1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular orbital studies of the internal rotational potential and of spin–spin coupling transmission in phenylallene

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (9) ◽  
pp. 1478-1487 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Scott Kroeker ◽  
David M. McKinnon

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of phenylallene, diluted in acetone-d6 and benzene-d6, yield long-range coupling constants over as many as eight formal bonds between the ring and side-chain protons. These are discussed in terms of σ- and π-electron spin–spin coupling mechanisms, which are sensitive to the torsion angle between the allenyl and phenyl fragments. The torsion angle is assessed by means of molecular orbital computations of the internal rotational potential, whose height is calculated as 16.0 kJ/mol at the MP2/6-31G* level of correlation-gradient theory. Comparison with experimental and theoretical internal rotational potentials for styrene suggests that steric repulsions in the planar form of styrene amount to about 4 kJ/mol. In a field of 7.0 T, phenylallene is partially aligned, entailing a positive dipolar coupling constant between the methylene protons, from which absolute signs of the spin–spin coupling constants involving these protons can be inferred. Such coupling constants over seven and eight bonds, to the meta and para protons, are taken as being mediated by the extended π-electron system, providing a measure of π-electron contributions to coupling constants between meta protons and those in side chains (spin correlation). Some coupling constants between protons and 13C nuclei in the side chain, as well as between ring protons and these 13C nuclei, are also discussed in terms of spin coupling mechanisms. Solvent perturbations of one-bond proton–carbon coupling constants in the allenyl group do not follow the usual pattern in which an increase in polarity of the solvent is associated with an increase in the magnitude of the coupling constant. Keywords: 1H NMR, phenylallene; 1H NMR, long-range spin–spin coupling constants in phenylallene; phenylallene, internal rotational potential, molecular orbital computations; molecular orbital calculations, an internal rotational potential in phenylallene.

1996 ◽  
Vol 74 (8) ◽  
pp. 1524-1525 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Guy M. Bernard ◽  
Frank E. Hruska

An excellent linear correlation (r = 0.9999) exists between the spin–spin coupling constants 1J(1H,13C), in benzene dissolved in four solvents (R. Laatikainen et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 11006 (1995)) and Ando's solvation dielectric function, ε/(ε – 1). The solvents are cyclohexane, carbon disulfide, pyridine, and acetone. 1J(1H,13C)for gaseous benzene is predicted to be 156.99(2) Hz at 300 K. Key words: spin–spin coupling constants, 1J(1H,13C) for benzene in the vapor phase; spin–spin coupling constants, solvent dielectric constant dependence of 1J(1H,13C) in benzene; benzene, estimate of 1J(1H,13C) in the vapor; nuclear magnetic resonance, estimate of 1J(1H,13C) in gaseous benzene.

1976 ◽  
Vol 54 (20) ◽  
pp. 3216-3223 ◽  
William J. E. Parr ◽  
Roderick E. Wasylishen ◽  
Ted Schaefer

The stereospecific spin–spin coupling constants over five bonds between the α-proton in the side chain and the protons in the heterocycle in 2-vinylfuran, in its β-nitro and β-aldehydic derivatives, and in 2-vinylthiophene are used to demonstrate the preponderance of the s-trans conformers in polar and nonpolar solutions. These conclusions are compared with predictions made by molecular orbital theory at the STO-3G, INDO, CNDO/2, and MINDO/3 levels. Long-range coupling constants between the protons in the side chain and protons in the heterocycle are calculated by CNDO/2 and INDO–MO–FPT and are compared with experiment. It is concluded that the five-bond couplings involving the α-proton are most sensitive to conformation and that they are transmitted mainly via a σ electron mechanism. The other long-range coupling constants are discussed in terms of σ and π electron mechanisms. The STO-3G calculations yield barriers to internal rotation of greater than 4.8 kcal/mol.

1988 ◽  
Vol 66 (8) ◽  
pp. 1821-1823 ◽  
Glenn H. Penner ◽  
William P. Power ◽  
Roderick E. Wasylishen

The anisotropy of the indirect 31P,199Hg spin–spin coupling constant, ΔJ, in solid [HgP(o-tolyl)3(NO3)2]2 is obtained from an analysis of the 31P nuclear magnetic resonance powder pattern. The value of ΔJ, 5170 ± 250 Hz, is large and indicates that mechanisms other than the Fermi contact mechanism are important for this spin–spin coupling. The powder spectrum also indicates that the absolute sign of 1J(31P,199Hg) is positive.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (12) ◽  
pp. 2208-2216 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Scott Kroeker ◽  
David M. McKinnon

The 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of 2-formylstyrene, from dilute solutions in CS2–C6DI2 and acetone-d6, are analyzed to yield precise chemical shifts and spin–spin coupling constants. The long-range coupling constants imply a conformational distribution in which the O-trans conformer is 55% abundant in both polar and nonpolar environments. They also imply that the vinyl group, on average, is twisted out of the aromatic plane to a much larger extent than in styrene. The 6-31G* basis set gives an ab initio potential for the torsion of the vinyl moiety with a relatively deep minimum at 38° out-of-plane, for the O-cis conformer. For the O-trans conformer, two minima are found, one at 45° and another at 129.6°. Essentially the same potential is obtained with the 6-31G** basis. The latter corresponds to a close approach of the hydrogen atom of the formyl group and π orbitals or the β-carbon atom of the olefinic side chain. This local minimum is interesting in terms of a hypothesis used to explain the photochemistry of the molecule. The long-range coupling constants are consistent with the conformational properties calculated for the free molecule; they also indicate no significant difference between the conformational behaviour of the molecule in the two solvents. A proximate coupling constant of −0.16 Hz exists between the formyl and methine (α) protons. The latter is strongly deshielded in the presence of the formyl group, so that it becomes even less shielded than some of the aromatic protons. Keywords: 1H NMR, 2-formylstyrene (o-vinylbenzaldehyde); long-range spin–spin coupling constants, 2-formylstyrene; conformations, three nonplanar of 2-formylstyrene; molecular orbital calculations, conformations of 2-formylstyrene.

1979 ◽  
Vol 57 (7) ◽  
pp. 807-812 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Walter Niemczura ◽  
Chiu-Ming Wong ◽  
Kirk Marat

A complete analysis of the 1H and 19F nmr spectra of 2,5- and 3,4-difluorobenzotrifluoride, together with multiple resonance experiments, yields the signs and magnitudes of the long-range 19F,19F and 1H,19F spin–spin coupling constants. The coupling mechanisms are discussed. In particular, the coupling over six bonds, [Formula: see text], whose sign is interpretable in terms of a σ–π mechanism, is too large in magnitude when compared to [Formula: see text], and [Formula: see text] in the analogous compounds. These latter three couplings are consistent in sign and magnitude with what is known about hyperfine interaction constants. The magnitudes of [Formula: see text] are reported for 4-fluorobenzotrifluoride, 3-amino-4-fluorobenzotrifluoride, 3-nitro-4-fluorobenzotrifluoride, as are 6JpF,F values for p-fluorobenzal fluoride and p-fluorobenzyl fluoride. In contrast to 6JpH,CH and 6JpF,CH it seems unlikely that, unless its coupling mechanism becomes more precisely understood, 6JpF,CF will be a reliable indicator of conformational preferences.

1988 ◽  
Vol 66 (7) ◽  
pp. 1635-1640 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Glenn H. Penner

13C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts and nJ(13C,13C) are reported for anisole and 16 of its derivatives, all enriched with 13C in the methoxyl group. 5J(13C,13C) is directly proportional to sin2θ, where θ is the angle by which the methoxy group twists about the C(1)—O bond. In acetone-d6 solution, 5J(C,C) is not observable for a number of 4-substituted anisoles, except for 1,4-dimethoxybenzene. For the latter, 5J(C,C) is compatible with a twofold barrier of 19.3 ± 1.1 kJ/mol hindering rotation about the C(1)—O bond. However, it is unlikely that the barrier is purely twofold in nature. The observed 5J(C,C) is also compatible with 10.5 and 6.0 kJ/mol for the twofold and fourfold components, respectively, implying a dynamical nuclear magnetic resonance barrier of less than 13 kJ/mol. While phase and solvent effects on the internal barrier in anisole are certainly substantial, it appears that a fourfold component must also be present. The apparent twofold barrier in 2,6-difluoroanisole is 5.4 ± 0.9 kJ/mol, based on 5J(C,C) and 6J(H-4,13C). The latter coupling constant is also reported for 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene and used to deduce its conformation. The θ dependence of 3J(C,C) and 4J(C,C) is briefly discussed for symmetrical anisole derivatives. Differential 13C, 13C isotope shifts are reported for 1,4-dimethoxybenzene.

1969 ◽  
Vol 47 (21) ◽  
pp. 4005-4010 ◽  
S. S. Danyluk ◽  
C. L. Bell ◽  
T. Schaefer

The long-range proton–proton coupling constants between the ring protons and the aldehydic proton are reported for a series of para-substituted benzaldehyde derivatives. It was found that JoH,CHO < 0 and JmH,CHO > 0. Furthermore, JoH,CHO increases in magnitude as the electron donating power of the sub-stituent increases. A similar trend is observed forJmH,CHO but the ratio of the increase to the magnitude of JmH,CHO is much less than for JoH,CHO. A good correlation is obtained between JoH,CHO and the sub-stituent parameters of Swain and Lupton.The coupling constant data are discussed in terms of σ and π coupling mechanisms and it is concluded that σ electron mechanisms are dominant for both JoH,CHO and JmH,CHO.

1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 620-624 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Rudy Sebastian ◽  
Salman R. Salman ◽  
James D. Baleja ◽  
Glenn H. Penner ◽  

The proximate coupling constants, 5J, between ortho and methyl protons in thioanisole and 18 of its derivatives are discussed as conformational indicators. On the assumption that 5J varies as cos4θ, for 0° ≤ θ ≤ 90°, θ being the angle by which the methyl group twists out of the aromatic plane, 5J for θ = 0° follows as −0.43 (2) Hz from the known internal barrier in thioanisole in solution. A measurement of 5J in meta- or para-substituted thioanisole derivatives then yields an approximate value for the twofold barrier to rotation about the Csp2—S bond. For derivatives containing an ortho substituent, 5J yields an estimate of the torsion angle for the thiomethyl moiety. In some instances these angles are compared with those derived from long-range 1H, 13C and 13C, 13C coupling constants. The size of the ortho substituent appears to have only a small effect on the magnitude of 5J. The major determinant of the latter appears to be the manner in which the substituent perturbs the mobile bond order of the Csp2—S bond. Key words: spin–spin coupling constants, thioanisole derivatives; 1H NMR, thioanisole derivatives; conformations, thioanisole derivatives; conformations, torsional motion of SCH3 group.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (9) ◽  
pp. 1387-1394 ◽  
Ted Schaefer ◽  
Paul Hazendonk ◽  
David M. McKinnon

The 1H, 19Fand 13C{1H} nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-phenylethane, 1, in CS2–C6D12, acetone-d6, and benzene-d6 solutions, on analysis, yield long-range coupling constants from which are derived the apparent twofold barriers to rotation about the Csp2—Csp3 bonds. The twofold barrier is 9.0(2) kJ/mol, independent of solvent, 4.0 kJ/mol larger than that of ethylbenzene, also independent of solvent. The theoretical barrier heights for the free molecules at the post-Hartree–Fock level of molecular orbital theory (frozen-core MP2/6-31G*) also differ by 4 kJ/mol, but are about 1 kJ/mol higher than the experimental estimates. The perpendicular conformer is the most stable for both molecules. Comparisons are made with the benzyl halides, in which the internal barriers are remarkably sensitive to solvent. A spin–spin coupling constant over five formal bonds, 5J(H, F), involving the ortho protons in 1, is +0.74(2) Hz and is discussed in some detail in terms of its dependence on intenuclear distances (possible through-space interactions). The solvent perturbations of 3J(H, F) and of 2J(C, F) are of opposite sign. Other long-range coupling constants or their absence are also pointed out. For example, those between 19F and 13C nuclei or protons at the meta position are effectively zero; at the para position they are significant. Keywords: 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-phenylethane; 1H, 19F, and 13C NMR; long-range spin-spin coupling constants; through-space 1H, 19F spin–spin coupling constants; internal rotational potential; molecular orbital computations of internal potential.

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