scholarly journals Editorial

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Martha Tupinambá de Ulhôa ◽  
Rafael dos Santos ◽  
Adelcio Camilo Machado

Este número de Música Popular em Revista (MPR) marca uma transição de formato visando a regularização da publicação e a adequação às políticas de publicação periódica adotadas pela UNICAMP. Para isto estão sendo implementadas gradualmente algumas diretrizes a serem finalizadas no primeiro semestre de 2020, entre as quais a inclusão do DOI (Digital Object Identifier) em todos os artigos, a adesão ao selo de publicação aberta Creative Commons, além do procedimento de publicação contínua.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 3
Álvaro José Gracia Díaz

El Programa de Ciencias del deporte de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, U.D.C.A agradece la favorable evaluación de la indexadora REDIB, al reconocer la calidad de nuestra revista y al integrarnos en su plataforma. Continuaremos mejorando día tras día hasta obtener una revista con mayor rigor académico y científico y que esté siempre en la búsqueda de la excelencia.   La Revista Actividad Física y Deporte en esta décima (10) edición, y como revista ya indexada, continuará dando a conocer la producción de conocimiento del programa de Ciencias del Deporte, y conjuntamente, la producción de otras instituciones de Educación Superior como: La Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, La Universidad Santo Tomás, La Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, La Universidad Distrital, La Universidad de Cundinamarca y La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.   Para participar en la convocatoria y poder lograr la Indexación de la Revista Digital: Actividad Física y Deporte, se trabajó dando cumplimiento paso a paso, con los criterios de evaluación, que exigía el proceso que buscaba cumplir con la secuencia de gestión editorial, para poder dar respuesta al exigente rigor académico que nos garantizara lograr la indexación de la revista.   Para tal logro, la revista incrementó su visualización, a través de seguir fortaleciendo la estructura, que se da a través, de la implementación y liberación del Open Journal Systems (OJS) y la asignación del Digital Object Identifier (DOI) y la mejora de visibilidad que nos otorga el Hyper Text Markup Languaje (HTML).   La revista se encuentra bajo la licencia de Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0. Aquellos autores y/o autoras, que publiquen en esta revista, aceptan los siguientes términos: 1.- Los autores y/o autoras (CC): Conservarán sus derechos de autor y garantizarán a la revista el derecho de primera publicación de su obra, que estará simultáneamente sujeta a la Licencia de reconocimiento de Creative Commons (BY NC). 2.- Reconocimiento (BY): Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría, proporcionar un enlace a la licencia, e indicar, sí, se han realizado cambios. Puede hacerlo de cualquier forma razonable, pero, no de una manera, que sugiera que tiene el apoyo del licenciador o lo recibe por el uso que tiene. 3.- No comercial (NC): No se puede utilizar el material para una finalidad comercial.   En el Proceso de Acreditación del Programa de Ciencias del Deporte, llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales el pasado mes de Mayo de 2019, dió la oportunidad para que los pares académicos expresaran sus magníficos conceptos sobre: la Revista Digital: Actividad Física y Deporte, visualizando su calidad sobresaliente y su objetivo de dar a conocer la producción intelectual tanto de su programa como el que se dá en otras instituciones de educación superior, dedicadas a esta misma especialidad de actividad física y deporte y con el propósito de fortalecer el conocimiento: pedagógico, didáctico y científico en todas estas instituciones.

2020 ◽  
Kyle Copas

<p>GBIF—the Global Biodiversity Information Facility—and its network of more than 1,500 institutions maintain the world's largest index of biodiversity data (, containing nearly 1.4 billion species occurrence records. This infrastructure offers a model of best practices, both technological and cultural, that other domains may wish to adapt or emulate to ensure that its users have free, FAIR and open access to data.</p><p>The availability of community-supported data and metadata standards in the biodiversity informatics community, combined with the adoption (in 2014) of open Creative Commons licensing for data shared with GBIF, established the necessary preconditions for the network's recent growth.</p><p>But GBIF's development of a data citation system based on the uses of DOIs—Digital Object Identifiers—has established an approach for using unique identifiers to establish direct links between scientific research and the underlying data on which it depends. The resulting state-of-the-art system tracks uses and reuses of data in research and credits data citations back to individual datasets and publishers, helping to ensure the transparency of biodiversity-related scientific analyses.</p><p>In 2015, GBIF began issuing a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for every data download. This system resolves each download to a landing page containing 1) the taxonomic, geographic, temporal and other search parameters used to generate the download; 2) a quantitative map of the underlying datasets that contributed to the download; and 3) a simple citation to be included in works that rely on the data.</p><p>When authors cite these download DOIs, they in effect assert direct links between scientific papers and underlying data. Crossref registers these links through Event Data, enabling GBIF to track citation counts automatically for each download, dataset and publisher. These counts expand to display a bibliography of all research reuses of the data.This system improves the incentives for institutions to share open data by providing quantifiable measures demonstrating the value and impact of sharing data for others' research.</p><p>GBIF is a mature infrastructure that supports a wide pool of researchers publish two peer-reviewed journal articles that rely on this data every day. That said, the citation-tracking and -crediting system has room for improvement. At present, 21% of papers using GBIF-mediated data provide DOI citations—which represents a 30% increase over 2018. Through outreach to authors and collaboration with journals, GBIF aims to continue this trend.</p><p>In addition, members of the GBIF network are seeking to extend citation credits to individuals through tools like Bloodhound Tracker ( using persistent identifiers from ORCID and Wikidata IDs. This approach provides a compelling model for the scientific and scholarly benefits of treating individual data records from specimens as micro- or nanopublications—first-class research objects that advancing both FAIR data and open science.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1252-1257
Ying JIAN ◽  
Guolin WU ◽  
Donghui ZHOU ◽  
Zhiqun HU ◽  
Zhenxuan QUAN ◽  

Wax apple (Syzygium samarangense) is an important tropical fruit tree cultivated in Southeast Asian. It produces red pear-like shape fruits. The fruit flesh is considered high in antioxidants, phenolics, and flavonoids that have a potential to contribute to the human healthy diet, and was proved to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics. To allow year-round marketing of high quality wax apple fruit, growers always perform shading to inhibit new flushes so as to repress vegetative growth and promote reproductive growth. To investigate the effect of shading on carbohydrates, wax apple trees were shaded with sun shade nets under field conditions. The effects of shading on shoot growth were studied and leaf carbohydrate levels of the trees were determined. The results showed that shading inhibit the the growth of the terminal shoots and promoted bud dormancy. Shading also reduced total soluble sugar, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and starch levels of leaves. The results suggested that shading reduced carbohydrate accumulation and repressed vegetative growth.   ********* In press - Online First. Article has been peer reviewed, accepted for publication and published online without pagination. It will receive pagination when the issue will be ready for publishing as a complete number (Volume 47, Issue 4, 2019). The article is searchable and citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOI link will become active after the article will be included in the complete issue. *********

1999 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-13 ◽  
Albert W. Simmonds

Aharon Oren ◽  
George M. Garrity ◽  
Edward R. B. Moore ◽  
Iain C. Sutcliffe ◽  
Martha E. Trujillo

The International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM) will move to ‘true continuous publication’ during the first months of 2021 to modernize the workflow and align it with the current online-only nature of the journal. In the new format, articles will be cited using an article number rather than page numbering. The article number will be the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) suffix, i.e., the last six digits of the DOI. Benefits of the new system include streamlining in-house processes, hence, reducing time and costs, and speeding up the publication time of the final ‘Version of Record’. Because of the new format of the IJSEM, it is necessary to emend Rule 24b (2) and Note 1 paragraph 3 of Rule 27 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) to regulate matters of priority for papers published after January 2021. We also propose adding another example to Note 2 of Rule 33b to clarify how nomenclatural authorities of names published in the IJSEM from 2021 onward must be cited.

Erik André de Nazaré ◽  
Antônio Afonso Pereira Júnior ◽  
Cristiane Marina Teixeira Girard ◽  
Carla Daniella Teixeira Girard

O presente estudo busca investigar a utilização do Digital Object Identifier (DOI) nos periódicos científicos de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação e, proporcionando novas utilidades de integração com a Plataforma Lattes. Neste sentido, objetiva-se informar os títulos existentes em Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação em formato eletrônico, demonstrar a importância do DOI na integração com a Plataforma Lattes visando à garantia de credibilidade autoral e analisar as características das publicações que possuem DOI. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento deste estudo é bibliográfico, pesquisa com característica explicativa-descritiva. A partir do desenvolvimento da pesquisa, infere-se que de todos os periódicos analisados (33 periódicos), 10 títulos na avaliação de 2013 e 06 títulos da avaliação de 2014 apresentam o DOI em suas publicações, todas possuem classificação WebQualis, Qualis A1 na área de Comunicação e Informação. Em sua maioria as publicações são internacionais e apenas 3 títulos são nacionais. Torna-se necessário que os periódicos principalmente os nacionais acompanhem as novas tecnologias como o DOI para objetos e o ORCID para a identificação de pessoas, trazendo mais mecanismos que garantem credibilidade dos autores e para trazer conecção dos pesquisadores, e ambos já podem ser adotados na Plataforma Lattes.Palavras-chave: Identificador de objeto digital. Biblioteconomia. Ciência da informação. Periódicos científicos.Link:

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