The Inevitable Mess of Translingualism

Missy Watson

This article analyzes two of the inevitable messes of translingual scholarship and teaching in composition studies: the criticism that arose from cross-disciplinary conflict with second language writing and the semantic ambiguities that result from the–ism in translingualism. The article reviews a variation in uptakes of translingualism, while arguing that specific strands—translingualism as a disposition and praxis—are the most fruitful in pushing English studies toward a more collective pursuit of language awareness and justice.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Julia Williams ◽  
Frank Condon

Although some translingual advocates call for collaboration amongst composition studies, translingual, and second language writing theorists, current misinterpretations of translingual theory represent the field of second language writing in a negative light, making an alliance amongst the scholars of these elds unlikely. Translingualism is embedded in inclusive rhetorics, which, we demonstrate, equate difference with the ability to think divergently. From this perspective, linguistic difference is a catalyst for critical thinking, and linguistic standardization is discrimination. Although this view is accurate, translingual theorists are at risk of misinterpreting second language classrooms as sites of forced linguistic homogenization. The teaching of form and genre are particularly contentious as translingual theorists, who may be unaware of research in second language writing, believe that these elements are taught in second language classrooms without tolerance of linguistic variation. Because translingualism is deeply rooted in inclusive rhetorics, second language teachers are unable to object to this nega- tive view of their field without affiliating themselves with exclusionary rhetorics. However, theorists such as Larsen-Freeman, Halliday, and Tardy write about form and genre using terms similar to those used by translingual theorists, suggesting that current second language writing theory recognizes linguistic variability and the interdependence of form/genre and context. Therefore, alliances amongst scholars in the elds of composition studies, translingualism, and second language writing would be possible if the negative view of second language writing implied by misinterpretations of translingual theory could be redressed. Bien que quelques tenants du translinguisme prônent une collaboration entre les études en rédaction, les théoriciens en translinguisme et ceux en expression écrite en langue seconde, des interprétations erronées de la théorie du translinguisme présentent actuellement le domaine de la rédaction en langue seconde sous un jour négatif, rendant peu probable une alliance entre les chercheurs de ces domaines. Le translinguisme est intégré à la rhétorique de l’inclusion qui, nous le démontrons, présente la notion de la différence comme synonyme de capacité de raisonnement divergent. Selon ce e perspective, la différence linguistique est un catalyseur pour la pensée critique et la normalisation linguistique constitue une forme de discrimination. Même si ce point de vue est valide, les théoriciens en translinguisme risquent de mal interpréter les cours en langue seconde comme des sites d’uniformisation linguistique imposée. L’enseignement de la forme et du genre est particulièrement controversé car les théoriciens en translinguisme, ignorant peut-être la recherche portant sur la rédaction en langue seconde, croient que l’enseignement de ces éléments dans les cours de langue seconde se fait sans tolérer la variation linguistique. Puisque le translinguisme est fermement ancré dans la rhétorique de l’inclusion, les enseignants en langue seconde ne peuvent contester ce e vision négative de leur domaine sans s’a lier à la rhétorique de l’exclusion. Toutefois, certains théoriciens comme Larsen-Freeman, Halliday et Tardy s’expriment sur la forme et le genre en employant des expressions qui sont similaires à celles qu’emploient les théoriciens en translinguisme, ce qui permet de croire que la théorie actuelle portant sur la rédaction en langue seconde reconnait la variation linguistique et l’interdépendance de la forme, du genre et du contexte. Des alliances entre les chercheurs des trois domaines (rédaction, translinguisme et langue seconde) sont donc envisageables si l’on corrige l’opinion négative face à la rédaction en langue seconde qui ressort des mauvaises interprétations de la théorie translingue. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Greg Rouault

On page one of his new book, Disciplinary Identities: Individuality and Community in Academic Discourse (2012, CUP), Ken Hyland identifies himself as a middle-aged, British, vegetarian hiker. He is also Professor of Applied Linguistics and Head of the Center for Applied English Studies at Hong Kong University. His book credits as author include, Teaching and Researching Writing (2002, 2009, Pearson Longman), Second Language Writing (2003, CUP), Genre and Second Language Writing (2004, University of Michigan Press), English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book (2006, Routledge), and Academic Discourse (2009, Continuum), along with a number of co-edited volumes such as Innovation and Change in Language Education (2013, Routledge) with Lillian Wong. He has taught in seven different countries and in addition to book chapters, his papers (see <>) have been published in the Journal of Second Language Writing, English for Specific Purposes, TESOL Quarterly, and Applied Linguistics, where he is currently co-editor.

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