Collecting and analyzing data can be arduous, time-consuming labor. Our first instincts might not be to give the data away and reveal the steps behind the ‘magic’ of analyses. Nonetheless, sharing data and analysis steps increases the credibility and utility of our work, and ultimately contributes to a more efficient, cumulative science. Of course, recognizing the value of data and analysis sharing is one thing – actually doing the sharing is another. Sharing data and analyses is fraught with uncertainties (e.g., What should I share? What can I share? Will my data spreadsheet and analysis script even make sense to someone else?) and, at the end of the day, amounts to additional tasks to be completed. This chapter goes beyond persuading readers to share and presents answers to common questions, advice for best practices, and practical steps for sharing that can be integrated into your research workflow. Easy-to-use, free resources like R, RStudio, and the Open Science Framework are introduced for implementing recommended practices.