mutual understanding
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Elena Feo ◽  
Pieter Spanoghe ◽  
Els Berckmoes ◽  
Elodie Pascal ◽  
Rosa Mosquera-Losada ◽  

AbstractThe co-creation and sharing of knowledge among different types of actors with complementary expertise is known as the Multi-Actor Approach (MAA). This paper presents how Horizon2020 Thematic-Networks (TNs) deal with the MAA and put forward best practices during the different project phases, based on the results of a desktop study, interviews, surveys and expert workshops. The study shows that not all types of actors are equally involved in TN consortia and participatory activities, meaning TNs might be not sufficiently demand-driven and the uptake of the results is not optimal. Facilitators are key to contributing to the relationships and the mutual understanding between different actors. Moreover, a user-friendly digital knowledge platform linked to demonstration activities and peer-to-peer exchange can improve the sharing of knowledge, enhancing impact in agricultural and forestry innovation in the longer term.

2022 ◽  
Livia Durac ◽  

Reflecting on human attitude towards reality, together with deciphering the emotional code that accompanies it, has configured - in time – the aesthetic universe, open to human reflection, creation, and evaluation. Aesthetics appears through the way in which consciousness reacts and capitalises upon things in nature and society, or which belong to human subjectivity, including on artistic work, which have an effect on sensitiveness due to their harmony, balance and grandeur. As a fundamental attribute of the human being, creativity is the engine of cultural evolution, meaning the degree of novelty that man brings in his ideas, actions, and creations. Aesthetical values, together with the other types of values, contribute to what society represents and to what it can become, hence motivating human action and creation. Their role is to create a state of mind that encourages the cohesion, cooperation, and mutual understanding of the society. Integrating a chronological succession of the evolution of the concepts that objectify its structure, its aesthetics and creativity, this article stresses the synergetic nature of the two dimensions of human personality, paving the way to beauty, as a form of enchantment of the human spirit.

2022 ◽  
Vol 99 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 469-475
M. M. Makhambetchin ◽  
S. V. Lokhvitskiy ◽  
Y. M. Turgunov ◽  
K. T. Shakeyev

Studying and improving the theory of errors of doctors has always been important, and today it has become especially relevant.The article lists the main provisions of the advanced version of the theory of errors of doctors. The main content of the articleis devoted to four important aspects of the problem of physician errors. The article states the main contradiction of the problemof errors in medicine. The structure of general objective and subjective causes of medical errors is shown. The main optionsfor doctors to experience errors that complicate doctors’ mutual understanding in this problem are formulated. For the fi rsttime, the reasons for the denial of errors by doctors are summarized. These aspects and conclusions on them are the result ofan analysis of publications on the problem of errors in medicine, repeated discussions of the problem on professional medicalsites. The content of these aspects was based on its own material on error analysis and observation from practice. The aboveaspects and their conclusions need not so much to be confi rmed by special studies, but rather to refl ect on their role and placein the problem of errors. The general objective and subjective reasons for the occurrence of medical errors are shown inconnection with their possible "guilt". Lack of experience is presented as the most common cause of medical errors. Variousoption for doctors to experience errors are presented as a reason that makes it diffi cult for doctors to understand this problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Wiesław Łach

The situation after World War I was far from stabilizing, and the area of the Vilnius region became the subject of a conflict that for many years cast a shadow on Polish-Lithuanian relations. One should look at this conflict from the perspective of one hundred years, remembering that it turned into an antagonism so sharp and fierce that it even aroused the amazement of bystanders. The taken up topic has been presented in many aspects: events in August and September 1920 preceding the occupation of Vilnius, the position of General Lucjan Żeligowski to this situation, warfare (called "rebellion"), the establishment of Central Lithuania and an attempt to sanction the situation in the League of Nations forum. This paper is about a military and political activities of occupation of Vilnius and its neighboring areas by the Poland in October 1920. The originator of this undertaking was Józef Piłsudski. He admitted to it after years, exactly on the 24th and 25th of August 1923 during the lectures in the hall of the Grand Theater in Vilnius. Polish-Lithuanian relations in the analyzed years should be considered far from accepted international standards. Both Poles and Lithuanians can be held responsible in point of above facts. Awareness of these events is extremely important for both nations for mutual understanding and agreement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
Magdalena Steciąg

Lingua receptiva: An Ecolinguistic Approach to Slavic Inter-Language Contacts in a Borderland Area (a Polish-Czech Case)Ecolinguistics has dealt with inter-language contacts ever since its beginnings as an independent linguistic discipline in the 1970s. However, it has not gained much interest among Slavic studies scholars in Poland. The aim of this article is to present the ecolinguistic concept of research on Slavic inter-language contacts on the example of Polish and Czech using the notion lingua receptiva. The proposed concept of integrated research on language ecology in the Polish-Czech borderland covers three dimensions of the language ecosystem: natural, social and cognitive. Research on the natural ecology of the language revolves around its interrelationships with the surrounding natural environment and can relate to topography, fauna and flora, etc. This research considers the potential of the natural and the anthropogenic environment in relation to the language (and vice versa). In the sociological observation of the language ecology, attention is paid to social and cultural conditions shaping the relationships between communicating individuals and the nature of the communities that are constituted or maintained as a result of these contacts. Cognitive language ecology, in turn, includes the cognitive skills and competences of users, especially those that enable flexible adaptation in a particular environment. A different methodology has been developed for each dimension: from sociolinguistic quantitative approaches based on surveys, to pragmalinguistic experiments designed to observe the shape of sender-recipient relations in inter-language receptive communication. These methodologies are presented together with the preliminary results of research which make it possible to state that lingua receptiva is the nucleus of inclusive multilingualism, breaking the paradigm of monolingualism and blurring the borders between languages in the pursuit of mutual understanding.  Lingua receptiva: ekolingwistyczne ujęcie słowiańskich kontaktów międzyjęzykowych w przestrzeni pogranicza (przypadek polsko-czeski)Ekolingwistyka jako samodzielna dyscyplina językoznawcza, która ukonstytuowała się w latach 70. XX wieku, od początku zajmowała się kontaktami międzyjęzykowymi. Jednakże wśród slawistów w Polsce nie zyskała większego zainteresowania. Celem tekstu jest przedstawienie ekolingwistycznej koncepcji badań słowiańskich kontaktów międzyjęzykowych na przykładzie polsko-czeskim z wykorzystaniem pojęcia lingua receptiva. Proponowana koncepcja zintegrowanych badań nad ekologią języka na polsko-czeskim pograniczu obejmuje trzy wymiary ekosystemu języka: naturalny, społeczny i poznawczy. Badania nad naturalną ekologią języka oscylują wokół jego wzajemnych związków z otaczającym środowiskiem naturalnym i mogą odnosić się do topografii, fauny i flory itd. Pod uwagę bierze się w nich potencjał środowiska naturalnego i otoczenia antropogenicznego w relacji do języka (i odwrotnie). W obserwacji socjologicznej ekologii języka zwraca się uwagę na uwarunkowania społeczne i kulturowe kształtujące relacje między komunikującymi się jednostkami oraz charakter wspólnot, które są konstytuowane lub podtrzymywane w wyniku tych kontaktów. Kognitywna ekologia języka obejmuje z kolei zdolności poznawcze i kompetencje użytkowników, zwłaszcza te, które pozwalają elastycznie adaptować się w określonym środowisku. Dla każdego wymiaru została wypracowana inna metodologia: od socjolingwistycznych ujęć ilościowych opartych na badaniach ankietowych do eksperymentów pragmalingwistycznych służących obserwacji ukształtowania nadawczo-odbiorczego w międzyjęzykowej komunikacji receptywnej. Zostanie ona przedstawiona wraz ze wstępnymi wynikami badań, które pozwalają stwierdzić, że lingua receptiva stanowi jądro multilingwizmu inkluzywnego przełamującego paradygmat jednojęzyczności i zacierającego granice języków w dążeniu do wzajemnego zrozumienia.

Naumkin Vitaly Vyacheslavovich

This article made available for publication is compiled on the basis of a report presented at the International Science Conference that took place on September 2nd, 2021, in the city of Vladivostok (Russky Island). It deals with the ordinary and megatrends reflecting the specific aspects in relation to the current stage of the Russian-Mongolian bilateral relationships. Such trends include, for example, diversification of external ties or orientation towards multidimensional collaboration. It is asserted that, throughout the century-old history of close interaction between Russia and Mongolia, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states, there have been a lot of epoch-making events and developments of landmark nature, which up to date constitute the meaningful elements of historic memory for our peoples, defining the overriding megatrend of our mutual understanding and affinity that bears a sustainable character, defying any influence of the political and economic environment factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 13-16
A. A. Usanova ◽  
T. A. Kunyaeva ◽  
L. N. Goncharova ◽  
Ya. A. Pushkina ◽  
O. G. Radaikina ◽  

The article discusses the most popular type of Olympic movement — athletics. All stages of athletics formation and development are highlighted and described.A connection from ancient athleticism to modern Olympism is described, including the problem of globalization of sports and medical supervision.From the very beginning, athletics has established itself as an international sport in which men and women from all over the world participate.New trends of the late XX — early XXI century have a serious impact on various areas of modern life, including the sports industry and the Olympic movement.The communication revolution has brought not only benefits, but also created new problems. Based on the study of athletics development, it has been established that the Olympic movement remains an important international institution working to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples.Further, the International Olympic Committee notes the expansion of educational work to spread the Olympic values and ideals of sport.The article is devoted to topical issues of the Olympic movement, which have a significant impact on social processes.

Татьяна Ивановна Дронова

В статье рассматривается религиозно-нравственный феномен гостеприимства в картине мира у русских староверов-беспоповцев Усть-Цильмы, проживающих в нижнем течении р. Печоры в Республике Коми. Источником к написанию работы послужили этнографические полевые материалы, собранные автором в Усть-Цилемском районе Республики Коми и корпус усть-цилемских фразеологизмов, пословиц, присловий, выявленный из словарей. Как концепт культуры гостеприимство широко представлено в паремиях, где аллегорически раскрываются ситуации, связанные с гостеприимством, осмысляются нормы, установки и предписания в поведении контактирующих сторон, раскрывается значение гостевых контактов в установлении и поддержании социальных связей. По заявленной теме представлены и проанализированы термины, выражения, характеризующие хозяев и гостей в зависимости от различных ситуаций (гостеприимность — негостеприимность, встреча — прощание и др.). В статье раскрывается, что гостеприимство имело большое воспитательное значение, ознакомление детей с нормами гостеприимства строилось не только на личных наблюдениях и примерах, но и с привлечением устойчивых выражений и текстов. Исследование показало, что гостевое общение сплачивало не только родственников, но и представителей общины в целом. Выявлено, что несмотря на известную закрытость староверов-беспоповцев, они проявляли дружелюбие и взаимопонимание к представителям других конфессий, предоставляли им кров и еду. В картине мира русских староверов-беспоповцев Усть-Цильмы гостеприимство имело важное значение в сохранении и развитии непреходящей ценности их бытия. The article examines the religious and moral phenomenon of hospitality in the picture of the world among the Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, living in the lower reaches of the river. Pechory in the Komi Republic. The source for the writing of the work was the ethnographic field materials collected by the author in the Ust-Tsilemsky region of the Komi Republic and the corpus of Ust-Tsilma phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings identified from dictionaries. As a concept of culture, hospitality is widely represented in paremias, where situations related to hospitality are revealed allegorically, norms, attitudes and prescriptions in the behavior of contacting parties are comprehended, and the value of guest contacts in establishing and maintaining social ties is revealed. On the stated topic, terms and expressions are presented and analyzed that characterize the hosts and guests, depending on various situations (hospitality — inhospitable, meeting — farewell, etc.). The article reveals that hospitality was of great educational value, familiarizing children with the norms of hospitality was based not only on personal observations and examples, but also with the use of stable expressions and texts. The study showed that guest communication brought together not only relatives, but also representatives of the community as a whole. It was revealed that despite the well-known closeness of the Old Believers-bespopovtsy, they showed friendliness and mutual understanding to the representatives of other confessions, provided them with shelter and food. In the picture of the world of Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, hospitality was of great importance in the preservation and development of the enduring value of their existence.

Diplomatica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 302-334
Jann Pasler

Abstract To celebrate independence from France and promote better understanding between “continents, races, and cultures,” in 1966 Senegal produced the World Festival of Negro Arts. Forty-five nations participated. At its core were diplomatic goals involving music. Not only could music help Africans recover their pre-colonial heritage, it encouraged dialogue among cultures and cultural development fueling liberation from the colonial past. Listening for what was shared, as in jazz, and cooperating internationally, as in the Gorée spectacle and recordings competition, encouraged mutual understanding, the basis of alliances world-wide, essential for prosperity. By including African Catholic music, anglophone as well as francophone contributions, and radio broadcasts across Africa, the festival promoted inter-African alliances, necessary for lasting peace in Africa. Here, amid the cold war and this diverse soundscape of musical activities in Dakar, an African mode of diplomacy found its voice and its power. Dialogue, exchange, and cooperation would inspire a new future.

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