Design and Fabrication of Seed Sowing Machine by using Electro-Pneumatic System

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
Kandavel .V ◽  
Karthick .U ◽  
Subhaa .R
2018 ◽  
Gopi Sri Murugesan ◽  

<p>One of the agricultural countries in the world is India, where 70 percent population depends on agriculture. Agriculture is a backbone of Indian Economy as the contribution of agriculture in India has high national income. While maintaining both the quality and quantity of the crops for future generations as well as the resources, the farmers met with the challenge of producing a sufficient amount of crops for the consumer demand. To meet up the future demands for food and to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional method, we have developed the seed sowing machine with automatic sun tracking solar panel and soil testing process in an automatic manner. The agrobot will move on various ground contours and it performs digging, sows the seed and covers it with the soil and an adequate content of water is added according to its texture. This project also spells out the soil testing process using LabVIEW and the results are displayed in the mobile phones using GSM module. It gives the complete installation of the agricultural robot. The method of sowing seeds with automatic sun tracking solar panel is somewhat different from the traditional seed sowing method. The main purpose of the GSM based Agrobot with automatic sun tracking solar panel is to sow the seeds and monitor the soil’s fertility as well as the moisture automatically.</p>

Gaurav Kumar ◽  
Rishabh Singh ◽  
Pavan Kumar ◽  
Twinkle Rajput ◽  
Eram Neha ◽  

B S Kanthraju ◽  
Akshay Kumar G ◽  
Kiran Kumar C ◽  
Chandan B ◽  
Kiran Kumar P M

Today’s technology is marching closer to the speedy boom of all sectors such as the rural sector. To meet the future food demands, the farmers should put into effect the brand new strategies so as to now no longer have an effect on the soil texture however will growth the general crop production. The intention of this work is to fabricate and design a solarpowered multi operated machine .The seed sowing machine is a key element of the rural field. The numerous technology utilized in India for seed sowing and fertilizer placement are guide, ox, and tractor operators. The guide and ox operator strategies are time-ingesting and productiveness is low. The tractor is strolling on fossil gasoline which emits carbon dioxide and different pollutants each second. This proof has caused sizable air, water, and noise pollutants and most significantly has caused a actual electricity disaster withinside the close to destiny, with a view to make the improvement of our farmer in addition to country sustainable and motive much less damage to our environment. Now the method of this mission is to broaden the multi operated machine that’s to reduce the running price and the time for digging in addition to function on easy strength

Mr. Suraj Nivas Kadam

This paper presents the idea of the automatic system which detects and removes the blockages automatically in the pipes of seeder machine or sowing machine. This automatic system is very useful for many farmers. As increase in the technology, all the sector needs automation in every system. In current generation most of countries do not have sufficient manpower specially in agriculture sector. So there is need to develop equipment which will reduce the efforts of farmers. This system introduces a control mechanism which aims to detect blockages in the pipes of sowing machine and automatic removal of it by developing mechanism. Objective of this system is to develop a totally automated system for seed sowing process. Hence by replacing a manual system, develop a secure, reliable and efficient system.

2021 ◽  
Rajesh Ramadass ◽  
Anantha Bharathi ◽  
Sridhar S ◽  
Tharanraj N

2018 ◽  
Gopi Sri Murugesan ◽  

<p>One of the agricultural countries in the world is India, where 70 percent population depends on agriculture. Agriculture is a backbone of Indian Economy as the contribution of agriculture in India has high national income. While maintaining both the quality and quantity of the crops for future generations as well as the resources, the farmers met with the challenge of producing a sufficient amount of crops for the consumer demand. To meet up the future demands for food and to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional method, we have developed the seed sowing machine with automatic sun tracking solar panel and soil testing process in an automatic manner. The agrobot will move on various ground contours and it performs digging, sows the seed and covers it with the soil and an adequate content of water is added according to its texture. This project also spells out the soil testing process using LabVIEW and the results are displayed in the mobile phones using GSM module. It gives the complete installation of the agricultural robot. The method of sowing seeds with automatic sun tracking solar panel is somewhat different from the traditional seed sowing method. The main purpose of the GSM based Agrobot with automatic sun tracking solar panel is to sow the seeds and monitor the soil’s fertility as well as the moisture automatically.</p>

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