2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-245
Nadezhda Chernetskaya

The paper refers to the terminological and theoretical problem of reference of creative thinking' and intelligence' categories, which is significant in the integrative creative thinking conception context. Minding the obvious variety of approaches towards creative thinking and intelligence, one must mention their inconsistency evoking difficulties in defining mentioned terms and their reference. In the paper theoretical and methodological methods of conflict resolution of some of those inconsistencies are proposed. Some contemporary approaches towards creative thinking and intelligence are taken into consideration.

Nadwa ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Supriyanto Pasir

<p>Conflict is a fact of human history due to the inherent incompatibility between the two powers. Among the instruments to resolve conflict is education through an integrated curriculum on conflict resolution. Conflict resolution is defined as a process which utilizes spectrum communication skills and analytical and creative thinking to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts peacefully. Study of conflict resolution education is based on the Qur’anic verse. By using the method of the matic analysis found at least twelve conflict resolution activities and the values of the Koran can be used as a conflict resolution education, namely: restraint and forgiveness, communicate wisely, do good and respect, mutual understanding, fraternity, open network, called for peace, back to the book of Allah, avoid prejudice, not degrading, vying for the better, to understand the meaning of jihad</p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><strong></strong><br />Konflik merupakan fakta sejarah manusia akibat ketidakcocokan yang melekat antara dua kekuatan. Di antara instrumen untuk menyelesaikan konflik adalah pendidikan melalui kurikulum terpadu tentang resolusi konflik. Resolusi konflik didefinisikan sebagai spektrum proses yang memanfaatkan kemampuan komunikasi dan berpikir kreatif serta analisis untuk mencegah, mengelola, dan menyelesaikan konflik secara damai. Kajian pendidikan resolusi konflik ini didasarkan pada ayat al-Qur’an. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis tematik ditemukan setidaknya dua belas kegiatan resolusi konflik dan nilai-nilai dalam al-Qur’an yang dapat digunakan sebagai pendidikan resolusi konflik, yaitu: menahan diri dan memaafkan, berkomunikasi secara bijak, berbuat baik dan menghargai, saling Pengertian, menjalin persaudaraan, membuka jaringan,<br />mengajak damai, kembali kepada kitab Allah, menjauhi prasangka, tidak merendahkan, berlomba-lomba menuju kebaikan, memahami makna jihad.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22 ◽  
Elisabeth M. Weiss ◽  
Bianca Gschaidbauer ◽  
Liane Kaufmann ◽  
Ilona Papousek ◽  
Andreas Fink

Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die systematische Erfassung der Kreativitätsleistung bei 5- bis 14-jährigen Jungen mit Asperger Syndrom im Vergleich mit einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe (je n=24). Untersucht wurden sowohl quantitative Kreativitätsaspekte (Ideenflüssigkeit, Ideenflexibilität) als auch qualitative Kreativitätsaspekte (Originalität) bei zwei Altersgruppen (jüngere Kinder: 5 – 9 Jahre, ältere Kinder/Jugendliche: 10 – 14 Jahre). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei Kindern/Jugendlichen mit Asperger Syndrom primär die quantitativen Aspekte der Kreativität beeinträchtigt sind (Ideenflüssigkeit und -flexibilität bei gleichbleibenden Items aus dem 5-Punkte Test), während die Kreativitätsleistung bei den abwechslungsreicheren Bildergänzungsaufgaben des Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, bei denen die Qualität/Originalität im Vordergrund steht, unbeeinträchtigt ist. In unserer Stichproben waren die Alterseffekte signifikant (jüngere Kinder zeigten schlechtere Leistungen), aber über die Gruppen vergleichbar (d. h. die Interaktionseffekte waren nicht signifikant). Im Sinne einer ressourcenorientierten Diagnostik, die für eine maßgeschneiderte Interventionsplanung unerlässlich ist, sollten also zusätzlich zu den quantitativen auch die qualitativen Aspekte kreativer und exekutiver Denkleistungen erfasst werden.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 145-151 ◽  
Daniel L. Gadke ◽  
Renée M. Tobin ◽  
W. Joel Schneider

Abstract. This study examined the association between Agreeableness and children’s selection of conflict resolution tactics and their overt behaviors at school. A total of 157 second graders responded to a series of conflict resolution vignettes and were observed three times during physical education classes at school. We hypothesized that Agreeableness would be inversely related to the endorsement of power assertion tactics and to displays of problem behaviors, and positively related to the endorsement of negotiation tactics and to displays of adaptive behaviors. Consistent with hypotheses, Agreeableness was inversely related to power assertion tactics and to displays of off-task, disruptive, and verbally aggressive behaviors. There was no evidence that Agreeableness was related to more socially sophisticated responses to conflict, such as negotiation, with our sample of second grade students; however, it was related to displays of adaptive behaviors, specifically on-task behaviors. Limitations, including potential reactivity effects and the restriction of observational data collection to one school-based setting, are discussed. Future researchers are encouraged to collect data from multiple sources in more than one setting over time.

1987 ◽  
Vol 32 (7) ◽  
pp. 602-603
Sheldon Stryker

2004 ◽  
Steve Fabick ◽  
Barbara Tint

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