboring both activities, which are temperature dependent and regulated by phosphorylation. Finally, crossing the nuclear pore complex from the cytoplasm to the nucleus is an energy-dependent process for US11 protein, while getting to nucleoli through the nucleoplasm is energy independent.

2001 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 628-637 ◽  
Jennifer A. Isler ◽  
Priscilla A. Schaffer

ABSTRACT The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin binding protein (OBP), the product of the UL9 gene, is one of seven HSV-encoded proteins required for viral DNA replication. OBP performs multiple functions characteristic of a DNA replication initiator protein, including origin-specific DNA binding and ATPase and helicase activities, as well as the ability to interact with viral and cellular proteins involved in DNA replication. Replication initiator proteins in other systems, including those of other DNA viruses, are known to be regulated by phosphorylation; however, the role of phosphorylation in OBP function has been difficult to assess due to the low level of OBP expression in HSV-infected cells. Using a metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation approach, we obtained evidence that OBP is phosphorylated during HSV-1 infection. Kinetic analysis of metabolically labeled cells indicated that the levels of OBP expression and phosphorylation increased at approximately 4 h postinfection. Notably, when expressed from a transfected plasmid, a recombinant baculovirus, or a recombinant adenovirus (AdOBP), OBP was phosphorylated minimally, if at all. In contrast, superinfection of AdOBP-infected cells with an OBP-null mutant virus increased the level of OBP phosphorylation approximately threefold, suggesting that HSV-encoded viral or HSV-induced cellular factors enhance the level of OBP phosphorylation. Using HSV mutants inhibited at sequential stages of the viral life cycle, we demonstrated that this increase in OBP phosphorylation is dependent on early protein synthesis and is independent of viral DNA replication. Based on gel mobility shift assays, phosphorylation does not appear to affect the ability of OBP to bind to the HSV origins.

2010 ◽  
Vol 84 (15) ◽  
pp. 7459-7472 ◽  
Yali Zhu ◽  
Zetang Wu ◽  
M. Cristina Cardoso ◽  
Deborah S. Parris

ABSTRACT The processing of lagging-strand intermediates has not been demonstrated in vitro for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Human flap endonuclease-1 (Fen-1) was examined for its ability to produce ligatable products with model lagging-strand intermediates in the presence of the wild-type or exonuclease-deficient (exo−) HSV-1 DNA polymerase (pol). Primer/templates were composed of a minicircle single-stranded DNA template annealed to primers that contained 5′ DNA flaps or 5′ annealed DNA or RNA sequences. Gapped DNA primer/templates were extended but not significantly strand displaced by the wild-type HSV-1 pol, although significant strand displacement was observed with exo− HSV-1 pol. Nevertheless, the incubation of primer/templates containing 5′ flaps with either wild-type or exo− HSV-1 pol and Fen-1 led to the efficient production of nicks that could be sealed with DNA ligase I. Both polymerases stimulated the nick translation activity of Fen-1 on DNA- or RNA-containing primer/templates, indicating that the activities were coordinated. Further evidence for Fen-1 involvement in HSV-1 DNA synthesis is suggested by the ability of a transiently expressed green fluorescent protein fusion with Fen-1 to accumulate in viral DNA replication compartments in infected cells and by the ability of endogenous Fen-1 to coimmunoprecipitate with an essential viral DNA replication protein in HSV-1-infected cells.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (9) ◽  
pp. 4376-4385 ◽  
Haidong Gu ◽  
Bernard Roizman

ABSTRACT Among the early events in herpes simplex virus 1 replication are localization of ICP0 in ND10 bodies and accumulation of viral DNA-protein complexes in structures abutting ND10. ICP0 degrades components of ND10 and blocks silencing of viral DNA, achieving the latter by dislodging HDAC1 or -2 from the lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1)/CoREST/REST repressor complex. The role of this process is apparent from the observation that a dominant-negative CoREST protein compensates for the absence of ICP0 in a cell-dependent fashion. HDAC1 or -2 and the CoREST/REST complex are independently translocated to the nucleus once viral DNA synthesis begins. The focus of this report is twofold. First, we report that in infected cells, LSD1, a key component of the repressor complex, is partially degraded or remains stably associated with CoREST and is ultimately also translocated, in part, to the cytoplasm. Second, we examined the distribution of the components of the repressor complex and ICP8 early in infection in wild-type-virus- and ICP0 mutant virus-infected cells. The repressor component and ultimately ICP8 localize in structures that abut the ND10 nuclear bodies. There is no evidence that the two compartments fuse. We propose that ICP0 must dynamically interact with both compartments in order to accomplish its functions of degrading PML and SP100 and suppressing silencing of viral DNA through its interactions with CoREST. In turn, the remodeling of the viral DNA-protein complex enables recruitment of ICP8 and initiation of formation of replication compartments.

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