scholarly journals Multiple subelements within the polyomavirus enhancer function synergistically to activate DNA replication.

1988 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 5000-5015 ◽  
W J Muller ◽  
D Dufort ◽  
J A Hassell

The polyomavirus origin for DNA replication comprises at least two essential, but functionally distinct, cis-acting components. One of these, the origin core, is required only for DNA replication. It includes binding sites for large T antigen and the origin of bidirectional DNA replication. The other component is required for both transcription and DNA replication and is represented by two functionally redundant regions, alpha and beta, which are elements of the polyomavirus enhancer. Whereas either enhancer element will activate DNA replication, both enhancer elements are required to constitute a functional enhancer of transcription. To identify the sequences that make up each enhancer element, we have subjected them separately to in vitro mutagenesis and measured their capacity to activate replication in cis of the origin core in MOP-8 cells, which provide all trans-acting replicative functions including large T antigen. The results reveal that the beta enhancer element is composed of three subelements, two auxiliary subelements, and a core subelement. The core subelement independently activated DNA replication, albeit poorly. The auxiliary subelements, which were inactive on their own, acted synergistically with the core subelement to increase its activity. Interestingly, dimers of the beta core subelement functioned as well as the combination of a beta auxiliary subelement and a core subelement, suggesting that the subelements are functionally equivalent. The alpha enhancer element is organized similarly; it too comprises an auxiliary subelement and a core subelement. These results lead us to suggest that the polyomavirus enhancer comprises two levels of organization; two or more enhancer elements form an enhancer, and two or more subelements make up an enhancer element. The subelements share few sequences and serve as binding sites for distinct cellular factors. It appears, therefore, that a number of different cellular proteins function cooperatively to activate polyomavirus DNA replication by a common mechanism.

1988 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 5000-5015
W J Muller ◽  
D Dufort ◽  
J A Hassell

The polyomavirus origin for DNA replication comprises at least two essential, but functionally distinct, cis-acting components. One of these, the origin core, is required only for DNA replication. It includes binding sites for large T antigen and the origin of bidirectional DNA replication. The other component is required for both transcription and DNA replication and is represented by two functionally redundant regions, alpha and beta, which are elements of the polyomavirus enhancer. Whereas either enhancer element will activate DNA replication, both enhancer elements are required to constitute a functional enhancer of transcription. To identify the sequences that make up each enhancer element, we have subjected them separately to in vitro mutagenesis and measured their capacity to activate replication in cis of the origin core in MOP-8 cells, which provide all trans-acting replicative functions including large T antigen. The results reveal that the beta enhancer element is composed of three subelements, two auxiliary subelements, and a core subelement. The core subelement independently activated DNA replication, albeit poorly. The auxiliary subelements, which were inactive on their own, acted synergistically with the core subelement to increase its activity. Interestingly, dimers of the beta core subelement functioned as well as the combination of a beta auxiliary subelement and a core subelement, suggesting that the subelements are functionally equivalent. The alpha enhancer element is organized similarly; it too comprises an auxiliary subelement and a core subelement. These results lead us to suggest that the polyomavirus enhancer comprises two levels of organization; two or more enhancer elements form an enhancer, and two or more subelements make up an enhancer element. The subelements share few sequences and serve as binding sites for distinct cellular factors. It appears, therefore, that a number of different cellular proteins function cooperatively to activate polyomavirus DNA replication by a common mechanism.

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 3694-3704
C Prives ◽  
Y Murakami ◽  
F G Kern ◽  
W Folk ◽  
C Basilico ◽  

Cell extracts of FM3A mouse cells replicate polyomavirus (Py) DNA in the presence of immunoaffinity-purified Py large T antigen, deoxynucleoside triphosphates, ATP, and an ATP-generating system. This system was used to examine the effects of mutations within or adjacent to the Py core origin (ori) region in vitro. The analysis of plasmid DNAs containing deletions within the early-gene side of the Py core ori indicated that sequences between nucleotides 41 and 57 define the early boundary of Py DNA replication in vitro. This is consistent with previously published studies on the early-region sequence requirements for Py replication in vivo. Deleting portions of the T-antigen high-affinity binding sites A and B (between nucleotides 57 and 146) on the early-gene side of the core ori led to increased levels of replication in vitro and to normal levels of replication in vivo. Point mutations within the core ori region that abolish Py DNA replication in vivo also reduced replication in vitro. A mutant with a reversed orientation of the Py core ori region replicated in vitro, but to a lesser extent that wild-type Py DNA. Plasmids with deletions on the late-gene side of the core ori, within the enhancer region, that either greatly reduced or virtually abolished Py DNA replication in vivo replicated to levels similar to those of wild-type Py DNA plasmids in vitro. Thus, as has been observed with simian virus 40, DNA sequences needed for Py replication in vivo are different from and more stringent than those required in vitro.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (22) ◽  
pp. 7907-7918 ◽  
An-Yong Xie ◽  
Vladimir P. Bermudez ◽  
William R. Folk

ABSTRACT The PCAF and GCN5 acetyltransferases, but not p300 or CBP, stimulate DNA replication when tethered near the polyomavirus origin. Replication stimulation by PCAF and GCN5 is blocked by mutational inactivation of their acetyltransferase domains but not by deletion of sequences that bind p300 or CBP. Acetylation of histones near the polyomavirus origin assembled into chromatin in vivo is not detectably altered by expression of these acetyltransferases. PCAF and GCN5 interact with polyomavirus large T antigen in vivo, PCAF acetylates large T antigen in vitro, and large T-antigen acetylation in vivo is dependent upon the integrity of the PCAF acetyltransferase domain. These data suggest replication stimulation occurs through recruitment of large T antigen to the origin and acetylation by PCAF or GCN5.

1999 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 3004-3013 ◽  
Inga Reynisdóttir ◽  
Subarna Bhattacharyya ◽  
Dong Zhang ◽  
Carol Prives

ABSTRACT The retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (pRb) can associate with the transforming proteins of several DNA tumor viruses, including the large T antigen encoded by polyomavirus (Py T Ag). Although pRb function is critical for regulating progression from G1 to S phase, a role for pRb in S phase has not been demonstrated or excluded. To identify a potential effect of pRb on DNA replication, pRb protein was added to reaction mixtures containing Py T Ag, Py origin-containing DNA (Py ori-DNA), and murine FM3A cell extracts. We found that pRb strongly represses Py ori-DNA replication in vitro. Unexpectedly, however, this inhibition only partially depends on the interaction of pRb with Py T Ag, since a mutant Py T Ag (dl141) lacking the pRb interaction region was also significantly inhibited by pRb. This result suggests that pRb interferes with or alters one or more components of the murine cell replication extract. Furthermore, the ability of Py T Ag to be phosphorylated in such extracts is markedly reduced in the presence of pRb. Since cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) phosphorylation of Py T Ag is required for its replication function, we hypothesize that pRb interferes with this phosphorylation event. Indeed, the S-phase CDK complex (cyclin A-CDK2), which phosphorylates both pRb and Py T Ag, alleviates inhibition caused by pRb. Moreover, hyperphosphorylated pRb is incapable of inhibiting replication of Py ori-DNA in vitro. We propose a new requirement for maintaining pRb phosphorylation in S phase, namely, to prevent deleterious effects on the cellular replication machinery.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (7) ◽  
pp. 3312-3322 ◽  
Weiping Wang ◽  
Daniel T. Simmons

ABSTRACT The hydrophilic channels between helicase domains of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen play a critical role in DNA replication. Previous mutagenesis of residues in the channels identified one class of mutants (class A: D429A, N449S, and N515S) with normal DNA binding and ATPase and helicase activities but with a severely reduced ability to unwind origin DNA and to support SV40 DNA replication in vitro. Here, we further studied these mutants to gain insights into how T antigen unwinds the origin. We found that the mutants were compromised in melting the imperfect palindrome (EP) but normal in untwisting the AT-rich track. However, the mutants' defect in EP melting was not the major reason they failed to unwind the origin because supplying an EP region as a mismatched bubble, or deleting the EP region altogether, did not rescue their unwinding deficiency. These results suggested that specific separation of the central palindrome of the origin (site II) is an essential step in unwinding origin DNA by T antigen. In support of this, wild-type T antigen was able to specifically unwind a 31-bp DNA containing only site II in an ATPase-dependent reaction, whereas D429A and N515S failed to do so. By performing a systematic mutagenesis of 31-bp site II DNA, we identified discrete regions in each pentanucleotide necessary for normal origin unwinding. These data indicate that T antigen has a mechanism to specifically unwind the central palindrome. Various models are proposed to illustrate how T antigen could separate the central origin.

1998 ◽  
Vol 72 (9) ◽  
pp. 7330-7340 ◽  
Yu-Cai Peng ◽  
Nicholas H. Acheson

ABSTRACT Polyomavirus large T antigen binds to multiple 5′-G(A/G)GGC-3′ pentanucleotide sequences in sites 1/2, A, B, and C within and adjacent to the origin of viral DNA replication on the polyomavirus genome. We asked whether the binding of large T antigen to one of these sites could influence binding to other sites. We discovered that binding to origin DNA is substantially stronger at pH 6 to 7 than at pH 7.4 to 7.8, a range often used in DNA binding assays. Large T antigen-DNA complexes formed at pH 6 to 7 were stable, but a fraction of these complexes dissociated at pH 7.6 and above upon dilution or during electrophoresis. Increased binding at low pH is therefore due at least in part to increased stability of protein-DNA complexes, and binding at higher pH values is reversible. Binding to fragments of origin DNA in which one or more sites were deleted or inactivated by point mutations was measured by nitrocellulose filter binding and DNase I footprinting. The results showed that large T antigen binds cooperatively to its four binding sites in viral DNA, suggesting that the binding of this protein to one of these sites stabilizes its binding to other sites via protein-protein contacts. Sites A, B, and C may therefore augment DNA replication by facilitating the binding of large T antigen to site 1/2 at the replication origin. ATP stabilized large T antigen-DNA complexes against dissociation in the presence, but not the absence, of site 1/2, and ATP specifically enhanced protection against DNase I digestion in the central 10 to 12 bp of site 1/2, at which hexamers are believed to form and begin unwinding DNA. We propose that large T antigen molecules bound to these multiple sites on origin DNA interact with each other to form a compact protein-DNA complex and, furthermore, that ATP stimulates their assembly into hexamers at site 1/2 by a “handover” mechanism mediated by these protein-protein contacts.

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (9) ◽  
pp. 5512-5518 ◽  
S. Titolo ◽  
E. Welchner ◽  
P. W. White ◽  
J. Archambault

ABSTRACT The affinity of the origin-binding domain (OBD) of simian virus 40 large T antigen for its cognate origin was measured at equilibrium using a DNA binding assay based on fluorescence anisotropy. At a near-physiological concentration of salt, the affinities of the OBD for site II and the core origin were 31 and 50 nM, respectively. Binding to any of the four 5′-GAGGC-3′ binding sites in site II was only slightly weaker, between 57 and 150 nM. Although the OBD was shown previously to assemble as a dimer on two binding sites spaced by 7 bp, we found that increasing the distance between both binding sites by 1 to 3 bp had little effect on affinity. Similar results were obtained for full-length T antigen in absence of nucleotide. Addition of ADP-Mg, which promotes hexamerization of T antigen, greatly increased the affinity of full-length T antigen for the core origin and for nonspecific DNA. The implications of these findings for the assembly of T antigen at the origin and its transition to a non-specific DNA helicase are discussed.

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