scholarly journals Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Penyakit Gigi pada Masyarakat

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Apri Adiari Manu ◽  
Antonius Radja Ratu

Abstract: Search behavior of dental disease treatment in society. Tooth decay can cause pain and chewing disorders that affect the health of parts of the body. Most sufferers will seek treatment because of pain in their teeth. treatment includes three interrelated sectors, namely household medicine/self-medication using drugs, traditional medicines, or traditional methods, medical treatment done by nurses, doctors, health centers or hospitals, and traditional medicine. The purpose of this study is to obtain in-depth information about the factors that cause the behavior of the people of Kupang to choose traditional medicine or self-medication. This research uses the Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP) design. The sample in this study were informants who were experiencing or had experienced toothache aged 18 years and over. The results showed that almost all Informants (10) knew what dental caries was and the causes of dental caries, knew the risk of tooth cavities were left and not patched and knew that dental caries/cavities could only be overcome by going to the community health centers to be patched at the Poly tooth. Perceptions of traditional medicine informants assume that traditional medicine can treat pain only temporarily. Perception of Modern Medicine, most informants had visited the 9 health centers, the informants considered that the problem of toothache could be overcome by going to the health center for treatment. 7 of 9 informants had treated their teeth by using traditional or modern medicine, 3 out of 9 The informant assumed that his tooth problems were not resolved because his sick teeth had recurred after being patched. The cost of treatment at the community health centers is not an obstacle for informants because almost all informants use health cards / BPJS. 4 The informant considers that the transportation costs incurred from the place of residence to the community health centers are quite expensive. Abstrak: Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Penyakit Gigi pada Masyarakat. Kerusakan gigi dapat menyebabkan sakit dan gangguan mengunyah sehingga memengaruhi kesehatan bagian tubuh. Sebagian besar penderita akan mencari pengobatan karena nyeri pada giginya. pengobatan mencakup tiga sektor yang saling terkait, yaitu pengobatan rumah tangga/ pengobatan sendiri menggunakan obat, obat tradisional, atau cara tradisional, pengobatan medis yang dilakukakan oleh perawat, dokter, puskesmas atau rumah sakit, serta pengobatan tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk memperoleh informasi mendalam mengenai faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perilaku masyarakat kota Kupang memilih pengobatan tradisional atau melakukan pengobatan sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain  Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah informan yang sedang mengalami atau pernah mengalami sakit gigi yang berusia 18 tahun ke atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua Informan (10) mengetahui apa itu karies gigi dan penyebab terjadinya karies gigi,  mengetahui resiko bila lubang gigi dibiarkan dan tidak ditambal dan mengetahui bahwa karies gigi/lubang gigi hanya dapat diatasi dengan cara pergi ke Puskesmas untuk ditambal di Poli gigi.  Persepsi terhadap pengobatan tradisional informan menganggap bahwa obat tradsional dapat mengatasi rasa sakit hanya untuk sementara. Persepsi terhadap Pengobatan Modern sebagian besar informan pernah berkunjung ke Puskesmas 9 informan menganggap bahwa permasalahan sakit gigi dapat di atasi dengan pergi ke Puskesmas untuk dilakukan perawatan, 7 Informan dari 9 Informan tersebut pernah mengobati giginya sendiri dengan  mengguunakan obat tradisional ataupun obat modern, 3 dari 9 Informan tersebut menganggap bahwa permasalahan giginya tidak teratasi karena giginya yang sakit kambuh lagi setelah di tambal. Biaya berobat di puskesmas tidak menjadi hambatan bagi informan Karena hampir semua Informan menggunakan kartu sehat/ BPJS. 4 Informan menganggap bahwa biaya transportasi yang dikeluarkan dari tempat tinggal sampai di puskesmas cukup mahal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Apri Adiari Manu ◽  
Antonius Radja Ratu

Abstract: Search behavior of dental disease treatment in society. Tooth decay can cause pain and chewing disorders that affect the health of parts of the body. Most sufferers will seek treatment because of pain in their teeth. treatment includes three interrelated sectors, namely household medicine/self-medication using drugs, traditional medicines, or traditional methods, medical treatment done by nurses, doctors, health centers or hospitals, and traditional medicine. The purpose of this study is to obtain in-depth information about the factors that cause the behavior of the people of Kupang to choose traditional medicine or self-medication. This research uses the Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP) design. The sample in this study were informants who were experiencing or had experienced toothache aged 18 years and over. The results showed that almost all Informants (10) knew what dental caries was and the causes of dental caries, knew the risk of tooth cavities were left and not patched and knew that dental caries/cavities could only be overcome by going to the community health centers to be patched at the Poly tooth. Perceptions of traditional medicine informants assume that traditional medicine can treat pain only temporarily. Perception of Modern Medicine, most informants had visited the 9 health centers, the informants considered that the problem of toothache could be overcome by going to the health center for treatment. 7 of 9 informants had treated their teeth by using traditional or modern medicine, 3 out of 9 The informant assumed that his tooth problems were not resolved because his sick teeth had recurred after being patched. The cost of treatment at the community health centers is not an obstacle for informants because almost all informants use health cards / BPJS. 4 The informant considers that the transportation costs incurred from the place of residence to the community health centers are quite expensive. Abstrak: Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Penyakit Gigi pada Masyarakat. Kerusakan gigi dapat menyebabkan sakit dan gangguan mengunyah sehingga memengaruhi kesehatan bagian tubuh. Sebagian besar penderita akan mencari pengobatan karena nyeri pada giginya. pengobatan mencakup tiga sektor yang saling terkait, yaitu pengobatan rumah tangga/ pengobatan sendiri menggunakan obat, obat tradisional, atau cara tradisional, pengobatan medis yang dilakukakan oleh perawat, dokter, puskesmas atau rumah sakit, serta pengobatan tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk memperoleh informasi mendalam mengenai faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perilaku masyarakat kota Kupang memilih pengobatan tradisional atau melakukan pengobatan sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain  Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah informan yang sedang mengalami atau pernah mengalami sakit gigi yang berusia 18 tahun ke atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua Informan (10) mengetahui apa itu karies gigi dan penyebab terjadinya karies gigi,  mengetahui resiko bila lubang gigi dibiarkan dan tidak ditambal dan mengetahui bahwa karies gigi/lubang gigi hanya dapat diatasi dengan cara pergi ke Puskesmas untuk ditambal di Poli gigi.  Persepsi terhadap pengobatan tradisional informan menganggap bahwa obat tradsional dapat mengatasi rasa sakit hanya untuk sementara. Persepsi terhadap Pengobatan Modern sebagian besar informan pernah berkunjung ke Puskesmas 9 informan menganggap bahwa permasalahan sakit gigi dapat di atasi dengan pergi ke Puskesmas untuk dilakukan perawatan, 7 Informan dari 9 Informan tersebut pernah mengobati giginya sendiri dengan  mengguunakan obat tradisional ataupun obat modern, 3 dari 9 Informan tersebut menganggap bahwa permasalahan giginya tidak teratasi karena giginya yang sakit kambuh lagi setelah di tambal. Biaya berobat di puskesmas tidak menjadi hambatan bagi informan Karena hampir semua Informan menggunakan kartu sehat/ BPJS. 4 Informan menganggap bahwa biaya transportasi yang dikeluarkan dari tempat tinggal sampai di puskesmas cukup mahal.

1970 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 719-720
E. H. Christopherson ◽  
Alfred Yankauer

For the Committee, and its subcommittee most closely involved, Dr. Christopherson and Dr. Yankauer replied to this letter as follows: At one stage in the development of the Committee's Statement on Child Health and Community Health Centers in the Americas, it included almost all the points which Dr. Elbualy has raised in his letter. These were eventually reduced to a few words in the eighth and ninth paragraphs of the published statement which refer to the "overwhelming social, economic, and cultural inequities and inadequacies" which lead to high mortality among the children of the poor.

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