Enhancing time and space efficiency of kd-tree for ray-tracing static scenes

Byeongjun Choi ◽  
Woong Seo ◽  
Insung Ihm
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Heldy Juliana ◽  
Naniek Utami Handayani

Gudang adalah suatu tempat penyimpanan untuk semua barang-barang hasil produksi maupun penjualan. Fungsinya sebagai tempat penyimpanan memiliki peranan yang sangat vital. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan adanya pengaturan yang tepat dan cepat dalam penggunaan ruang gudang. CV.MDP-Semarang merupakan industri kemasan karton yang berlokasi di Semarang. Tingginya tingkat penggunaan gudang di perusahaan ini membuat effisiensi waktu dan ruang menjadi penting. Dari hasil pengamatan, CV. MDP-Semarang belum memiliki tata letak penyimpanan yang baik. Hal ini terlihat dari cara penyimpanan bahan baku di gudang yang belum mengikuti kaidah tata letak gudang. Pada gudang bahan baku, karton diletakkan secara acak sehingga menyulitkan pencarian, kapasitas gudang bahan baku saat ini dikeluhkan tidak mencukupi kebutuhan. Parameter tata letak gudang bahan baku yang baik adalah dipenuhinya ruang secara maksimal dan pemenuhan terhadap permintaan bahan baku yang lebih cepat. Pada penelitian ini, metode class-based storage dan penggunaan rak, memisahkan karton berdasarkan jenis karton di gudang bahan baku mampu memberikan peningkatan kapasitas gudang. Dengan rancangan tata letak gudang bahan baku usulan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas gudang, sehingga mampu memberikan ruang kosong untuk 64.000 pieces karton. AbstractWarehouse is a storage for all the goods of production and sales. Its function as a storage has a very vital role. Therefore it is necessary to have the proper regulations in the use of warehouse space. CV.MDP-Semarang is the carton packaging industry located in Semarang. The high level of the activity in the warehouse make time and space efficiency becomes important. From the observation, CV. MDP-Semarang do not yet have good storage layout. It is shown from raw material inventory in storage that are not following the principle of good storage layout. In the raw materials storage carton are placed randomly, so it makes the operator difficult to find the goods and the storage become out of capacity to fulfill demand. The good parameters for good storage are the optimal utility and the capapbility to fulfill raw material demands faster. In this paper, class-based storage method and shelf are used to separate carton based on type of carton in raw material storage in order to improve storage capacity. By proposes the design raw material storage layout, the company should be able to increase storage capacity, thus, it will be able to give space for 640.000 pieces of carton.

2013 ◽  
Vol 32 (7) ◽  
pp. 335-344 ◽  
B. Choi ◽  
B. Chang ◽  
I. Ihm

Les A. Piegl ◽  
Parikshit Kulkarni ◽  
Khairan Rajab

There has been much attention on sophisticated algorithm design to compute geometric arrangements with both time and space efficiency. The issue of robustness and reliability has also been the subject of some interest, although mostly at the level of theory rather than practice and commercial grade implementation. What seems to have received very little attention is the need to prepare the data for successful processing. It is almost universally assumed that the data are valid and well presented and the only real challenge is to come up with a clever way of computing the results with progressively smaller time and space bounds. The aim of this paper is to narrow this gap by focusing entirely on input data anomalies, how to prepare the data for error free computation and how to post process the results for dowstream computing. The medial axis computation, using VRONI (Held, 2001, “VRONI: An Engineering Approach to the Reliable and Efficient Computation of Voronoi Diagram of Points and Line Segments,” Comput. Geom.—Theory Appl., 18, pp. 95–123), is singled out as an example and it is shown that based on how the data are prepared, the results can be vastly different. We argue in this paper that the success of geometric computing depends equally on algorithm design as well as on data processing. VRONI (and most geometric algorithms) does not understand the concept of noise, gaps, or aliasing. It only sees a polygon and generates the medial axis accordingly. It is the job of the applications engineer to prepare the data so that the output is acceptable.

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 583-594 ◽  
Walter Cunto ◽  
Jose Luis Gascon

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  
Yin Li ◽  
Yifan Wang

Searchable public key encryption scheme is a key technique for protecting data confidentiality in today’s cloud environment. Specifically, public key encryption with conjunctive and disjunctive keyword search (PECDK) can provide flexible search options without sacrificing keywords security and thus attracts a lot of attention nowadays. However, the most effective PECDK scheme is based on the inner product encryption (IPE), which needs more time and space cost. In this paper, by utilizing the bilinear pairing with a prime order group, we propose an efficient PECDK scheme needing less time and storage consumption. The proposed scheme is proven to be secure under a rigorous security definition. The theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that our proposed scheme can significantly improve the time and space efficiency over the state-of-the-art scheme.

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