Book Reviews

Peter Boomgaard ◽  
Robert L. Winzeler ◽  
Ad Borsboom ◽  
H.C. Coombs ◽  
Ad Borsboom ◽  

- Peter Boomgaard, Robert L. Winzeler, Latah in Southeast Asia; The history and ethnography of a culture-bound syndrome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xvi + 172 pp. [Publications of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 7.] - Ad Borsboom, H.C. Coombs, Aboriginal autonomy; Issues and strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xvi + 251 pp. - Ad Borsboom, Daniel de Coppet, Cosmos and society in Oceania. Oxford: Berg, 1995, 416 pp. [Explorations in Anthropology Series]., André Iteanu (eds.) - Raymond L. Bryant, P. Boomgaard, Forests and forestry 1823-1941. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 184 pp. [Changing Economy in Indonesia vol. 16]., R. de Bakker (eds.) - David Henley, Jan M. Pluvier, Historical atlas of South-east Asia. Leiden/New York/Köln: Brill, 1995, 83 + 64 pp. [Handbuch der Orientalistik, Dritter Abteilung (Südostasien), Achter Band]. - Victor T. King, Nico Schulte Nordholt, Social science in Southeast Asia; From particularism to universalism. Amsterdam: VU University Press (for the Centre for Asian Studies Amsterdam), 1995, 165 pp. [Comparative Asian Studies 17]., Leontine Visser (eds.) - Han Knapen, Bernard Sellato, Nomads of the Borneo rainforest; The economics, politics, and ideology of settling down. Translated by Stephanie Morgan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994, xxiii + 280 pp. - R.Z. Leirissa, David E.F. Henley, Nationalism and regionalism in a colonial context; Minahasa in the Dutch East Indies. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996, xii + 186 pp. [Verhandelingen 168]. - K. Loven, Kees Epskamp, On printed matter and beyond; Media, orality and literacy. The Hague: Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (CESO), 1995, 136 pp. [CESO Paperback 23]. - Niels Mulder, Andrée Feillard, Islam et armée dans l’Indonésie contemporaine; Les pionniers de la tradition, Paris: Éditions l’Harmattan, 1995, 379 pp. [Association Archipel, Cahier d’Archipel 28]. - Tessel Pollmann, Cees Fasseur, Indischgasten. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 1997, 313 pp. - Stuart Robson, P.J. Zoetmulder, Pantheism and monism in Javanese Suluk literature; Islamic and Indian mysticism in an Indonesian setting. Edited and translated by M.C. Ricklefs. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1995, xvii + 381 pp. [Translation Series 24].

L. Sluimers ◽  
M.E. Osborne ◽  
L. Sluimers ◽  
F.B. Weinstein ◽  
L. Sluimers ◽  

- L. Sluimers, M.E. Osborne, Strategic hamlets in South Viet-nam. A survey and a comparison. Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Data Paper no. 55. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1965. XII, 66 blz., X, krt. - L. Sluimers, F.B. Weinstein, Vietnam’s unheld elections: The failure to carry out the 1956 reunification elections and the effect on Hanoi’s present outlook. Data Paper: No. 60, Southeast Asia Program. Department of Asian Studies. Cornell University. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1966. VII, 65 blz., XIII. - L. Sluimers, D.E. Weatherbee, Ideology in Indonesia: Sukarno’s Indonesian revolution. Monograph Series No. 8. Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, 1966. X, 135 blz., VII. - J.H.A. Logemann, Donald E. Weatherbee, Ideology in Indonesia: Soekarno’s Indonesian Revolution. Southeast Asia Studies Monograph Series no. 8. Yale University, 1967. 135 pp., Charts, glossary. - H.J. de Graaf, A.B. Ward, Rajah’s servant. With a preface by Robert M. Pringle and Otto C. Doering III. Data Paper: No. 61. South East Asia Program. Department of Asian Studies. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Nov. 1966. - J.C. Anceaux, Viktor Krupa, Morpheme and word in Maori. (Janua Linguarum, Series Practica. XLVI). Mouton & Co., The Hague 1966. 83 pp. - G.D. van Wengen, Surinam. Grammofoonplaat, uitgave Philips. Serie: “Song and sound the World Around”. Stereo 831 231 PY (ook als mono speelbaar), 33 1/3 t.

H.R. Mesman ◽  
Jane Richardson Hanks ◽  
F.D.K. Bosch ◽  
W.F. Wertheim ◽  
S. Kooyman ◽  

- W.F. Wertheim, Het onderwijsbeleid in Nederlands-Indië 1900-1940. Een bronnenpublicatie (bew. door Dr. S.L. van der Wal). Wolters, Groningen 1963. 724 blz.- F.D.K. Bosch, J.E. van Lohuizen-De Leeuw, Indische skulpturen der sammlung Eduard von der Heydt. Beschreibender Katalog, Zürich, 1961.- F.D.K. Bosch, J.E. van Lohuizen-De Leeuw, Schätze aus Thailand. Katalog einer Ausstellung im Wallraf-Richarts-Museum zu Köln, 1963 (Einführung in die Kunst Thailands von J.E. van Lohuizen-De Leeuw, Amsterdam; Zur Thailändischen Malerei von Elizabeth Lyons, New York; Verzeichnis der ausgestellten Werke von M.C. Subhadradis Diskul, Bangkok)., Elizabeth Lyons, M.C. Subhadradis Diskul (eds.)- F.D.K. Bosch, Th. P. Galestin, Hedendaagse kunst van Bali uit het eigendom van H.M. de Koningin, de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden en de heer Bonnet. Catalogus van de in 1962 in het Centraal Museum te Utrecht gehouden tentoonstelling.- C. Nooteboom, S. Kooyman, Ornamented bark-cloth in Indonesia. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, No. 16, 1963; VI and 145 pp. 32 plates and 235 drawings.- C. Nooteboom, Norbert Mylius, Indonesische Textilkunst: batik, ikat und plangi. Verlag Notring der Wissensch. Verb. Österreichs, Wien 1964; 93 S., 36 Bilder.- H.R. Mesman, Jane Richardson Hanks, Maternity and its rituals in Bang Chan. Cornell Thailand Project. Data Paper: No. 51, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. December 1963. 128 Seiten.- J. Gonda, H.L. Shorto, Linguistic comparison in South East Asia and the Pacific. (Collected Papers in Oriental and African Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 1963; 159 pages.)

Tim Behrend ◽  
Nancy K. Florida ◽  
Harold Brookfield ◽  
Judith M. Heimann ◽  
Harold Brookfield ◽  

- Tim Behrend, Nancy K. Florida, Javanese literature in Surakarta manuscripts; Volume 2; Manuscripts of the Mangkunagaran palace. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 2000, 575 pp. - Harold Brookfield, Judith M. Heimann, The most offending soul alive; Tom Harrisson and his remarkable life. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1998, 468 pp. - Harold Brookfield, Victor T. King, Rural development and social science research; Case studies from Borneo. Phillips, Maine: Borneo Research Council, 1999, xiii + 359 pp. [Borneo Research Council Proceedings Series 6.] - J.G. de Casparis, Roy E. Jordaan, The Sailendras in Central Javanese history; A survey of research from 1950 to 1999. Yogyakarta: Penerbitan Universitas Sanata Dharma, 1999, iv + 108 pp. - H.J.M. Claessen, Francoise Douaire-Marsaudon, Les premiers fruits; Parenté, identité sexuelle et pouvoirs en Polynésie occidentale (Tonga, Wallis et Futuna). Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1998, x + 338 pp. - Matthew Isaac Cohen, Andrew Beatty, Varieties of Javanese religion; An anthropological account. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, xv + 272 pp. [Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology 111.] - Matthew Isaac Cohen, Sylvia Tiwon, Breaking the spell; Colonialism and literary renaissance in Indonesia. Leiden: Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, University of Leiden, 1999, vi + 235 pp. [Semaian 18.] - Freek Colombijn, Victor T. King, Anthropology and development in South-East Asia; Theory and practice. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1999, xx + 308 pp. - Bernhard Dahm, Cive J. Christie, A modern history of South-East Asia; Decolonization, nationalism and seperatism. London: Tauris, 1996, x + 286 pp. - J. van Goor, Leonard Blussé, Pilgrims to the past; Private conversations with historians of European expansion. Leiden: Research School CNWS, 1996, 339 pp., Frans-Paul van der Putten, Hans Vogel (eds.) - David Henley, Robert W. Hefner, Market cultures; Society and morality in the new Asian capitalisms. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998, viii + 328 pp. - David Henley, James F. Warren, The Sulu zone; The world capitalist economy and the historical imagination. Amsterdam: VU University Press for the Centre for Asian Studies, Amsterdam (CASA), 1998, 71 pp. [Comparative Asian Studies 20.] - Huub de Jonge, Laurence Husson, La migration maduraise vers l’Est de Java; ‘Manger le vent ou gratter la terre’? Paris: L’Harmattan/Association Archipel, 1995, 414 pp. [Cahier d’Archipel 26.] - Nico Kaptein, Mark R. Woodward, Toward a new paradigm; Recent developments in Indonesian Islamic thought. Tempe: Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies, 1996, x + 380 pp. - Catharina van Klinken, Gunter Senft, Referring to space; Studies in Austronesian and Papuan languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, xi + 324 pp. - W. Mahdi, J.G. de Casparis, Sanskrit loan-words in Indonesian; An annotated check-list of words from Sanskrit in Indonesian and Traditional Malay. Jakarta: Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, 1997, viii + 59 pp. [NUSA Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia 41.] - Henk Maier, David Smyth, The canon in Southeast Asian literatures; Literatures of Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Richmond: Curzon, 2000, x + 273 pp. - Toon van Meijl, Robert J. Foster, Social reproduction and history in Melanesia; Mortuary ritual, gift exchange, and custom in the Tanga islands. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, xxii + 288 pp. - J.A. de Moor, Douglas Kammen, A tour of duty; Changing patterns of military politics in Indonesia in the 1990’s. Ithaca, New York: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1999, 98 pp., Siddharth Chandra (eds.) - Joke van Reenen, Audrey Kahin, Rebellion to integration; West Sumatra and the Indonesian polity, 1926-1998. Amsterdam University Press, 1999, 368 pp. - Heather Sutherland, Craig J. Reynolds, Southeast Asian Studies: Reorientations. Ithaca: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1998, 70 pp. [The Frank H. Golay Memorial Lectures 2 and 3.], Ruth McVey (eds.) - Nicholas Tarling, Patrick Tuck, The French wolf and the Siamese lamb; The French threat to Siamese independence, 1858-1907. Bangkok: White Lotus, 1995, xviii + 434 pp. [Studies in Southeast Asian History 1.] - B.J. Terwiel, Andreas Sturm, Die Handels- und Agrarpolitik Thailands von 1767 bis 1932. Passau: Universität Passau, Lehrstuhl für Südostasienkunde, 1997, vii + 181 pp. [Passauer Beiträge zur Südostasienkunde 2.] - René S. Wassing, Koos van Brakel, A passion for Indonesian art; The Georg Tillmann collection at the Tropenmuseum Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Royal Tropical Institute/Tropenmuseum, 1996, 128 pp., David van Duuren, Itie van Hout (eds.) - Edwin Wieringa, J. de Bruin, Een Leidse vriendschap; De briefwisseling tussen Herman Bavinck en Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, 1875-1921. Baarn: Ten Have, 1999, 192 pp. [Passage 11.], G. Harinck (eds.)

Redactie KITLV

-Timothy Barnard, J.M. Gullick, A history of Selangor (1766-1939). Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1989, vi + 220 pp. [MBRAS Monograph 28.] -Okke Braadbaart, Michael L. Ross, Timber booms and institutional breakdown in Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, xvi + 237 pp. -H.J.M. Claessen, Patrick Vinton Kirch ,Hawaiki, ancestral Polynesia; An essay in historical anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, xvii + 375 pp., Roger C. Green (eds) -Harold Crouch, R.E. Elson, Suharto; A political biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, xix + 389 pp. -Kees van Dijk, H.W. Arndt ,Southeast Asia's economic crisis; Origins, lessons, and the way forward. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian studies, 1999, ix + 182 pp., Hal Hill (eds) -Kees van Dijk, Sebastiaan Pompe, De Indonesische algemene verkiezingen 1999. Leiden: KITLV Uitgeverij, 1999, 290 pp. -David van Duuren, Albert G. van Zonneveld, Traditional weapons of the Indonesian archipelago. Leiden: Zwartenkot art books, 2001, 160 pp. -Peter van Eeuwijk, Christian Ph. Josef Lehner, Die Heiler von Samoa. O Le Fofo; Monographie über die Heiler und die Naturheilmethoden in West-Samoa. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1999, 234 pp. [Mensch und Gesellschaft 4.] -Hans Hägerdal, Frans Hüsken ,Reading Asia; New research of Asian studies. Richmond: Curzon, 2001, xvi + 338 pp., Dick van der Meij (eds) -Terence E. Hays, Jelle Miedema ,Perspectives on the Bird's head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia; Proceedings of the conference, Leiden, 13-17 October 1997. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998, xiii + 982 pp. (editors with the assistance of Connie Baak), Cecilia Odé, Rien A.C. Dam (eds) -Menno Hekker, Peter Metcalf, They lie, we lie; Getting on with anthropology. London: Routledge, 2002, ix + 155 pp. -David Henley, Foong Kin, Social and behavioural aspects of malaria control; A study among the Murut of Sabah. Phillips, Maine: Borneo research council , 2000, xx + 241 pp. [BRC Occasional paper 1.] -Gerrit Knaap, Frédéric Mantienne, Les relations politiques et commerciales entre la France et la péninsule Indochinoise (XVIIe siècle). Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2001, 395 pp. -Uli Kozok, James T. Collins, Malay, world language; A short history. Second edition. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan bahasa dan pustaka, 2000, xii + 101 pp. -Nathan Porath, Hoe Ban Seng, Semalai communities at Tasek Bera; A study of the structure of an Orang Asli society. [A.S. Baer and R. Gianno, eds.] Subang Jaya, Malaysia: Centre for Orang Asli concerns, 2001, xii + 191 pp. -Nathan Porath, Narifumi Maeda Tachimoto, The Orang Hulu; A report on Malaysian orang asli in the 1960's. [A.S. Baer, ed.] Subang Jaya, Malaysia: Centre for Orang Asli concerns, 2001, xiv + 104 pp. -Martin Ramstedt, Raechelle Rubinstein ,Staying local in the global village; Bali in the twentieth century. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999, xiii + 353 pp., Linda H. Connor (eds) -Albert M. Salamanca, Thomas R. Leinbach ,Southeast Asia: diversity and development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000, xiii + 594 pp., Richard Ulack (eds) -Heather Sutherland, Muhamad Hisyam, Caught between three fires; The Javanese pangulu under the Dutch colonial administration, 1882-1942. Jakarta: Indonesian-Netherlands cooperation in Islamic studies (INIS), 2001, 331 pp. [Seri INIS 37.] -Heather Sutherland, Roderich Ptak, China's seaborne trade with South and Southeast Asia (1200-1750). Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, xii + 366 pp. [Variorum collected studies series CS638.] -Sikko Visscher, M. Jocelyn Armstrong ,Chinese populations in contemporary Southeast Asian societies. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2001, xiv + 268 pp., R. Warwick Armstrong, Kent Mulliner (eds) -Reed Wadley, Clifford Sather, Seeds of play, words of power; An ethnographic study of Iban shamanic chants. Kuching: Tun Jugah foundation, 2001, xvii + 753 pp. [Borneo classic series 5.] -Boris Wastiau, Raymond Corbey, Tribal art traffic; A chronicle of taste, trade and desire in colonial and post-colonial times. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 2000, 255 pp. -Willem G. Wolters, Wong Kwok-Chu, The Chinese in the Philippine economy, 1898-1941. Quezon city: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1999, xvi + 279 pp. -Volker Grabowsky, Stephen Mansfield, Lao hill tribes; Traditions and patterns of existence. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, vii + 91 pp. -Volker Grabowsky, Jean Michaud, Turbulent times and enduring people; Mountain minorities in the South-East Asian Massif. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 2000, xiii + 255 pp. -Volker Grabowsky, Jane Richard Hanks ,Tribes of the northern Thailand frontier. (with a foreword by Nicola Tannenbaum), New Haven, CT: Yale University Southeast Asia studies, 2001, xlviii + 319 pp. [Monograph 51.], Lucien Mason Hanks (eds)

P.J. Worsley ◽  
Ktut Ginarsa ◽  
Th. J. Gerold-Scheepers ◽  
M.A. Jaspan ◽  
Renato Rosaldo ◽  

- P.J. Worsley, Ktut Ginarsa, Prasasti Baru Ragajaya 6 April 1155. Direktorat Bahasa dan Kesusastraan, Direktorat Djendral Kebudajaan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudajaan, Tjabang Singaradja, 1968. XVI, 54 p., 3 maps. - Th. J. Gerold-Scheepers, M.A. Jaspan, Traditional medical theory in Southeast Asia. An inaugural lecture, University of Hull, Hull 1969. 36 pag. - Renato Rosaldo, Don V. Hart, Bisayan Filipino and Malayan Humoral Pathologies: Folk medicine and ethnohistory in Southeast Asia. Ithaca, New York; Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University. Data Paper: No. 76. 96 p. - Pierre J. Simon, W.E. Willmott, The political structure of the Chinese community in Cambodia. L.S.E. Monographs nr. 42. The Athlone Press, London 1970. 211 p. - Vivien van Geen, Owen M. Lynch, The politics of untouchability (Social mobility and social change in a city of India). Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1969. XIV-251 pp. - W.F.L. Buschkens, Silvia W. de Groot, Djuka society and social change: History of an attempt to develop a bush negro community in Surinam 1917-1926. Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V. - Doctor H.J. Prakke & H.M.G. Prakke, Assen 1969. XVI + 256 p., met twee kaarten, 12 fotografieën en een bibliografie van Willem Frederik van Lier. - W.F.L. Buschkens, A. Polak-Eltz, Afro-Amerikaanse godsdiensten en culten. J.J. Romen & Zonen, Roermond 1970. 221 blz., 30 ills.

Judith Djamour ◽  
Michael B. Leigh ◽  
William R. Roff ◽  
G.N. Appell ◽  
M.P.H. Roessingh ◽  

- G.N. Appell, Michael B. Leigh, Checklist of holdings on Borneo in the Cornell University Libraries. Made with the assistance of John M. Echols. Data paper: Number 62, Southeast Asia Program. Department of Asian Studies. Ithaca, Cornell University, 1966. 62 pages.- R.E. Downs, P. Middelkoop, Headhunting in Timor and its historical implications. Oceania Linguistic Monograph No. 8. The Univeristy of Sydney, Sydney, 1964. 423 pp.- M.G. Swift, Rosemary Firth, Housekeeping among Malay peasants. London School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology, No. 7. The Athlone Press, London 1966. Pp. xiv and 242.- Umar Junus, Harsja W. Bachtiar, Negeri Taram: A Minangkabau village community in Koentjaraningrat, ed., Villages in Indonesia. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1967. 445 pp.- William R. Roff, Judith Djamour, The Muslim matrimonial court in Singapore. London School of Economics, Monographs on Social Anthropology. No. 31. Athlone Press, London, 1966. 189 pp.- Paul Wheatley, O.W. Wolters, Early Indonesian commerce: A study of the origins of Srivijaya. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1967. 404 pp., 4 maps.- M.P.H. Roessingh, Th. P.M. de Jong, De krimpende horizon van de Hollandse kooplieden. Hollands Welvaren in het Caribisch Zeegebied (1780-1830). Van Gorcum en Comp., Assen, 1966. 352 pp., 2 ills., 1 krt. Oorspr. proefschrift Groningen, met een voorwoord van de schrijver; tevens verschenen als Anjerpublicatie nr. 9, met een woord vooraf van de promotor, Prof. Dr. H. Baudet.- M. Leifer, James de V. Allen, The Malayan Union. Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1967. Monograph Series No. 10. XIV + 181 pp., with appendices.- P. Voorhoeve, M.A. Jaspan, Folk literature of South Sumatra. Rejang Ka-Ga-Nga Texts. Australian University Press, Canberra 1964. 92 pp.

Anne Booth ◽  
W.L. Korthals Altes ◽  
Wim Doel ◽  
Robert Cribb ◽  
C.D. Grijns ◽  

- Anne Booth, W.L. Korthals Altes, Changing economy in Indonesia, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (General trade statistics, 1822-1949; volume 12a). - Wim van den Doel, Robert Cribb, Historical dictionary of Indonesia. Metuchen, N.J., & London: The Scarecrow Press, 1992. - C.D. Grijns, Kingsley Bolton, Sociolinguistics today; International perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, 1992, 383 pp., Helen Kwok (eds.) - David Henley, Ole Bruun, Asian perceptions of nature: Papers presented at a Workshop, NIAS, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1991. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian studies (Nordic Proceedings in Asian studies No. 3), 1992, 261 pp., Arne Kalland (eds.) - Ward Keeler, Jonathon Falla, True love and Bartholomew: Rebels on the Burmese border. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. - Elsbeth Locher-Scholten, Mary F. Somers Heidhues, Bangka tin and mentok pepper; Chinese settlement on an Indonesian island. Singapore: Institute of South-east Asian studies, 1992, 296 pp. - Marie Alexandrine Martin, Christin Kocher Schmid, Of people and plants. A botanical ethnography of Nokopo village, Madang and Morobe provinces, Papua New Guinea. Ethnologisches Seminar der Universität und Museum für Völkerkunde, Basel, 1991, 336 pp. - J. Noorduyn, Bernhard Dahm, Regions and regional developments in the Malay-Indonesian world: 6 European Colloquium on Indonesian and Malay studies (ECIMS) June 1987 Passau. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1992, x + 221 pp., maps. - J. Noorduyn, J.N. Sneddon, Studies in Sulawesi Linguistics, Part II, NUSA, Linguistic studies of Indonesian and other languages in Indonesia, volume 33. Jakarta: Baden Penyelenggara Seri Nusa, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. 1991, x + 115 pp., maps. - Anton Ploeg, Richard Michael Bourke, Taim hangre: Variation in subsistence food supply in the Papua New Guinea highlands, Unpublished PhD thesis, submitted in the department of human geography, The Australian National University, RSPacS, Canberra, 1988, xxiii + 370 pp., maps, tables, figures, appendices. - Anton Ploeg, Maureen A. MacKenzie, Androgenous objects: String bags and gender in central New Guinea. Chur, Switzerland, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1991, xv + 256 pp., maps, figures, bibliography, index. - Nico G. Schulte Nordholt, Jeremy Kemp, Peasants and cities; Cities and peasants; Rethinking Southeast Asian models, Overveen, ACASEA, 1990, 126 pp. - Rudiger Schumacher, Clara Brakel-Papenhuijzen, The Bedhaya court dances of central Java, Leiden/New York/Köln: Brill, 1992, xvi + 349 pp. - Corry M.I. van der Sluys, Carol Laderman, Taming the wind of desire; Psychology, medicine, and aesthetics in Malay Shamanistic performance. University of California Press, 1991, 382 pp. - J.H.F. Sollewijn Gelpke, Geoffrey Irwin, The prehistoric exploration and colonisation of the Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1992, viii + 240 pp. - R.G. Tol, Burhan Magenda, East Kalimantan; The decline of a commercial aristocracy. Ithaca, Cornell University (Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, Monograph Series (publication no. 70)), 1991, viii + 113 pp., maps.

A.J.C. Lach de Bére ◽  
Fernand Langenhove ◽  
J.H. Scherer ◽  
A.H.J. Prins ◽  
P. Driessens ◽  

- A.J.C. Lach de Bére, Fernand van Langenhove, Consciences Tribales et Nationales en Afrique Noire. Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, Bruxelles. Martinus Nijhoff, ‘s-Gravenhage, 1960; 444 blz. - J.H. Scherer, A.H.J. Prins, The Swahili-speaking peoples of Zanzibar and the E. African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi and Swahili). Ethnographic Survey of Africa: East Central Africa, part XII. Uitgave van het International African Institute, London, 1961. 143 pp., m. kaart. - P. Driessens, Carol Brubaker, Geesten van het woud. Servire Luxe Pockets nr. 66. Servire, Den Haag 1963. 175 pp., 24 foto’s. - Joh. J. Hanrath, Indonesian Economics. The concept of dualism in theory and policy. Den Haag (W. van Hoeve) 1961. 443 pp. - W. Ph. Coolhaas, H.R.C. Wright, East-Indian economic problems of the age of Cornwallis and Raffles. Luzac, London, 1961; 271 pp. - H.J. de Graaf, M.A.P. Meilink-Roelofsz, Asian trade and European influence in the Indonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630. Academisch Proefschrift Amsterdam (S.U.). M. Nijhoff, ‘s-Gravenhage 1962. 471 pp. - Logemann, Herbert Feith, The decline of constitutional democracy in Indonesia. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1962. XX en 608 blz. - F.D.K. Bosch, G. Coedés, Les peuples de la péninsule indochinoise. 228 pp., 16 pl., 1 carte; Ed. Dunod, Paris, 1962. - L. Sluimers, Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah, Viet-nam. London, Octagon Press, 1960. XV, 232 blz., krt. - L. Sluimers, J.G. Keyes, A bibliography of North Vietnamese Publications in the Cornell University Library. Ithaca, Cornell University, 1962. Data paper: Number 47. Southeast Asia Program. Department of Asian Studies. Cornell University. X, 116 blz., X. - A.F.P. Hulsewé, G.P. Oery, The Man-Shu (Book of the Southern Barbarians), translated by Gordon H. Luce), edited by G.P. Oery; Data Paper Nr. 44, Southeast Asia Program, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; 1961. (X) + 116 pp., 1 map. - C.H.M. Palm, Felix M. Keesing, The ethnohistory of Northern Luzon. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1962; 362 pp., 10 krtn. - P. van Emst, Andrew Sharp, The discovery of Australia, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. Oxford 1963. 338 pp. - R.A. Römer, H. Hoetink, De gespleten samenleving in het Caraïbisch Gebied. Van Gorcum & Comp., Assen 1962. - H.Th. Fischer, S. van der Kwast, Incest, een oriënterend onderzoek. J.A. Boom & Zn., Meppel, 1963. 224 blz. - H. Th. Fischer, Peter of Greece and Denmark, A study of polyandry. Mouton & Co., The Hague, 1963. 601 pp., 47 plates. - J. van Baal, F. Sierksma, De roof van het vrouwengeheim. Uitgeverij Mouton & Co, ‘s-Gravenhage 1962. 199 pp. - A. Teeuw, Amir Hamzah, Amir Hamzah Radja Penjair Pudjangga Baru. Tulisan tersebar dikumpulkan dan dengan Kata Pengantar H.B. Jassin. Gunung Agung - Djakarta 1962. 223 pp.

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