scholarly journals Hook-content Formulae for Symplectic and Orthogonal Tableaux

2012 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 462-473
Peter S. Campbell ◽  
Anna Stokke

AbstractBy considering the specialisation sλ(1, q, q2, … , qn–1) of the Schur function, Stanley was able to describe a formula for the number of semistandard Young tableaux of shape λ in terms of the contents and hook lengths of the boxes in the Young diagram. Using specialisations of symplectic and orthogonal Schur functions, we derive corresponding formulae, first given by El Samra and King, for the number of semistandard symplectic and orthogonal λ-tableaux.

10.37236/8585 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
William J. Keith

Closed forms for $f_{\lambda,i} (q) := \sum_{\tau \in SYT(\lambda) : des(\tau) = i} q^{maj(\tau)}$, the distribution of the major index over standard Young tableaux of given shapes and specified number of descents, are established for a large collection of $\lambda$ and $i$. Of particular interest is the family that gives a positive answer to a question of Sagan and collaborators. All formulas established in the paper are unimodal, most by a result of Kirillov and Reshetikhin. Many can be identified as specializations of Schur functions via the Jacobi-Trudi identities. If the number of arguments is sufficiently large, it is shown that any finite principal specialization of any Schur function $s_\lambda(1,q,q^2,\dots,q^{n-1})$ has a combinatorial realization as the distribution of the major index over a given set of tableaux.

2011 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AO,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Cristina Ballantine

International audience Since every even power of the Vandermonde determinant is a symmetric polynomial, we want to understand its decomposition in terms of the basis of Schur functions. We investigate several combinatorial properties of the coefficients in the decomposition. In particular, I will give a recursive approach for computing the coefficient of the Schur function $s_μ$ in the decomposition of an even power of the Vandermonde determinant in $n+1$ variables in terms of the coefficient of the Schur function $s_λ$ in the decomposition of the same even power of the Vandermonde determinant in $n$ variables if the Young diagram of $μ$ is obtained from the Young diagram of $λ$ by adding a tetris type shape to the top or to the left. Comme toute puissance paire du déterminant de Vandermonde est un polynôme symétrique, nous voulons comprendre sa décomposition dans la base des fonctions de Schur. Nous allons étudier plusieurs propriétés combinatoires des coefficients de la décomposition. En particulier, nous allons donner une approche récursive pour le calcul du coefficient de la fonction de Schur $s_μ$ dans la décomposition d'une puissance paire du déterminant de Vandermonde en $n+1$ variables, en fonction du coefficient de la fonction de Schur $s_λ$ dans la décomposition de la même puissance paire du déterminant de Vandermonde en $n$ variables, lorsque le diagramme de Young de $μ$ est obtenu à partir du diagramme de Young de $λ$ par l'addition d'une forme de type tetris vers le haut ou vers la gauche.

2021 ◽  
Vol vol. 23 no. 1 (Combinatorics) ◽  
Robert A. Proctor ◽  
Matthew J. Willis

Let $\lambda$ be a partition with no more than $n$ parts. Let $\beta$ be a weakly increasing $n$-tuple with entries from $\{ 1, ... , n \}$. The flagged Schur function in the variables $x_1, ... , x_n$ that is indexed by $\lambda$ and $\beta$ has been defined to be the sum of the content weight monomials for the semistandard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$ whose values are row-wise bounded by the entries of $\beta$. Gessel and Viennot gave a determinant expression for the flagged Schur function indexed by $\lambda$ and $\beta$; this could be done since the pair $(\lambda, \beta)$ satisfied their "nonpermutable" condition for the sequence of terminals of an $n$-tuple of lattice paths that they used to model the tableaux. We generalize flagged Schur functions by dropping the requirement that $\beta$ be weakly increasing. Then for each $\lambda$ we give a condition on the entries of $\beta$ for the pair $(\lambda, \beta)$ to be nonpermutable that is both necessary and sufficient. When the parts of $\lambda$ are not distinct there will be multiple row bound $n$-tuples $\beta$ that will produce the same set of tableaux. We accordingly group the bounding $\beta$ into equivalence classes and identify the most efficient $\beta$ in each class for the determinant computation. We recently showed that many other sets of objects that are indexed by $n$ and $\lambda$ are enumerated by the number of these efficient $n$-tuples. We called these counts "parabolic Catalan numbers". It is noted that the $GL(n)$ Demazure characters (key polynomials) indexed by 312-avoiding permutations can also be expressed with these determinants. Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Identical to v.5, except for the insertion of a reference and the DMTCS journal's publication meta data

10.37236/4139 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
Carolina Benedetti ◽  
Nantel Bergeron

The main purpose of this paper is to show that the multiplication of a Schubert polynomial of finite type $A$ by a Schur function, which we refer to as Schubert vs. Schur problem, can be understood combinatorially from the multiplication in the space of dual $k$-Schur functions. Using earlier work by the second author, we encode both problems by means of quasisymmetric functions. On the Schubert vs. Schur side, we study the poset given by the Bergeron-Sottile's $r$-Bruhat order, along with certain operators associated to this order. Then, we connect this poset with a graph on dual $k$-Schur functions given by studying the affine grassmannian order of  Lam-Lapointe-Morse-Shimozono. Also, we define operators associated to the graph on dual $k$-Schur functions which are analogous to the ones given for the Schubert vs. Schur problem. This is the first step of our more general program of showing combinatorially  the positivity of the multiplication of a dual $k$-Schur function by a Schur function.

10.37236/7387 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Anna Stokke

The classical Pieri formula gives a combinatorial rule for decomposing the product of a Schur function and a complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial as a linear combination of Schur functions with integer coefficients. We give a Pieri rule for describing the product of an orthosymplectic character and an orthosymplectic character arising from a one-row partition. We establish that the orthosymplectic Pieri rule coincides with Sundaram's Pieri rule for symplectic characters and that orthosymplectic characters and symplectic characters obey the same product rule. 

1976 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 879-884 ◽  
Glânffrwd P. Thomas

A combinatorial interpretation of Schur functions in terms of Young tableaux is well-known. (For example, see Littlewood [1] or Thomas [4]). The purpose of this paper is to present a combinatorial interpretation of the wreath product (or plethysm) of two Schur functions.

2008 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AJ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
James Haglund ◽  
Sarah Mason ◽  
Kurt Luoto ◽  
Steph van Willigenburg

International audience We introduce a new basis for the algebra of quasisymmetric functions that naturally partitions Schur functions, called quasisymmetric Schur functions. We describe their expansion in terms of fundamental quasisymmetric functions and determine when a quasisymmetric Schur function is equal to a fundamental quasisymmetric function. We conclude by describing a Pieri rule for quasisymmetric Schur functions that naturally generalizes the Pieri rule for Schur functions. Nous étudions une nouvelle base des fonctions quasisymétriques, les fonctions de quasiSchur. Ces fonctions sont obtenues en spécialisant les fonctions de Macdonald dissymétrique. Nous décrivons les compositions que donne une simple fonction quasisymétriques. Nous décrivons aussi une règle par certaines fonctions de Schur.

1999 ◽  
Vol 09 (03n04) ◽  
pp. 385-404

We introduce the quantum multi–Schur functions, quantum factorial Schur functions and quantum Macdonald polynomials. We prove that for restricted vexillary permutations, the quantum double Schubert polynomial coincides with some quantum multi-Schur function and prove a quantum analog of the Nägelsbach–Kostka and Jacobi–Trudi formulae for the quantum double Schubert polynomials in the case of Grassmannian permutations. We prove also an analog of the Giambelli and the Billey–Jockusch–Stanley formula for quantum Schubert polynomials. Finally we formulate two conjectures about the structure of quantum double and quantum Schubert polynomials for 321–avoiding permutations.

10.37236/1560 ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Markus Fulmek ◽  
Michael Kleber

We present a "method" for bijective proofs for determinant identities, which is based on translating determinants to Schur functions by the Jacobi–Trudi identity. We illustrate this "method" by generalizing a bijective construction (which was first used by Goulden) to a class of Schur function identities, from which we shall obtain bijective proofs for Dodgson's condensation formula, Plücker relations and a recent identity of the second author.

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