scholarly journals Sport accidents in childhood.

1990 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-44 ◽  
Y Sahlin
Retos ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 790-794
Elias Alberto Bedoya Marrugo ◽  
Elin Johana Manrique Julio

El objetivo de este estudio es dar una interpretación del contexto del accidente de trabajo entre los jugadores del futbol profesional colombiano, junto a la descripción de un caso ocurrido en canchas colombianas, incluyendo el análisis de muerte en el terreno de juego y analizar las principales estadísticas existentes sobre el fenómeno de accidente en el futbol en Colombia. Se organizaron datos e información de manuscritos científicos entre los años 2010 a 2018, consultando fuentes indexadoras de Science Direct, Scopus y Wos, revalidando dicha información con diarios deportivos colombianos y extranjeros. Se realizó un análisis compilatorio de la información para dar a conocer un panorama sobre las condiciones legales y contractuales de los futbolistas adscritos a la Federación Colombiana de Futbol y su realidad antes, durante el juego y después de la ocurrencia de accidentes deportivos de distinta severidad. Los resultados permitieron inferir sobre la actual realidad de los trabajadores del futbol en Colombia y como encaran estos su situación luego de un accidente o lesión deportiva y además sugerir mejoras en la actual legislación colombiana del deporte.Abstract: The objective of this study is to interpret the context of work accidents among Colombian professional soccer players, together with the description of a case occurred in Colombian fields, including the analysis of death on the field of play and the analysis of the main statistics on the accident phenomenon in football in Colombia. Data and information from manuscripts published from 2010 to 2018 were organized after consulting the indexed sources of Science Direct, Scopus, and WoS, and contrasted with Colombian and foreign newspapers. A compilatory analysis of the information was carried out to provide an overview of the legal and contractual conditions of soccer players members of the Colombian Football Federation and their reality before and during the game, as well as after the occurrence of sport accidents of different severities. The results allowed us to infer about the current reality of soccer workers in Colombia and how this reflects their situation after an accident or sport injury. 

Jarosław Żmudzki ◽  
Karolina Panek ◽  
Grzegorz Chladek ◽  
Marcin Adamiak ◽  
Paul Lipinski

The paper aims in assessing risks of mandible fractures consequent to impacts or sport accidents. The role of the structural stiffness of mandible, related to disocclusion state, is evaluated through numerical simulations using the finite element method (FEM). It has been assumed that the quasi-static stress field, due to distributed forces developed during accidents, could explain the common types of mandibular fractures. Geometric model of adolescent mandible was built, upon the basis of medical imaging, in CAD software with distinction between cortical layer and inner spongy bone. The finite element model of disoccluded mandible was next created. Mandibular condyles were supposed jammed in the maxillary fossae. The total force of 700 N, simulating an impact on mandible, has been sequentially applied in three distinct areas: centrally, at canine zone and at the mandibular angle. Clinically most frequent fractures of mandible were recognized through the analysis of maximal principal stress and maximal principal strain fields. Mandibular fracture during accidents can be analyzed at satisfactory level using linear quasi-static FE models for designing protections in sport and transport. The proposed approach can be improved by introducing more realistic interactions between condylar processes and fossae.

Marco Gentile ◽  
Matteo Iualè ◽  
Maura Mengoni ◽  
Michele Germani

Nowadays, upper-limb injury or impairment represent a widespread problem, related to sport accidents or traumas, surgery operations, stroke and so on. The typical approach to the rehabilitation is one or more physiotherapy sessions, to restore muscular mass and strength. Despite this, over the years, several works proposed innovative solutions, including electromechanical orthoses, which work in relation to the muscular activity, measured by techniques such as superficial electromyography (sEMG). Yet, these systems are still far from commercialization because of their cost, complexity and difficulties in using. A currently unmet need regards the ability of the therapist to control and manage data through a remote interface, by exploiting some of the latest technological resources on the market (smartphones, tablets). The present works aims at designing an upper-limb rehabilitation system, based on an orthosis, sEMG wireless sensors and a dedicated software architecture to overcome these limitations. This will lead to an important change of perspective in physiotherapy procedures since data collection and correlation will produce innovative medical protocols, addressed to people affected by several types of injury or impairment.

Christoph Castellani ◽  
Georg Singer ◽  
Margarita Eibisberger ◽  
Thomas Petnehazy ◽  
Daniela Wernitznigg ◽  

M. Voth ◽  
K. Sommer ◽  
C. Schindler ◽  
J. Frank ◽  
I. Marzi

Abstract Introduction In an emergency department, the majority of pediatric trauma patients present because of minor injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate temporal changes in age-related injury pattern, trauma mechanism, and surgeries in pediatric patients. Methods This retrospective study included patients < 18 years of age following trauma from 01/2009 to 12/2018 at a level I trauma center. They were divided into two groups: group A (A: 01/2009 to 12/2013) and group B (B: 01/2014 to 12/2018). Injury mechanism, injury pattern, and surgeries were analyzed. As major injuries fractures, dislocations, and organ injuries and as minor injuries contusions and superficial wounds were defined. Results 23,582 patients were included (58% male, median age 8.2 years). There was a slight increase in patients comparing A (n = 11,557) and B (n = 12,025) with no difference concerning demographic characteristics. Significant more patients (A: 1.9%; B: 2.4%) were admitted to resuscitation room, though the number of multiple injured patients was not significantly different. In A (25.5%), major injuries occurred significantly less frequently than in B (27.0%), minor injuries occurred equally. Extremity fractures were significantly more frequent in B (21.5%) than in A (20.2%), peaking at 8–12 years. Most trauma mechanisms of both groups were constant, with a rising of sport injuries at 8–12 years. Conclusion Although number of patients increases only slightly over a decade, there was a clear increase in major injuries, particularly extremity fractures, peaking at 8–12 years. At this age also sport accidents significantly increased. At least, admittance to resuscitation room rose but without an increase of multiple injured patients.

2007 ◽  
Vol 148 (34) ◽  
pp. 1615-1619 ◽  
Péter Felkai

A tavalyi év több halálos végű téli sportbaleseteinek száma, mely különösen a gyermekkorúak síelésével volt kapcsolatos, felvetette azt a gondolatot, hogy a síelő csoportokat olyan kiképzett orvosok kísérjék, akik alkalmasak arra, hogy a téli sportokkal kapcsolatos sürgősségi helyszíni ellátást elkezdjék, és ezáltal a balesetek és megbetegedések következményeit enyhítsék. Mivel hasonló kezdeményezésről még nem számol be a szakirodalom, a jelen közlemény megpróbálja összefoglalni a sítábororvosokkal szemben támasztott szakmai követelményeket, valamint felméri a tábororvosok feladatkörét. A sítábororvos, bármely diszciplína művelője is, jártas kell hogy legyen az utazási orvostan alapkérdéseiben és a sürgősségi betegellátás készségszintű művelésében. Prevenciós feladatai között szerepel az utazás előtti egészségfelmérés, a szokványos megbetegedések felismerése és kezelése a helyszínen, az orvosi elsősegély nyújtása a sípályán, valamint a beteg ellátásának és hazaszállításának megszervezése. Az elképzelés helyességét bizonyította az első sítábororvos-képzés sikere, melynek folyamán a résztvevők nemcsak az orvosi elméleti alapokat sajátították el, hanem hivatásos síoktatók is javították az orvosok sítechnikai tudását. A képzés része volt még a síbalesetek jogi és biztosítói oldalról való elemzése is. A nagy érdeklődésre való tekintettel a sítábororvosi tanfolyamot rendszeressé kell tenni, a képzésbe belevonva a külföldi hegyi mentőszolgálatokat is. Az iskoláscsoportok síbaleseteinek megelőzésében nagy szerepe lehet a kiképzett tábororvosoknak, akik névsora az utazási irodák rendelkezésére bocsátható. Remélhető, hogy a kezdeményezést az utazási biztosítók is felkarolják, mert a sítábororvos jelenléte nagyban csökkentheti a kárhányadot és a károsodás mértékét.

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