Analysis of Profit-Linked Total-Factor Productivity Measurement Models at the Firm Level

1989 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 757-767 ◽  
David M. Miller ◽  
P. Mohan Rao
2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 1061-1079 ◽  
Bernd Andreas Wiech ◽  
Athanassios Kourouklis ◽  
James Johnston

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a refined framework providing clarity in terms of the components of profitability and productivity change from the perspective of the firm level. Design/methodology/approach The literature is analysed with a scoping study and a systematic literature review. Productivity measurement approaches are compared using data at the product level. Findings The definition of total factor productivity (TFP) in the literature negatively affects the accuracy of profitability and productivity measurement. In the usual case of a dynamic output mix, TFP change encompasses biasing output mix effects relating to profitability, but not to productivity change. Therefore, this paper defines changes of a ratio of output quantities to input quantities not as TFP change, but as quantitative profitability (QP) change. A framework is proposed decomposing profitability change into price recovery and QP change, whereas the latter comprises of valid productivity change (encompassing technological, technical efficiency and productivity-related scale effects) and output mix change (encompassing proportion, quality, output switching and profitability-related scale effects). Research limitations/implications Future research should include literature from the industrial organisation field of economics. The presented framework should be transferred to the standard production function framework used in economics. Practical implications The paper can help preventing faulty decision making or distrust due to the use of biased profitability or productivity indicators. TFP-based productivity indicators are unsuitable for most firms. To measure productivity meaningfully, firms should use adequate approaches (e.g. standard input- or adjusted total factor productivity-based ones). Originality/value The paper contributes to a more accurate performance measurement approach, as researchers and practitioners better understand the components of profitability and productivity change.

ABSTRACT The present study was undertaken to explore the evolution of the impact of firm-level performance on employment level and wages in the Indian organized manufacturing sector over the period 1989-90 to 2013-14. One of the major components of the economic reform package was the deregulation and de-licensing in the Indian organized manufacturing sector. The impact of firm-level performance on employment and wages were estimated for Indian organized manufacturing sector in major sub-sectors in India during the period from 1989-90 to 2013-14 of the various variables namely profitability ratio, total factor productivity change, technical change, technical efficiency, openness (export-import), investment intensity, raw material intensity and FECI in total factor productivity index, technical efficiency, and technical change. The study exhibited that all explanatory variables except profitability ratio and technical change cost had a positive impact on the employment level. Out of eight variables, four variables such as net of foreign equity capital, investment intensity, TFPCH, and technical efficiency change showed a positive impact on wages and salary ratio and rest of the four variables such as openness intensity, technology acquisition index, profitability ratio, and technical change had negative impact on wages and salary ratio. In this context, the profit ratio should be distributed as per the marginal rule of economics such as the marginal productivity of labour and capital.

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 75
Stevo Pucar ◽  
Zoran Borovic

Summary: Why are some countries so much richer than others? Why do some countries produce so much more output per worker than others? Influential works by Klenow & Rodriguez-Clare (1997), Hall and Jones (1999), and Parente & Prescott (2000), among others, have argued that most of the cross country differences in output per worker is explained by differences in total factor productivity. Total factor productivity measurement enables researchers to determine the contribution of supply-side production factors to economic growth. Development Accounting is a first-pass attempt at organizing the answer around two proximate determinants: factors of production and efficiency. It answers the question “how much of the cross-country income variance can be attributed to differences in (physical and human) capital, and how much to differences in the efficiency with which capital is used’’?In this article, we will outline framework for growth accounting to account for cross-country difference in income of Republic of Srpska, Republic of Croatia and Republic of Serbia. The current consensus is that differences in income per worker across countries do not arise primarly from differences in quantities in capital or labour, but rather from differences in efficiency with which are these factors used. We find that total factor productivity is very important for the growth of output per worker, but only in cases of Serbia and Croatia. In case of Srpska the most important factor for the growth of output per worker is growth of capital.Резиме: Зашто су неке земље толико богатије од других? Зашто неке земље остварују много већи обим производње по раднику од других? Утицајни радови Klenow и Rodriguez-Clare (1997), Hall и Jones (1999), и Parente и Prescott (2000), између осталих, тврдили су да је највећи број међудржавних разлика у обиму производње по раднику резултат разлика у Укупној Факторској Продуктивности. Мјерење Укупне Факторске Продуктивности омогућава истраживачима да утврде допринос фактора на страни понуде привредном расту. Развој ‘’рачуноводства раста’’ представља први покушаја анализирања двије сродне детерминанте раста: фактори производње и ефикасности.  Ова анализа даје одговор на питање “колико су међудржавне разлике у оствареном БДП-у резултат међудржавних разлика у (физичком и људском) капиталу, а колико су резултат разлика у ефикасности којом се капитал користи’’?У овом раду ћемо приказати оквир за “рачуноводство раста’’ који ће се примјенити за обрачун међудржавних разлика у БДП-у по раднику за Републику Српску, Републику Хрватску и Републику Србију. Тренутни консензус међу ауторима је да разлике у БДП-у по раднику између земаља не настају првенствено због разлика у количинама капитала или рада, него због разлика у ефикасности са којом се ови фактори користе. Анализом смо дошли до закључка да је Укупна Факторска Продуктивност веома важна за раст производње по раднику, али само у случајевима Србије и Хрватске. У случају Српске најважнији фактор за раст производње по раднику је раст техничко-технолошке опремљености рада капиталом.

Seda Ekmen Özçelik

This chapter provides basic understanding of firm performance in emerging markets by focusing on labor productivity and total factor productivity. In the study, labor productivity is measured in terms of average value added per worker. Total factor productivity is obtained from estimations of Cobb-Douglas production function where value added is a function of labor and capital. Data is obtained from the firm-level Enterprise Surveys by the World Bank. According to the results, differences in average labor productivities are significant among the sectors within each emerging region. Also, the value of factor elasticities changes across sectors as well as across regions. Moreover, the elasticity of capital is lower than the elasticity of labor for all sectors in regions. It implies that labor plays a more significant role and the firms are operating in a more labor-intensive production process in emerging markets.

2021 ◽  
Shuwang Yang ◽  
Chao Wang ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Tingshuai Lu ◽  
Yang Yi

Abstract The relationship between environmental regulation and enterprises' total factor productivity (TFP) has been a hot topic in the field of environmental economics, but the conclusions are still mixed. Employing a sample of 14,110 firm-year observations in China from 2010 to 2018, our research explores whether and when environmental regulation could trigger firms, to enhance TFP. The available evidence leads us to cautiously conclude that: 1) Environmental regulation notably improves enterprises' TFP, the conclusion still holds after a series of robustness tests. 2) Enterprises' bargaining power significantly weakens the influence of environmental regulation on enterprises' TFP. 3) Compared with non-state-owned enterprises and non-heavy-polluting industries, environmental regulation has a greater impact on state-owned enterprises and heavy-polluting industries; higher executive compensation does not motivate firms to improve TFP; compared with enterprises headquartered in non-provincial capital cities, environmental regulation has a greater impact on enterprises' TFP in provincial capital cities. Overall, the findings of our research are extremely relevant for the government, investor, and enterprise's manager, this paper provides micro-firm-level evidence for the Porter hypothesis in practice in China.

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