2019 ◽  
pp. 99-150
Lennart Lehmhaus
2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1-3) ◽  
pp. 309-329
Claudia V. Camp

I propose that the notion of possession adds an important ideological nuance to the analyses of iconic books set forth by Martin Marty (1980) and, more recently, by James Watts (2006). Using the early second century BCE book of Sirach as a case study, I tease out some of the symbolic dynamics through which the Bible achieved iconic status in the first place, that is, the conditions in which significance was attached to its material, finite shape. For Ben Sira, this symbolism was deeply tied to his honor-shame ethos in which women posed a threat to the honor of his eternal name, a threat resolved through his possession of Torah figured as the Woman Wisdom. What my analysis suggests is that the conflicted perceptions of gender in Ben Sira’s text is fundamental to his appropriation of, and attempt to produce, authoritative religious literature, and thus essential for understanding his relationship to this emerging canon. Torah, conceived as female, was the core of this canon, but Ben Sira adds his own literary production to this female “body” (or feminized corpus, if you will), becoming the voice of both through the experience of perfect possession.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-25
Aaron Koller
The Self ◽  

It has often been noted that Mishnah Avot is heir to aspects of the biblical tradition of Wisdom. A further element of this inheritance is studied here: the tradition of ending a Wisdom book with a selfreferential coda, commenting on the value of the text just completed. A philological study of the end of Avot opens this study, and the results of that study allow us to situate the coda to Avot in the context of other codas in the Mishnah, especially tractates Neziqin and Kelim. The paper then moves to situate the conclusion to Avot in the heritage of the conclusions of earlier Jewish books of Wisdom – Ben Sira, Qohelet, and Proverbs, as well as other biblical books that show the imprint of Wisdom, such as Hosea.

А.В. Сизиков

Статья посвящена малоизвестному «альтернативному прологу» к Книге Премудрости Иисуса, сына Сирахова. Он находится в качестве предисловия в одной из важнейших для истории греческого перевода рукописей. Несмотря на то, что «альтернативный пролог» повлиял на историю ранних европейских изданий Библии, он остаётся малоизученным и практически неизвестным. В настоящей статье мы предлагаем русский перевод этого текста, прослеживаем его историю и высказываем некоторые комментарии к его содержанию. The article approaches a little-known «Alternative Prologue» to Ben Sira. The «Alternative Prologue» is attested in one of the most important minuscules as a preface, it probably came from the «Synopsis» of Athanasius of Alexandria. Even though the «Alternative Prologue» influenced the history of first printed European Bibles it is neglected by the scholars remaining practically unknown. In this article, we offer a Russian translation supplying it with some historical and philological notes.

2001 ◽  
Vol 25 (92) ◽  
pp. 121-125
Victor Avigdor Hurowitz

The books of Proverbs and Ben Sira end with alphabetic acrostics. In my article in Revue Biblique 106 (2000), pp. 1–15, I demonstrate a second alphabetic chapter concluding the ‘Words of the Wise’ (Prov. 24.1–22). The present article reveals yet a third partial acrostic in Prov. 29.22–27 at the end of ‘The Proverbs of Solomon which the Men of Hezekiah King of Judah Copied’. The acrostic and other literary devices in this unit show it is more than a mere collection of original, independent adages. The use of alphabetic acrostics to end three of Proverbs' seven consistent collections has implications for the redaction history of the book.

John Kampen

By examining the approaches to wisdom evident in its literary production, it is possible to get a glimpse of the diversity of Second Temple Jewish viewpoints. The identification of one trajectory is an attempt to describe and evaluate certain trends that are apparent in the literature without being able to make the claim that such an attempt is exhaustive. On the basis of the evidence available in one specific trajectory, Ben Sira and Wisdom of Solomon make the closest correlations between wisdom and Torah. While not providing evidence that the Torah was valued primarily as a collection of Pentateuchal law, it is apparent why these two compositions were valued by Jewish writers for whom this became the case.

Markus Saur

In this article, the historical localization of Hebrew Bible Wisdom Literature is discussed firstly with regard to the literary development of the books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes. By examining these books one can make several observations that help to reconstruct the history not only of the individual books, but also the history of Wisdom Literature as a whole. Wisdom Literature is understood in this context as the result of a process of discussion, interaction, and interdependence, and thus the documentation of a broader discourse surrounding Wisdom topics. This discourse is reflected in the whole of Wisdom Literature of the Hebrew Bible. From this point of view, the differentiation between the Wisdom books and some other Wisdom texts, such as the Wisdom Psalms or the book of Ben Sira, is finally placed within an era overview, and thus a short history of Wisdom Literature is presented.

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