scholarly journals Singular value and‎ ‎arithmetic-geometric mean inequalities for operators

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-18 ◽  
Hussien Albadawi
2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 1431-1438
Mahdi Mohammadi Gohari ◽  
Maryam Amyari

Abstract Suppose that A, B ∈ 𝔹(𝓗) are positive invertible operators. In this paper, we show that $$\begin{array}{} \displaystyle A \# B \leq \frac{1}{1-2\mu}A^\frac{1}{2}F_\mu(A^\frac{-1}{2}BA^\frac{-1}{2})A^\frac{1}{2}\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq\frac{1}{2}\bigg[ A \# B +H_\mu (A,B)\bigg]\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq\frac{1}{2}\bigg[ \frac{1}{1-2\mu}A^\frac{1}{2}F_\mu(A^\frac{-1}{2}BA^\frac{-1}{2})A^\frac{1}{2}+H_\mu (A,B)\bigg]\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq \dots \leq \frac{1}{2^n}A \# B + \frac{2^n-1}{2^n}H_\mu (A,B)\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq \frac{1}{2^n(1-2\mu)}A^\frac{1}{2}F_\mu(A^\frac{-1}{2}BA^\frac{-1}{2})A^\frac{1}{2}+\frac{2^n-1}{2^n}H_\mu (A,B)\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq \frac{1}{2^{n+1}} A \# B +\frac{2^{n+1}-1}{2^{n+1}}H_\mu (A,B)\\ \displaystyle\qquad~\,\leq \dots \leq H_\mu (A,B) \end{array}$$ for each $\begin{array}{} \displaystyle \mu \in [0,1]\smallsetminus\{\frac{1}{2}\}, \end{array}$ where Hμ (A, B) and A#B are the Heinz mean and the geometric mean for operators A, B, respectively, and $\begin{array}{} \displaystyle F_{\mu}\in C({\rm sp}(A^\frac{-1}{2}BA^\frac{-1}{2})) \end{array}$ is a certain parameterized class of functions. As an application, we present several inequalities for unitarily invariant norms.

1999 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96 ◽  
Fuad Kittaneh

AbstractLet Ai , Bi and Xi (i = 1, 2,…,n) be operators on a separable Hilbert space. It is shown that if f and g are nonnegative continuous functions on [0, ∞) which satisfy the relation f(t)g(t) = t for all t in [0, ∞), thenfor every r > 0 and for every unitarily invariant norm. This result improves some known Cauchy-Schwarz type inequalities. Norm inequalities related to the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality and the classical Heinz inequalities are also obtained.

А. Бора ◽  
А. Хусейн ◽  
Дж. Бора

В современных системах связи подавление помех является исключительно важным для улучшения эффективности работы системы. Постоянно растущий спрос на беспроводную связь вызвал появление новой группы исследователей, занимающихся вопросами спектральной эффективности, максимально возможными скоростями передачи для пользователей, и вопросами повторного использования частотного спектра и минимального уровня помех. Выравнивание помех IA (interference alignment) является новым способом подавления межсотовых помех ICI (inter-sell interference) сети, что ведет к улучшению работы системы. Одним из эффективных методов, реализующих указанную схему, является выравнивание сигнала помехи от каждого передатчика соседней соты в заданном направлении, и получении комбинированного вектора приемной антенны каждого пользователя. При наличии полной информации о состоянии канала и наличии в системе обратной связи с передатчиком базовой станции соты, система IA может увеличивать общую пропускную способность системы. Увеличение спектральной эффективности на границе соты в сотовой системе связи является одним из главных факторов эффективной работы. Эта статья основана на исследовании пользователей сотовой системы связи на границе соты. В этой работе использованы методы планирования для выбора лучших пользователей и антенн из больших групп пользователей и антенн, соответственно. В статье рассмотрена конструкция с прекодером, где методы выбора антенны и пользователя основаны на частичном IA в сети с двумя и тремя сотами для многопользовательской системы со многими входами и многими выходами MU-MIMO (multiuser MIMO) с нисходящим спутниковым каналом связи. Проведен сравнительный анализ рабочей эффективности системы с использованием метода предварительного кодирования на основе сингулярного разложения SVD (singular value decomposition) и метода предварительного кодирования на основе среднегеометрического разложения GMD (geometric mean decomposition). В работе использована кодовая книга сети LTE, которая известна как передатчику, так и приемнику.

Filomat ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (8) ◽  
pp. 2139-2145
Alemeh Sheikhhosseini

In this paper, we obtain some numerical radius inequalities for operators, in particular for positive definite operators A; B a numerical radius and some operator norm versions for arithmeticgeometric mean inequality are obtained, respectively as ?2(A#B)? ? (A2+B2/2)- 1/2inf ||x||=1 ?(x), where ?(x) = ?(A - B)x,x?2, and ||A||||B|| ? 1/2 (||A2||+||B2||)-1/2 inf ||x||=||y||=1 ?(x,y), where, ?(x,y) = (?Ay,y? - ?Bx,x?)2.

2006 ◽  
Vol 45 (01) ◽  
pp. 57-61
M. Puille ◽  
D. Steiner ◽  
R. Bauer ◽  
R. Klett

Summary Aim: Multiple procedures for the quantification of activity leakage in radiation synovectomy of the knee joint have been described in the literature. We compared these procedures considering the real conditions of dispersion and absorption using a corpse phantom. Methods: We simulated different distributions of the activity in the knee joint and a different extra-articular spread into the inguinal lymph nodes. The activity was measured with a gammacamera. Activity leakage was calculated by measuring the retention in the knee joint only using an anterior view, using the geometric mean of anterior and posterior views, or using the sum of anterior and posterior views. The same procedures were used to quantify the activity leakage by measuring the activity spread into the inguinal lymph nodes. In addition, the influence of scattered rays was evaluated. Results: For several procedures we found an excellent association with the real activity leakage, shown by an r² between 0.97 and 0.98. When the real value of the leakage is needed, e. g. in dosimetric studies, simultaneously measuring of knee activity and activity in the inguinal lymph nodes in anterior and posterior views and calculation of the geometric mean with exclusion of the scatter rays was found to be the procedure of choice. Conclusion: When measuring of activity leakage is used for dosimetric calculations, the above-described procedure should be used. When the real value of the leakage is not necessary, e. g. for comparing different therapeutic modalities, several of the procedures can be considered as being equivalent.

2001 ◽  
Vol 40 (04) ◽  
pp. 107-110 ◽  
B. Roßmüller ◽  
S. Alalp ◽  
S. Fischer ◽  
S. Dresel ◽  
K. Hahn ◽  

SummaryFor assessment of differential renal function (PF) by means of static renal scintigraphy with Tc-99m-dimer-captosuccinic acid (DMSA) the calculation of the geometric mean of counts from the anterior and posterior view is recommended. Aim of this retrospective study was to find out, if the anterior view is necessary to receive an accurate differential renal function by calculating the geometric mean compared to calculating PF using the counts of the posterior view only. Methods: 164 DMSA-scans of 151 children (86 f, 65 m) aged 16 d to 16 a (4.7 ± 3.9 a) were reviewed. The scans were performed using a dual head gamma camera (Picker Prism 2000 XP, low energy ultra high resolution collimator, matrix 256 x 256,300 kcts/view, Zoom: 1.6-2.0). Background corrected values from both kidneys anterior and posterior were obtained. Using region of interest technique PF was calculated using the counts of the dorsal view and compared with the calculated geometric mean [SQR(Ctsdors x Ctsventr]. Results: The differential function of the right kidney was significantly less when compared to the calculation of the geometric mean (p<0.01). The mean difference between the PFgeom and the PFdors was 1.5 ± 1.4%. A difference > 5% (5.0-9.5%) was obtained in only 6/164 scans (3.7%). Three of 6 patients presented with an underestimated PFdors due to dystopic kidneys on the left side in 2 patients and on the right side in one patient. The other 3 patients with a difference >5% did not show any renal abnormality. Conclusion: The calculation of the PF from the posterior view only will give an underestimated value of the right kidney compared to the calculation of the geometric mean. This effect is not relevant for the calculation of the differntial renal function in orthotopic kidneys, so that in these cases the anterior view is not necesssary. However, geometric mean calculation to obtain reliable values for differential renal function should be applied in cases with an obvious anatomical abnormality.

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