provincial capital
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Hong Yang ◽  
Jiaming Qian

Abstract Background Cytomegalovirus (CMV) causes infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This study investigated the prevalence of CMV colitis, the current status of laboratory testing equipment, and physicians’ opinions regarding CMV and IBD in China. Methods This retrospective multi-center study was conducted by Chinese members of the Asian Organization for Crohn’s and Colitis and included 36 hospitals/institutes divided according to municipality, provincial capital city, and prefectural-level city. A survey questionnaire was administered, and chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests were performed. Results A total of 4 823 inpatients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 4.622 inpatients with Crohn’s disease (CD) were included. The percentages of patients with moderate UC in the provincial capital city and municipality were significantly higher than that in the prefectural-level city (38.3% vs. 29.1% and 40.1% vs. 29.1%, respectively). The percentage of patients with mild CD was significantly lower in the provincial capital city than in the prefectural-level city and municipality (30.4% vs. 40.3%; 30.4% vs. 39.3%, respectively). There were 3.1% patients with UC and 0.8% patients with CD who had CMV colitis. The prevalence of CMV colitis was lower in patients with CD than in patients with UC (0.8% vs. 3.1%). Of the 150 patients with UC and concurrent CMV colitis, 17.3% patients underwent surgery, 2.0% died, and 23.3% experienced complications. Punched-out ulcerations were the major characteristic features for detecting CMV colitis. Approximately 77.8% of hospitals possessed testing facilities capable of conducting CMV immunohistochemistry. Conclusions CMV colitis is an important issue during the disease progression of IBD. However, improvement in knowledge and facilities is required to enhance the prognosis of patients.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 274-292
Cesaria Dewi ◽  
Ekaria Ekaria

In 2019, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) awarded Central Java as the province with the best Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Daerah (PPD). However, if it is reviewed at the district/city level, it shows that there are still many areas that have low development achievements. In accordance with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) proposal, the Human Development Index (HDI) is used as an indicator of the achievement of district/city development whose calculations are good enough to describe development from both a social and economic perspective. The large difference in HDI between districts/cities in Central Java and the distribution of development achievements are still centered around the provincial capital, namely Semarang City, this indicates the occurrence of inequality in development achievements at the district/city level in Central Java. Because the observations in this study are districts/cities in Central Java, the linkage between district/city causes spatial autocorrelation. Therefore, spatial regression model is used to determine the model that has spatial autocorrelation. This study aims to determine the achievements of development and its determinants in the districts/cities of Central Java in 2019 using the spatial regression analysis method. From the results of the study, it is known that there is a dependence on development achievements between districts/cities in Central Java which is influenced by the regional capacity factor is characterized by PAD and economic growth; operational resource factors characterized by DAU, DAK and technology; and the level of poverty.

2022 ◽  
pp. 655-673
Aiding Kornejady ◽  
Elham Kouchaki ◽  
Ali Boustan ◽  
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi ◽  
Majid Sadeghinia ◽  

Bella Gertrude B. Alpasan ◽  

Estancia is well-known throughout the country as a commercial fishing center, so much so that it shares the name Alaska of the Philippines. It is located in the northern part of the province and is 131 kilometer’s (81 mi) from the provincial capital, Iloilo City. Estancia is politically subdivided into 25 barangays. According to the 2015 Census, it has a population of 48,546 people. This accounted for 2.51% of the total population of Iloilo province, or 0.64 percent of the Western Visayas region's total population. As technology advances, so do the hectic schedules that leave little time for household chores. Aside from tasks, there are other aspects of our everyday lives that are significant. People don't have enough time to take care of their homes, so hiring a housekeeper can assist. Many families place too much emphasis on word-of-mouth referrals and basic background employment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 634-643
Aylee Christine Alamsyah Sheyoputri ◽  
Abri Abri

Potensi tanaman hortikultura khususnya sayuran yang ada di Kecamatan Tinggimoncong cukup besar bahkan beberapa jenis sayuran seperti kubis, petsai, wortel, bawang daun dan kentang, selain dipasarkan dalam wilayah kabupaten juga dipasarkan sampai ibukota propinsi bahkan di antar pulaukan ke Kalimantan namun demikian sistem pemasarannya masih bersifat tradisional yang berimplikasi pada pendapatan petani sebagai produsen tidak optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji stuktur pasar, saluran distribusi dan margin pemasaran produk usahatani sayur-sayuran yang berada di Desa Karenapia, Kecamatan Tinggimoncong, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan. Dilaksanakan pada bulan April hingga Juni 2019, dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Struktur pasar sayuran yang terbentuk di desa Kanreapia mengarah pada pasar oligopsoni. Struktur pasar di tingkat kabupaten/kota, lebih memgarah pada pasar persaingan sempurna dan diferensiasi. petani sebagai produsen tidak memiliki sarana dan perlakuan pascapanen (standarisasi melalui grading), lemahnya informasi tentang pasar sehingga peranan petani dalam memanfaatkan peluang pasar sangat kecil, skala usaha yang relatif kecil dan usaha tani yang tidak didasarkan atas permintaan pasar, menyebabkan posisi tawar petani sangat lemah, hal ini memungkinkan kehadiran pedagang perantara yang kemudian lebih dominan dalam penentuan harga jual di tingkat petani. Bagian yang diterima petani dari harga yang dibayarkan konsumen untuk beberapa jenis sayuran, rata-rata lebih kecil dibandingkan yang diterima oleh pedagang perantara sehingga sistem pemasaran yang terjadi dinilai kurang efisien bagi petani. The potential of horticultural crops, especially vegetables in the District of  Tinggimoncong is quite considerable. Some types of vegetables such as cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrots, leeks and potatoes, besides being marketed in the Regency Area, are also marketed to the provincial capital even inter-island to Kalimantan. The marketing system, however, is still traditional, and that makes the income of the farmers as the producers is not optimal. This study aimed to examine the market structures, distribution channels and marketing margins of the vegetable farming products located in Kanreapia village Tinggimoncong District Gowa Regency South Sulawesi. Using a quantitative descriptive approach, it was carried out from April to June 2019. The results showed that the structure of the vegetable market formed in Kanreapia village led to an oligopsony market. The market structure at the Regency/Municipal level was more likely to lead to a perfect competition and differentiation market. Because the farmers as the producers did not have post-harvest treatment and facilities (standardization through grading), and were weak in terms of market information, the role of the farmers in taking the advantages of market opportunities was very small. The relatively small business scales and non-market-demand farming have caused the farmers’ bargaining position very weak, allowing the presence of intermediary traders who in turn are more dominant in determining the selling prices at the farmer level. For several types of vegetables, the share received by the farmers from the price paid by the consumers is, on average, smaller than that received by the intermediary traders. Hence, the marketing system that occurs is considered less efficient for farmers.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261286
Wajiha Qamar ◽  
Mehran Qayum ◽  
Naveed Sadiq

The Government of Pakistan has established Adult Vaccination Counters (AVCs) to immunize general population with COVID-19 vaccine. Different brands of COVID-19 vaccines have different protocols. It is important that the knowledge and skills of the vaccination staff at AVCs should be accurate. To assess this, a cross-sectional study was conducted in all 15 AVCs at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s provincial capital in May 2021, using the simulated client approach. Structured open-ended and simulated scenario-based questions were used to collect data from the vaccination staff of AVCs. This study showed that 53.3% of the AVCs had at most three out of four brands of COVID-19 vaccines. 60% of the AVCs did not have the mechanism to track client’s vaccine first dose, date, and brand. Only 66.7% of the AVCs had a complete knowledge of all the available vaccines. 86.7% and 80% of the AVCs knew the correct duration and administration of the same brand of COVID-19 vaccine’s second dose respectively. At the client’s end, 6.7% were aware about the brand of administered COVID-19 vaccine. 46.7% were advised about the date of the second shot of vaccination. Only 13.3% of the clients were informed about the procedure of getting an official vaccination certificate. It was concluded that the knowledge and skill of the vaccination staff at AVCs is inadequate. Every vaccine has a different protocol in terms of number of doses and duration. AVCs must have a tracking system to inoculate the second dose with the same brand as the first dose. There is a need for rigorous monitoring and training of the COVID-19 vaccination staff on various protocols of vaccine to prevent losing public’s trust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-196
Andrea Pokludová

The main aim of this study is to present an analysis of the education conditions in the provincial capital of the Moravian Margraviate in the context of the national struggle for compulsory schooling between the German municipal government and Czech national activists at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. At the provincial level, the sharpest edges of Czech­ ­German conflict were to be blunted by the Moravian Compromise concluded in 1905, which included four provincial laws for the most troublesome areas, including the lex Perek. This study analyses and interprets the situation in Brno education through the lens of Czech emancipatory efforts from the mid-1870s to the passing of the lex Perek. Furthermore, it explains the situation after its passing, when the fight for the child was not coming to an end despite the concluded Czech­‑German Compromise – it rather escalated. This text thus deals with the real impact of one of the four provincial laws concluded within the Moravian Compromise, using the example of pre­‑war Brno. It is a probe into the issue at hand that uses the example of the provincial capital. The probe represents a practice that was far removed from the contemporary government’s presentation of the concluded compromise as a „model“ solution to the problematic Czech­‑German coexistence within the multinational monarchy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Yang Han ◽  
Jacqueline C. K. Lam ◽  
Victor O. K. Li ◽  
Jon Crowcroft ◽  
Jinqi Fu ◽  

AbstractThis study investigates thoroughly whether acute exposure to outdoor PM2.5 concentration, P, modifies the rate of change in the daily number of COVID-19 infections (R) across 18 high infection provincial capitals in China, including Wuhan. A best-fit multiple linear regression model was constructed to model the relationship between P and R, from 1 January to 20 March 2020, after accounting for meteorology, net move-in mobility (NM), time trend (T), co-morbidity (CM), and the time-lag effects. Regression analysis shows that P (β = 0.4309, p < 0.001) is the most significant determinant of R. In addition, T (β = −0.3870, p < 0.001), absolute humidity (AH) (β = 0.2476, p = 0.002), P × AH (β = −0.2237, p < 0.001), and NM (β = 0.1383, p = 0.003) are more significant determinants of R, as compared to GDP per capita (β = 0.1115, p = 0.015) and CM (Asthma) (β = 0.1273, p = 0.005). A matching technique was adopted to demonstrate a possible causal relationship between P and R across 18 provincial capital cities. A 10 µg/m3 increase in P gives a 1.5% increase in R (p < 0.001). Interaction analysis also reveals that P × AH and R are negatively correlated (β = −0.2237, p < 0.001). Given that P exacerbates R, we recommend the installation of air purifiers and improved air ventilation to reduce the effect of P on R. Given the increasing observation that COVID-19 is airborne, measures that reduce P, plus mandatory masking that reduces the risks of COVID-19 associated with viral-particulate transmission, are strongly recommended. Our study is distinguished by the focus on the rate of change instead of the individual cases of COVID-19 when modelling the statistical relationship between R and P in China; causal instead of correlation analysis via the matching analysis, while taking into account the key confounders, and the individual plus the interaction effects of P and AH on R.

Ary Putra Iswanto ◽  
Nanda Ahda Imron ◽  

Transportation is very important in accelerating economic, social and cultural growth in a region. Surabaya is the capital of the province of East Java and is the largest city on the island of Java. Surabaya, which is the provincial capital, certainly provides various facilities to serve the community, especially in the field of mass transportation. Several modes of mass transportation that have developed in the city of Surabaya, one of which is a bus with routes to several small cities such as the cities of Madiun, Magetan and Ponorogo. In this study, the authors want to know the characteristics of the community in using the executive bus transportation mode which is considered to have a new fleet with the Surabaya-Madiun toll road. In this study using a questionnaire instrument method with Solvin, Issac micael and Morgan sampling techniques, then analyzed the data using a quantitative descriptive model. From the results of the study, it is known that the characteristics of executive bus users through the Surabaya-Madiun toll road are mostly male, aged 21-30 years, with a high school education background.

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