physical education
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Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 728-738
Teresa Fuentes-Nieto ◽  
Víctor Manuel López Pastor ◽  
Andrés Palacios-Picos

  This work analyses the results of an authentic assessment (AA) and transformative assessment (TA) experience and use of information and communication technology (ICT) in Physical Education (PE) classes in high school. The experience involves the use of the Plickers application, and the participation of the students in the evaluation (self-evaluation and peer evaluation processes). This study was carried out in a high school from Spain, as part of a didactic dance unit, with 38 students (15th years old). The AA and TA task was for small groups of students to create a video tutorial of salsa steps as a final product of a dance teaching unit; were self-assessed and peer-assessed using Plickers. Experience was also evaluated. Results: the use of AA and TA processes in PE in high school based on the use of ICT has been a very positive experience. For the students the video tutorial is a good method of learning and assessment and they value positively the peer-assessment and self-assessment processes they carried out, as well as the use of the Plickers. This study can be interesting to PE teachers interested in using AA, TA and ICT. Further research about this topic may be need. Resumen. Este trabajo analiza los resultados de una experiencia de evaluación auténtica (EA) y evaluación transformativa (ET) que utiliza las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en Educación Física (EF) en Educación Secundaria. La experiencia implica la utilización de la aplicación “Plickers” y la participación del alumnado en la evaluación (procesos de autoevaluación y de evaluación entre iguales). El estudio se desarrolla en un instituto de educación secundaria español, como parte de una unidad didácica de danza, con 38 alumnos de 15 años. Las actividades de EA y ET se realizaron en pequeños grupos, que crearon un video-tutorial de pasos de salsa como producto final de la unidad didáctica, el cual fue autoevaluado y coevaluado utilizando la aplicación “Plickers”. Se evaluó también toda la experiencia. Los resultados muestran que la utilización de procesos de EA y ET a través de las TIC en EF en secundaria ha sido una experiencia muy positiva. Los alumnos lo consideran un buen método de aprendizaje y evaluación y valoran positivamente los procesos de evaluación entre iguales y autoevaluación utilizados, así como el uso de “Plickers”. El estudio puede ser de interés para el profesorado de EF interesado en utilizar EA, ET y TIC. Parece necesario realizar más investigación sobre la temática.

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 739-748
Beatriz Rodríguez Martín ◽  
Gonzalo Flores Aguilar ◽  
Javier Fernández Río

  Esta investigación valoró los efectos de un programa didáctico gamificado sobre la ansiedad ante el fracaso en Educación Física. Además, pudimos reconocer las posibles causas al analizar las impresiones del alumnado sobre la experiencia. Participaron 143 estudiantes de 5º y 6º de primaria. Se siguió un diseño pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test de un solo grupo, cuantitativo-cualitativo. Se administró la subescala Ansiedad y Agobio ante el Fracaso del Test de Motivación del Logro para el Aprendizaje en Educación Física (versión validada por Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) del Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, de Nishida (1988)) y un cuestionario ad hoc con cuatro preguntas abiertas. Los datos cuantitativos mostraron que, tras la intervención didáctica, la ansiedad disminuyó de manera significativa. Los resultados cualitativos desvelaron aspectos positivos que pudieron promover dicha disminución, como: la superación de pruebas, el trabajo cooperativo, el disfrute de los elementos de la gamificación, la superación personal, el aprendizaje y la mejora de aspectos curriculares. Sin embargo, también se reconocieron otros aspectos negativos, como el trabajo de la resistencia y los grupos estables, lo cual deja entrever algunos aspectos de mejora en este planteamiento gamificado. Abstract: This research assessed the effects of a gamified project on anxiety about failure in Physical Education, perceiving the possible causes through the impressions of the students. 143 students from 5th and 6th grade participated. A pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test single-group, quantitative-qualitative design was followed. The Anxiety and Stress subscale was administered before the Failure of the Motivation Test of Achievement for Learning in Physical Education and open questions were used after the experience (version validated by Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) of the Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, by Nishida (1988)) and an ad hoc questionnaire with four open questions. The quantitative data showed that anxiety decreased significantly after the intervention. The qualitative results revealed positive aspects that could promote said decrease: passing tests, cooperative work, enjoyment of the elements of gamification, personal improvement, learning and improvement of curricular aspects. However, other negative aspects were also recognized, such as resistance work and stable groups, which suggests some aspects of improvement in this gamified approach.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Chuan Mou ◽  
Yi Tian ◽  
Fengrui Zhang ◽  
Chao Zhu

This study aims to explore the current situation and strategy formulation of sports psychology teaching in colleges and universities following adaptive learning and deep learning under information education. The informatization in physical education, teaching methods, and teaching processes make psychological education more scientific and efficient. First, the relevant theories of adaptive learning and deep learning are introduced, and an adaptive learning analysis model is implemented. Second, based on the deep learning automatic encoder, college students’ sports psychology is investigated and the test results are predicted. Finally, the current situation and development strategy of physical education in colleges and universities are analyzed. The results show that when the learning rate is 1, 0.1, and 0.01, there is no significant change in the analysis factors of recall, ndcg, item_coverage, and sps. When the learning rate is 1, their analysis factors change obviously, and it is calculated that the optimal learning rate of the model is 1. And the difficulty of the recommended test questions by using the sports psychology teaching method based on adaptive learning and deep learning is relatively stable. The test questions include various language points of sports psychology. Compared with others methods, adaptive learning and deep learning can provide comprehensive test questions for sports psychology teaching. This study provides technical support for the reform of sports psychology teaching in colleges and universities and contributes to optimizing the information-based teaching mode.

João Martins ◽  
Adilson Marques ◽  
Élvio Rúbio Gouveia ◽  
Francisco Carvalho ◽  
Hugo Sarmento ◽  

The present study sought to examine the associations between participation in physical education (PE) classes and a range of health-related behaviours among adolescents. Secondary analysis of self-reported data from the Global Student Health Survey, collected between 2010 and 2017 from 222,121 adolescents (N = 117,914 girls; 49.0%; aged 13–17 years) from 67 countries and five world regions, was carried out. Participation in PE classes (0, 1–2, ≥3 days/week) was the independent variable. Physical activity (PA); sedentary behaviour (SB); active travel to school; fruit, vegetables, and alcohol consumption; and smoking; as well as adopting ≥5 of these healthy behaviours; were the dependent variables. Complex samples logistic regressions were performed to explore the associations between participation in PE classes and health-related behaviours. The results revealed that 18.2% of adolescents did not take part in PE classes. A total of 56.7% and 25.1% of adolescents reported participating in PE classes on 1–2 and ≥3 days/week, respectively. Only 26.8% of adolescents adopted ≥5 healthy behaviours. Participation in PE classes was positively associated with PA, active travel, fruit consumption, and vegetable consumption (only for ≥3 days/week), but was negatively associated with meeting SB recommendations, and with not smoking (only for girls and ≥3 days/week). Overall, PE participation was positively associated with adopting ≥5 healthy behaviours, with favourable results found for those who attended more PE classes. The findings revealed a positive association between participation in PE classes and a range of health-related behaviours among adolescents. This suggests that, worldwide, quality PE should be delivered at least 3 days per week up to daily to promote healthy lifestyles among adolescents.

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 774-782
Guadalupe Del Rosario Martínez Aguilera

 Este trabajo buscó descubrir de qué manera la clase de educación física puede favorecer la manifestación de las inteligencias múltiples en la resolución de problemas en 27 alumnos de ocho a nueve años de un grupo de cuarto grado de una escuela primaria. Mediante el método cualitativo en la aplicación de una secuencia didáctica de siete sesiones se recogieron datos mediante una evaluación formativa utilizando entrevistas, observación y el cuaderno de educación física que los niños utilizaron a lo largo de la intervención donde expresaron parte de su experiencia y aprendizajes que adquirieron en la clase de educación física. Como resultado se observa que los alumnos expresan de manera específica los aprendizajes obtenidos en la secuencia didáctica en donde se manifiestan las inteligencias múltiples para la resolución de problemas permitiendo conseguir los objetivos de la secuencia didáctica. Se concluye la importancia de fortalecer una clase de educación física inclusiva mediante el enfoque de las inteligencias múltiples en donde los alumnos puedan expresar sus habilidades y capacidades para lograr los aprendizajes esperados de educación física, se enfatiza la necesidad de trabajar las competencias didácticas en los docentes para planificar escenarios aptos y estimulantes que permitan en el alumnado lograr un desarrollo integral.  Abstract. This work sought to discover how physical education class can favor the manifestation of multiple intelligences in problem solving in eight- to nine-year-old elementary school students. Through the qualitative method in the application of a didactic sequence of seven sessions, data was collected through a formative evaluation using interviews, observation and the physical education notebook that the children used throughout the intervention where they expressed part of their experience and learning that acquired in physical education class. As a result, it is observed that the students express in a specific way the learning obtained in the didactic sequence where multiple intelligences are manifested for solving problems, allowing to achieve the objectives of the didactic sequence. The importance of strengthening an inclusive physical education class through the approach of multiple intelligences is concluded where students can express their abilities and capacities to achieve the expected learning of physical education, the need to work on didactic skills in teachers is emphasized to plan suitable and stimulating scenarios that allow students to achieve development.

Iordanis Kioumourtzoglou ◽  
Eleni Zetou ◽  
Panagiotis Antoniou

Aim: To present the relevant research results that enhance the possibilities presented today with the use of multimedia applications. An attempt was made to explain its importance in the learning process in general and motor skills in particular. At the same time, we try to define the implementation process and the flags that need attention for the best possible results. Nowadays the use of digital technology has reached very high levels. Especially in the last two years with the COVID-19 pandemic, where distance learning was most used. Teachers have learned to use these digital tools to create attractive lessons for their students, who are already introduced to digital technology in their lives. The use of multimedia in education, as many research suggests, is a modern learning tool in the classroom, but recently they have been used in both physical education and sport. The effectiveness of multimedia use is based on the theory of visualization of information that helps the student store this information in their memory for subsequent recall, make the course more attractive/pleasant, so students are motivated to learn. In PA and sports it is used as a helpful tool, since the master of learning is practice. The means used to present multimedia in the classroom can be tablets, mobile phones, a laptop with a large screen view at the same time.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Long Hao ◽  
Li-Min Zhou

As the demand for education continues to increase, the relative lack of physical resources has become a bottleneck hindering the development of school physical education to a certain extent. This research mainly discusses the evaluation index system of school sports resources based on artificial intelligence and edge computing. Human resources, financial resources, and material resources in school sports resources are the three major resources in resource science. University sports stadium information publicity uses Internet technology to establish a sports information management platform and mobile Internet terminals to optimize university sports resources and stadium information management services. It uses artificial intelligence technology to improve venue information management. It establishes a comprehensive platform for venue management information, collects multidimensional information, provides information resources and accurate information push, and links venue information with public fitness needs. Using edge computing to realize nearby cloud processing of video data, reduce the phenomenon of black screen jams during live broadcast, improve data computing capabilities, and reduce users’ dependence on the performance of terminal devices, build a smart sports resource platform, combine artificial intelligence (AI) to create smart communities, smart venues, and realize intelligent operations such as event service operations and safety prevention and control in important event venues. During the live broadcast of the student sports league, the nearby cloud processing of video data is realized in the form of edge computing, which improves the data computing ability and reduces the performance dependence on the user terminal equipment itself. In the academic survey of college physical education teachers, undergraduates accounted for 26.99%, masters accounted for 60.3%, and doctoral degrees accounted for 12.8%. This research will help the reasonable allocation of school sports resources.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Marianna Alesi ◽  
Manuel Gómez-López ◽  
Carla Chicau Borrego

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Rebecca J. Lloyd ◽  
Stephen J. Smith

The overarching purpose of the InterActive for Life (IA4L) project is to mobilize relational knowledge of partnered movement practices for physical education practitioners. Through a participatory, motion-sensing phenomenological methodology, relational knowledge gleaned from world class experts in salsa dance, equestrian arts, push hands Tai Chi and acroyoga, and analyzed through the Function2Flow conceptual model, was shared with Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students. They, in turn, made sense of the ways these experts cultivate relational connections through a process of designing interactive games suitable for physical education curricula. The kinetic, kinesthetic, affective and energetic dynamics of these games were then shared through professional development workshops, mentoring, and open-access resources. Each phase of the IA4L project invites us to depart from the predominance of individualistic ways of conceiving and teaching movement and instead explore what it means to be attuned to the pulse of life as we break away from tendencies to objectify movement as something our bodies do or that is done to them. Consideration is given to the ways in which meaningful relational connections are formed in and through movement and how this learning prioritizes the InterActive Functions, Forms, Feelings and Flows of moving purposefully, playfully and expressively with others. In so doing, what this research offers is an understanding of how knowledge of an essentially motion-sensitive kind, which can breathe life into physical education curricula, can be actively and interactively mobilized.

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