scholarly journals Modified Lothrop (Draf III) procedure for the treatment of a recurrent orbitofrontal cholesterol granuloma: A case report

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 2050313X2090780
Hidenori Yokoi ◽  
Hidetaka Yamanaka ◽  
Yuma Matsumoto ◽  
Michitsugu Kawada ◽  
Masachika Fujiwara ◽  

Orbitofrontal cholesterol granuloma is a rare occurrence. Here, we present a case involving a 64-year-old man with a recurrent orbitofrontal cholesterol granuloma treated by the Modified Lothrop (Draf III) procedure. The patient, who had a history of trauma and previous sinus surgery, presented with chief complaints of nasal congestion, olfactory impairment, and diplopia. We suspected chronic sinusitis; computed tomography showed a soft-tissue shadow extending from the bilateral frontal sinuses to the ethmoid sinuses, with a cyst in the right orbitofrontal region. We performed endoscopic surgery for removal of the mass, and histopathological analysis of the resected specimen confirmed a diagnosis of cholesterol granuloma. The lesion recurred 2 months later, and we performed revision surgery using the Modified Lothrop or Draf III procedure. The patient showed no relapse at the 5-year follow-up. These findings suggest that the Draf III procedure is an effective surgical treatment for cholesterol granulomas.

Daniel Rico De Jesus ◽  
Patrick Joseph Estolano

ABSTRACT Objective: To present a unique case of blindness resulting from fungal rhinosinusitis involving multiple sinuses mimicking a malignant process in a pregnant patient. Methods:Design: Case ReportSetting: Tertiary Government Training HospitalPatient: One Result: A 36-year-old pregnant woman developed unilateral blindness during her 20th week of gestation with a history of  binocular diplopia, unilateral nasal obstruction and anosmia for 13 months during the pre-pregnancy period. Sphenoid sinus malignancy was suspected on imaging. The planned biopsy was intraoperatively shifted to endoscopic sinus surgery when clay-like materials were seen involving the left maxillary sinus and bilateral sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses. Histopathologic examination confirmed fungal growth. Postoperatively, nasal symptoms resolved but blindness of the left eye and blurring of vision of the right eye persisted. Conclusion: Fungal rhinosinusitis rarely occurs in multiple sinuses and is commonly misdiagnosed. It can afflict pregnant patients and mimic a malignant process. A high index of suspicion early on, especially in the presence of nasal congestion and diplopia may prevent potentially irreversible complications.

e-CliniC ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Natalia Ch. Polii ◽  
Janry A. Pangemanan ◽  
Agnes L. Panda ◽  
Ira Posangi

Abstract: Post-catheterization PSA occurs at the site of arterial puncture followed by incomplete hemostasis. We reported a 63-year-old male visited the emergency department of Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital with chief complaints of swelling and severe pain on the right arm, occured 6 days prior to the ER visit. His right arm looked darker and felt colder than the counterpart, felt numb, and was hard to move due to pain. Three months ago, the patient had a history of percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography through brachial artery access. Examination of the right upper extremity revealed hematoma at brachial artery puncture site, edema at 1/3 distal of the brachial region, cold acral areas, strong right brachial artery pulses, yet small radial ones. Vascular Doppler examination showed a superficial hematoma above the brachial artery and a PSA pouch of 1.23 x 1.67 cm with a small neck (<0.5 cm). Colour Doppler displayed a “yin and yang” flow at pouch, while pulsed-wave Doppler showed a “to and fro” wave through the neck. Patient was diagnosed as iatrogenic brachial artery pseudoaneurysm and managed with ultrasound-guided compression technique followed by continuous compression with elastic bandage. This technique was selected due to the PSA size less than 3 cm yet symptomatic, small neck size (<1 cm), and no size progression. Patient discharged after the PSA pouch and neck shrinked. On 6 months follow-up, neither neck nor pseudoaneurysm pouch were found.Keywords: pseudoaneurysm, ultrasound-guided compression Abstrak: PSA pasca kateterisasi terjadi pada arteri yang dipungsi tetapi tidak terjadi hemostasis sempurna. Kami melaporkan seorang laki-laki berusia 63 tahun datang di Instalasi Rawat Darurat Medik RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou dengan keluhan utama bengkak dan nyeri hebat pada lengan kanan sejak 6 hari SMRS dan memberat pada satu hari terakhir. Tangan kanan tampak lebih gelap dibandingkan tangan kiri, teraba dingin, terasa kebas dan sulit digerakkan karena nyeri. Tiga bulan sebelumnya pasien dilakukan tindakan intervensi koroner perkutan. Pada pemeriksaan ekstremitas atas kanan tampak hematoma di daerah pungksi, edema setinggi 1/3 distal regio brachialis sampai ujung jari, akral teraba dingin, pulsasi arteri brakialis teraba kuat tetapi arteri radialis teraba kecil. Pemeriksaan Doppler vascular mendapatkan gambaran hematoma superfisial dari arteri brakialis dan tampak kantong PSA berukuran 1,23x1,67 cm dengan neck berukuran kecil (<0,5 cm) Pada colour Doppler didapatkan aliran pada kantong pseudoaneurisma seperti gambaran yin dan yang. Pada pulsed-wave Doppler di saluran PSA (neck) didapatkan gelombang “to and fro”. Berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang pasien ini didiagnosis dengan PSA arteri brakialis iatrogenik (pasca kateterisasi). Penanganan dengan ultrasound-guided compression dan dilanjutkan dengan kompresi kontinu dengan bebat elastik. Pemilihan teknik kompresi ini berdasarkan pada ukuran kantong <3 cm namun bergejala, ukuran neck kecil <1cm serta tidak didapatkan pembesaran progresif. Pasien dipulangkan setelah kantong maupun neck PSA tampak mengecil, dan 6 bulan setelahnya tidak lagi terlihat neck maupun kantong PSA.Kata kunci: pseudoaneurisma, ultrasound-guided compression

2010 ◽  
Vol 89 (11) ◽  
pp. E12-E13 ◽  
Qasim A. Khader ◽  
Khader J. Abdul-Baqi

Orbital emphysema is a benign self-limiting condition. It can occur directly (as a result of trauma to the face) or indirectly (secondary to a blowout fracture). We report a case of orbital emphysema in a 38-year-old man who presented with ecchymosis of the right eye, pressure within the right orbit, and periorbital swelling following a protracted episode of vigorous sneezing. The diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography. Systemic antibiotics were given, and the patient was cautioned to avoid blowing his nose. His signs and symptoms resolved within 1 week.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 117955061985860
Mingyang L Gray ◽  
Catharine Kappauf ◽  
Satish Govindaraj

A 35-year-old man with history of schizophrenia presented 3 weeks after placing a screw in his right nostril. Initial imaging showed a screw in the right ethmoid sinus with the tip penetrating the right cribriform plate. On exam, the patient was hemodynamically stable with purulent drainage in the right nasal cavity but no visible foreign body. While most nasal foreign bodies occur in children and are generally removed at the bedside, intranasal foreign bodies in adults tend to require further assessment. The foreign body in this case was concerning for skull base involvement and the patient was brought to the operating room (OR) with neurosurgery for endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and removal of foreign body. The screw was removed and the patient recovered with no signs of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak postoperatively. Any concern for skull base or intracranial involvement should call for a full evaluation of the mechanism of injury and intervention in a controlled environment.

Andressa Gianotti Campos ◽  
Geni Patricio ◽  
Patrícia Ferreira de Castro ◽  
Luciane Kanayama ◽  
Alessandra Loureiro Morales dos Santos ◽  

This report describes a 14-year-old Pit Bull dog presenting with a soft tissue swelling of 3-month progression in the right sublingual region. Histopathological analysis of the surgically resected specimen revealed large numbers of mature adipocytes and islets consisting of mucin-containing atrophic acini and dilated ducts surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. Findings were consistent with sialolipoma of the sublingual salivary gland. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case of sialolipoma affecting the sublingual salivary gland in dogs.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-3 ◽  
Xiaohua Jiang ◽  
Qi Huang ◽  
Jianguo Tang ◽  
Matthew R. Hoffman

A 58-year-old man presented with a six-month history of intermittent blood-stained posterior nasal discharge. Five years ago, he had a three-week episode of fitful light headaches. Nasal ventilation, olfactory sensation, and facial sensation were normal; there were no ophthalmological complaints. Coronal computed tomography (CT) scans revealed soft masses in the bilateral sphenoid sinuses with bone absorption. The patient underwent bilateral functional endoscopic sinus surgery and resection of right nasal papillary masses. Papillary masses and mucosa in both sphenoid sinuses were also removed. The mass in the left sphenoid sinus was diagnosed as two separate entities, one being a primary monophasic epithelial synovial sarcoma and the other an inverted papilloma, while the mass in the right sphenoid sinus was an inverted papilloma. After surgery, the patient underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy. At the 50-month follow-up visit, there were no signs of recurrence.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. ar.2014.5.0073 ◽  
Nicholas L. Deep ◽  
Mohamad R. Chaaban ◽  
Ajaz L. Chaudhry ◽  
Bradford A. Woodworth

A case report of a massive cholesterol granuloma (CG) of the frontal sinus in a 15-year-old male subject treated endoscopically is reported. CGs are slowly expanding, cystic lesions that are rarely observed in the frontal sinus. Frontal sinus CGs characteristically present with proptosis, diplopia, and a unilateral painless expanding mass above the orbit. Patients frequently report a history of chronic nasal obstruction or head trauma. Although the pathogenesis is unclear, it is likely multifactorial in etiology. Surgical resection via endoscopic sinus surgery has been gaining popularity because of the minimally invasive approach and lower rates of recurrence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Mohammed M ◽  
Dieudonné ZOJ ◽  
Jaafar M ◽  
Youness R ◽  

The urachus is a fibrous cord, a remnant of the duct, which in the embryo, connects the bladder with the allantois duct [1]. The urachus can be the site of two types of lesions: on the one hand, congenital anomalies resulting from a defect in the obliteration of the allantois duct (diverticula, fistulas, cysts, sinus), and on the other hand, acquired lesions, essentially of a tumoral nature and most often malignant (urachus carcinoma) [2]. We report the clinical picture of a 28-year-old patient, with a history of uropathology since childhood (hypospadias), chronic renal failure since 2017 under dialysis, neobladder type Mitrofanoff since 2009, admitted for the management of an umbilical abscessed collection. Abdominal MRI revealed a superinfected urachus sinus. The treatment consisted of complete open excision of the sinus (Figure 1) from the umbilicus to the urinary bladder. The postoperative course was simple. Figure 1: The resected specimen (urachal sinus (black arrow), bladder wall (white arrow). A purulent umbilical discharge is often indicative of the presence of a urachus sinus; ultrasound and fistulography are sufficient for the diagnosis [3]. Excision of the urachus sinus by surgery is the standard treatment in this clinical situation [4].

2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 620-626 ◽  
Geruza Alves da Silva ◽  
Daniel Ferracioli Brandao ◽  
Elcio Oliveira Vianna ◽  
Joao Batista Carlos de Sa Filho ◽  
Jose Baddini-Martinez

Tuberculosis and cryptococcosis are infectious diseases that can result in the formation of single or multiple nodules in immunocompetent patients. Exposure to silica is known to raise the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We report the case of an elderly man with no history of opportunistic infections and no clinical evidence of immunodeficiency but with a six-month history of dry cough and nocturnal wheezing. A chest X-ray revealed a mass measuring 5.0 × 3.5 cm in the right upper lobe. The diagnostic approach of the mass revealed tuberculosis. The histopathological analysis of the surrounding parenchyma reveled silicosis and cryptococcosis. Cryptococcosis was also found in masses identified in the mediastinal lymph nodes. The surgical approach was indicated because of the degree of pleuropulmonary involvement, the inconclusive results obtained with the invasive and noninvasive methods applied, and the possibility of malignancy. This case illustrates the difficulty inherent to the assessment of infectious or inflammatory pulmonary pseudotumors, the differential diagnosis of which occasionally requires a radical surgical approach. Despite the presence of respiratory symptoms for six months, the first chest X-ray was performed only at the end of that period. We discuss the possible pathogenic mechanisms that might have led to the combination of three types of granulomatous lesions in the same lobe, and we emphasize the need for greater awareness of atypical presentations of pulmonary tuberculosis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-110
Siddanna R. Palled ◽  
Naveen Thimmaya ◽  
Sugashwaran Jagadheesan ◽  
Ibrahim Khaleel

AbstractBackgroundAn astroblastoma is a rare primary glial tumour occurring preferentially in young adults. It is characterised by a perivascular arrangement of tumour cells forming perivascular pseudorosettes mimicking ependymomas. The histogenesis of astroblastoma is unclear.Case descriptionWe present the history of a 13-year-old girl with chief complaints of headache associated with vomiting, blurring of vision on the left eye and a history of diplopia on the right eye. She underwent left parietal parasagittal craniotomy and near-total excision of tumour. She was planned for postoperative radiotherapy 5,940 cGy in 28 fractions along with concurrent temozolamide100 mg. She had no neurological deficit or complaints during her last visit.ConclusionAstroblastomas are a distinct clinic pathologic entity, with well-described radiologic, pathologic and cytogenetic features. Its recurrence is high, and efforts must be made to elucidate the role and usefulness of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in these tumours.

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