Twenty Years of IACEP, and a Focus on Dynamic Assessment: Progress, Problems, and Prospects

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 419-442 ◽  
H. Carl Haywood

This 20th anniversary address charts a brief history of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, from its organizational conference at Lake Louise in November 1988. International conferences, regional conferences, and successive presidents are listed (and pictured in the case of presidents). Introducing the theme of the conference, the history of dynamic assessment is outlined, with photographs of the pioneers and some present leaders. Problems with standard normative testing are listed. The principal argument is that appropriate assessment methods depend upon valid models of the nature of human abilities. One model, Haywood’s transactional perspective, is outlined briefly.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-237 ◽  
Yuriy V. Karpov ◽  
David Tzuriel

The authors proceed from the presentations at the 20th anniversary conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), “Dynamic Assessment: Progress, Problems, and Prospects,” to present their reflections on the major issues of dynamic assessment (DA). Among the topics discussed are the following: what DA actually assesses, how DA informs instruction and intervention, and if mediation should be grounded in the students’ culture. The authors also respond to some of the critical points raised against DA and discuss progress and prospects in the field of DA. Les auteurs utilisent les présentations de la Conférence du vingtième anniversaire de l’IACEP « évaluation dynamique: progrès, problèmes et perspectives » pour présenter leurs réflexions sur les résultats importants touchant l’évaluation dynamique. Les thèmes discutés sont les suivants: qu’est-ce que l’évaluation dynamique évalue vraiment? Comment l’évaluation dynamique informe-t-elle sur l’instruction et l’intervention? La médiation doit-elle s’ancrer dans la culture des élèves? Les auteurs répondent aussi à quelques critiques dirigées contre l’évaluation dynamique et discutent des progrès et des perspectives dans le champ de l’évaluation dynamique. Die Autoren gehen von den Darbietungen auf der 20. Jubiläumskonferenz der IACEP mit dem Motto “Dynamische Diagnostik: Fortschritt, Probleme und Aussichten” aus, um ihre Überlegungen zu wesentlichen Themen der dynamischen Diagnostik (DA, Dynamic Assessment) vorzustellen. Darunter sind die folgenden: Was DA wirklich erfasst, welch informativer Wert DA für Unterricht und Intervention zukommt, und ob Mediation in der Kultur des Lerners begründet sein sollte. Die Autoren beantworten auch einige kritische Einwände gegen DA und diskutieren Fortschritt und Perspektiven in diesem Gegenstandsbereich Los autores exponen las presentaciones de la Conferencia celebrada con motivo del 20 Aniversario de la IACEP sobre la “Evaluación Dinámica: Desarrollo, Problemas y Perspectivas” cuyo propósito es la presentación de su propias reflexiones acerca del estado actual de la Evaluación Dinámica (DA). Los principales tópicos que se analizan son: qué evalúa realmente la Evaluación Dinámica, cómo la Evaluación Dinámica ilumina la instrucción y la intervención, y si la mediación debería basarse en la cultura de los estudiantes. Los autores también responden a algunos de los puntos críticos que emergen contra la Evaluación Dinámica, e igualmente discuten su desarrollo y las perspectivas. Gli autori a partire dalle presentazioni fatte in occasione del 20° Anniversario della Conferenza IACEP “Valutazione Dinamica: progressi, problemi e prospettive” continuano le loro riflessioni sulle principali questioni della Valutazione Dinamica (DA). Tra gli argomenti discussi vi sono: che cosa la DA in realt à valuta, come la DA fornisce istruzioni e modalit à di intervento, se la mediazione debba essere ancorata alla cultura dello studente. Gli autori rispondono anche ad alcuni punti critici sollevati contro la DA e discutono i progressi e le prospettive nel campo della DA.

This volume vividly demonstrates the importance and increasing breadth of quantitative methods in the earth sciences. With contributions from an international cast of leading practitioners, chapters cover a wide range of state-of-the-art methods and applications, including computer modeling and mapping techniques. Many chapters also contain reviews and extensive bibliographies which serve to make this an invaluable introduction to the entire field. In addition to its detailed presentations, the book includes chapters on the history of geomathematics and on R.G.V. Eigen, the "father" of mathematical geology. Written to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, the book will be sought after by both practitioners and researchers in all branches of geology.

1984 ◽  
Vol 12 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Kurt Schwerin

In No. 28 of the Bulletin of the International Association of Law Libraries (June, 1972) Dr. Gerhard J. Dahlmanns published “some reflections on the development, aims and purposes” of the I.A.L.L. This article was an excellent survey on the history, policies and problems of the Association at the time when the originally modest Bulletin, under the presidency of Dr. Hans G. Leser, became a full-fledged international periodical. The present article tries to record in greater detail the history of the inception and the first two years of the Association. I have these years in vivid memory, they were years of lively planning in which I was deeply involved.

Peter Voswinckel ◽  
Nils Hansson

Abstract Purpose This article presents new research on the role of the renowned German physician Ernst von Leyden (1832–1910) in the emergence of oncology as a scientific discipline. Methods The article draws on archival sources from the archive of the German Society of Haematology and primary and secondary literature. Results Leyden initiated two important events in the early history of oncology: the first international cancer conference, which took place in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1906, and the founding of the first international association for cancer research (forerunner of today's UICC) in Berlin in 1908. Unfortunately, these facts are not mentioned in the most recent accounts. Both had a strong impact on the professionalization of oncology as a discipline in its own right. Conclusion Although not of Jewish origin, von Leyden was considered by the National Socialists to be “Jewish tainted”, which had a lasting effect on his perception at home and abroad.

Isabel Hadley

BS 7910, the UK procedure for the assessment of flaws in metallic structures, was first published almost 30 years ago in the form of a fracture/fatigue assessment procedure, PD6493. It provided the basis for analysing fabrication flaws and the need for repair in a rational fashion, rather than relying on long-established (and essentially arbitrary) workmanship rules. The UK offshore industry in particular embraced this new approach to flaw assessment, which is now widely recognised by safety authorities and specifically referred to in certain design codes, including codes for pressure equipment. Since its first publication in 1980, PD6493/BS 7910 has been regularly maintained and expanded, taking in elements of other publications such as the UK power industry’s fracture assessment procedure R6 (in particular the Failure Assessment Diagram approach), the creep assessment procedure PD6539 and the gas transmission industry’s approach to assessment of locally thinned areas in pipelines. The FITNET European thematic network, run between 2002 and 2006, has further advanced the state of the art, bringing in assessment methods from SINTAP (an earlier European research project), R6, R5 and elsewhere. In particular, the FITNET fracture assessment methods represent considerable advances over the current BS 7910 methods; for example, weld strength mismatch can be explicitly analysed by using FITNET Option 2, and crack tip constraint through Option 5. Corrosion assessment methods in FITNET are also more versatile than those of BS 7910, and now include methods for vessels and elbows as well as for pipelines. In view of these recent advances, the BS 7910 committee has decided to incorporate many elements of the FITNET procedure into the next edition of BS 7910, to be published c2012. This paper summarises the history of the development of BS 7910, its relationship with other flaw assessment procedures (in particular FITNET and R6) and its future.

Numen ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 238 ◽  
Eric J. Sharpe

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-264
Renée Ford ◽  
Rachael Griffiths ◽  
Anna Sehnalova ◽  
Daniel Wojahn

The Oral History of Tibetan Studies (OHTS) project collects memories of individuals who have contributed to the formation of Tibetan Studies as an independent academic discipline in the second half of the twentieth century. Through interview recordings, it explores two aspects: the development of the discipline itself, and the distinctive life-stories of the individuals involved. The project includes scholars and academics, Tibetan teachers and traditional scholars, artists, photographers, book publishers, and sponsors. The oral testimonies also provide crucial information on related academic fields, such as Buddhist and Religious Studies, Anthropology, and Asian Studies more generally, and present a kaleidoscope of broader social, cultural, and educational developments. Of particular interest is the interconnection with Buddhist Studies, as exemplified in the UK and through links with the International Association of Buddhist Studies. This report aims to introduce the project, its open access online archive, and future plans.

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