scholarly journals Identification of Agromorphological Determinants Favoring the Propagation of Bacterial Disease in Agroforestry Farms of Cashew Trees in Côte d'Ivoire

Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Leki Konan Bertrand ◽  
Kouassi Koffi II Nazaire ◽  

In Côte d'Ivoire, cashew cultivation faces several health obstacles. Among these problems, bacteriosis causes extensive damage to twigs, leaves and fruits, lowers the quality of crops and causes yield losses. The spread of this disease would be under the determination of the morphological characters of the cashew tree. The objective of this study is to search for agro-morphological determinants that influence the spread of bacteriosis in agroforestry systems in Côte d'Ivoire. To achieve this objective, 30 cashew trees spread across 26 agroforestry cashew orchards in the Korhogo, Sinématiali and Boundiali departments were chosen and geolocated. The study factor is the clone, consisting of 30 cashew genotypes, with 13 modalities. The collected data was subjected to descriptive analysis, correlation test, ACP and ascending hierarchical classification (CAH). The results obtained showed that the size and leaf areas and size of cashew trees are determinants that promote the spread of bacteriosis in these 30 cashew genotypes. Following this result, the ascending hierarchical classification (CAH) made it possible to screen the genotypes into three groups. These results should contribute to the agroecological management of bacteriosis, to enhance and intensify agroforestry cropping systems in Côte d'Ivoire.

2021 ◽  
pp. 106-117
Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Diarrassouba Nafan ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
Leki Konan Bertrand ◽  

Notwithstanding the inflows of currency for the populations who practice it, the cultivation of the cashew tree contributes to strengthening the forestry agrosystem in Côte d'Ivoire. However, this culture, with multiple interests, is confronted with attacks from parasites including bacterial disease. Bacterial disease causes extensive damage to vegetative organs as well as fruits and causes yield losses. The objective of this study is to assess the behavior of cashew genotypes in relation to the severity and incidence of bacterial disease in the context of agroforestry production in Côte d'Ivoire. To achieve this objective, 1.200 branches were observed to assess the tolerance or sensitivity of 30 cashew trees in agroforestry orchards of cashew trees in the localities of Korhogo, Sinématiali and Boundiali. These cashew genotypes were selected and geolocated. The factor studied is the cashew genotype, composed of 30 cashew genotypes, with 6 modalities which are the severity index of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts, the incidence of bacterial disease. bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts. The data collected that are the index of severity of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts, the incidence of bacterial disease on leaves, twigs and nuts have made the subject to descriptive analysis and PCA. The ascending hierarchical classification (HAC) and multivariate analysis completed the data analysis. The results obtained revealed three groups of cashew trees. Those of group 3 made up of twelve (12) genotypes, namely SYDN, SDYY, SDYN and KBSD coming from the localities of Sinématiali and Korhogo, differ from the others by a weak infection of the nuts (8.67 ± 2.74). The genotypes in this group are more resilient and their development in an agroforestry system could help promote  agroecological management of bacterial disease, improve and intensify agroforestry practices in C. d'Ivoire.

Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Silue Souleymane ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
N’goran Yao Claude François ◽  

Cashew cultivation faces several health problems. Among these problems, anthracnose causes extensive damage to twigs, leaves and fruits and causes loss of yield. The spread of this disease is thought to be determined by certain agromorphological features of the cashew tree. The objective of this study was to search for these agro-morphological determinants that influence the spread of anthracnose disease in agroforestry systems in Côte d'Ivoire. To achieve this objective, 30 cashew trees spread across 26 agroforestry cashew orchards in the Korhogo, Sinématiali and Boundiali departments were chosen and geolocated. The factor studied was the clone, consisting of 30 cashew genotypes, with 15 modalities. The collected data was subjected to descriptive analysis, correlation test, PCA and hierarchical ascending classification (CAH). The results showed that the wingspan, leaf area and size of cashew trees are determinants that promote the spread of anthracnose disease. Following this result, the CAH made it possible to screen the genotypes into three groups. These results could contribute to management of anthracnose disease in agroforestry, to enhance and intensify this cropping systems.

Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Diarrassouba Nafan ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
N’goran Yao Claude François ◽  

As in all cashew producing areas, anthracnose causes enormous production losses in cashew agroforestry farms in Côte d'Ivoire. To overcome this problem, the use of anthracnose-resilient production plant material in cashew forest agrosystems is becoming a necessity for sustainable development. Thus, this study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the behavior of genotypes of cashew trees cultivated in peasant agroforestry systems in the north of Côte d'Ivoire. To do this, peasant agroforestry cashew orchards were prospected, cashew trees were marked, codified and geolocated. The incidence and severity of anthracnose were then assessed on the marked and geotagged cashew leaves, twigs, inflorescences and fruits. Descriptive analysis of the incidence and severity data revealed that more than 50% of the genotypes studied are resilient to anthracnose with an incidence on nuts in the order of 0.00 ± 5.75%. The ACP explained 52.96% of the total variability observed with the first two axes. The CAH made it possible to structure these genotypes into four groups. MANOVA showed that genotypes in groups 2 and 4 exhibited traits of resilience against anthracnose disease. Group 2 was characterized by a relative absence of disease in the fruits (0.00 ±0.00) and by very severe infections in the twigs (88.19 ± 2.98). Groups 4 were differentiated by low fruit infections (1.32±0.32) and low incidence on fruits (2.17±1.09). These results should help promote the agroecological management of anthracnose disease, enhance and intensify agroforestry practices in Côte d'Ivoire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44.1 ◽  
pp. 7567-7576
SIB Ollo ◽  
SORO Senan ◽  
TRA BI Crolaud Sylvain

To maintain its status of leading producer of cocoa in the world, Côte d'Ivoire must be contain the different types of threats, including the emergence of termites in cocoa farms. This study was conducted in the south-west of the country to evaluate the effect of cropping systems (full sun system, intermediate system and shaded system) on termite attacks. The study was conducted in four localities with different cocoa agroforestry systems. The sampling was made on cocoa trees in quadrats of 30mx30m and the attack rate was calculated. Eleven (11) termite species were identified. The wood-feeders groups were dominant. These termites were responsible for 41.82% of the damage on cocoa trees. Termite Attacks vary between different cropping systems. Full sun systems were most attacked comparing to intermediate shade systems that were least attacked by termites. This work shows that the shade system has an effect on termite attacks in cacao trees. The choice of right system can help to significantly reduce termite attacks in cocoa farms.

Brou Kouassi Guy ◽  
Doumbouya Mohamed ◽  
Oro Zokou Franck ◽  
Doga Dabé ◽  
Yapo N'guéssan Patrick ◽  

Bacterial disease is a major biotic constraints of mango production in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective of this study is to assess the distribution of mango bacteriosis disease in mango production areas in northern Côte d'Ivoire. This study focused on 720 mango trees, of the Kent variety, spread over 20 orchards. These orchards are located in the Bagoué, Tchologo and Poro regions in northern Côte d'Ivoire. The study consisted of determining the incidence and severity of bacterial disease on the leaves and fruits of mango trees. Data on the incidence and severity index of bacterial disease on leaves and fruits were subjected to descriptive analysis followed by PCA. Then, the ascending hierarchical classification (CAH) and multivariate analysis completed the data analysis. The results obtained did not reveal any dissimilarity of the presence of the bacterial disease in the three (3) regions studied. On the other hand, a predominance of the severe or major type of bacterial disease over the level of slight or marginal contamination has been demonstrated. None of the three main regions (Poro, Tchologo and Bagoué) of mango production in Côte d'Ivoire appears to be the center of bacterial disease dispersion at the current stage of bacterial disease progression. The level of incidence and severity of this disease is similar between fruits and leaves. The Principal Component Analysis and the Ascending Hierachical Classification completed by the MANOVA made it possible to structure the mango orchards into three (3) homogeneous groups. Group 2 orchards (VB4, VB8, VB7 and VF2) presented a moderate level of incidence and severity on leaves and fruits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (42) ◽  
pp. 39
Meite Inza ◽  
Ruben Torres

Le présent article s’inscrit dans le cadre de notre travail de recherche de thèse de doctorat en gestion de projets portant sur le thème : « Structure du marché du travail en Côte d’Ivoire : une analyse descriptive à la lumière des projets et programmes d’emploi ». A travers cette thématique, vous voulons contribuer à l’amélioration de l’employabilité et de l’insertion des personnes en âges de travailler, notamment les jeunes diplômés. Il s’agit également de promouvoir de nouveaux paradigmes et outils en matière de conception et d’analyse de risques de projets, en plus de ceux déjà existants. En effet, les faibles taux de chômage observés au cours des enquêtes emploi de ces cinq dernières années ( enquêtes emploi 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 et 2019) voilent une résurgence des emplois informels et précaires au détriment des emplois formels. La population au chômage est majoritairement composée de primo demandeurs d’emploi, notamment les diplômés de l’enseignement technique, professionnel ainsi que de l’enseignement supérieur. Ce qui pose d’ailleurs, la question de l’efficacité externe du système national de formation, ainsi que des projets et programmes d’insertion. Pour ce faire, nous avons jugé judicieux de passer en revue une série de treize ( 13) projets mis en œuvre ou en cours de réalisation, en nous servant des outils de la science indicamétrique. Cette discipline a la particularité de mettre en exergue les facteurs susceptibles d’engendrer la performance, l’efficacité et l’efficience d’un projet, en se basant sur les capacités intrinsèques des personnes physiques et morales impliquées dans sa gestion. Au plan méthodologique, nous avons recours à un des outils importants de la science en indicamétrie : la carte capacitaire. Elle comprend un ensemble d’indicateurs qui s’expriment en Valeur Intrinsèque Capacitaire Energétique (VICE) normée. Toute valeur en dessous de la norme est considérée insuffisante ou en déficit. Toute valeur au-dessus de la norme est dite, en excédent. Ainsi, à l’issue des différentes analyses, nous avons abouti aux principaux résultats suivants : (i) la prise en compte des caractéristiques de l’environnement interne et externe des projets accroit leur probabilité de succès, (ii) le choix de la dénomination de tout projet ou programme influence son mode de gestion et (iii) la prise en compte des caractéristiques et des capacités intrinsèques des promoteurs ou gestionnaires des projets dans leur mise en œuvre accroit significativement leur probabilité de succès.   This paper is part of the research work for a doctoral thesis in project management titled "Structure of the labor market in Côte d'Ivoire: a descriptive analysis in the light of projects and programs of use”. The objective of this theme is to improve the employability and integration of people of working age, especially young graduates. It also focuses on promoting new paradigms and tools for project design and risk analysis, in addition to existing ones. The low unemployment rates observed during employment surveys over the past five years veil a resurgence of informal and precarious jobs to the detriment of formal jobs. The unemployed population is mainly made up of first-time job seekers, particularly graduates of technical, vocational, and higher education. This raises the question of the external effectiveness of the national training system as well as the integration projects and programs. To answer this question, a series of thirteen (13) projects that were either implemented or in progress was reviewed through the tools of indicametric science. This discipline has the particularity of highlighting the factors that are likely to generate the performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of a project based on the intrinsic capacities of the natural and legal persons involved in its management. As for the methodology, there is recourse to one of the important indicametry tools: the capacity card. It includes a set of indicators which are expressed in standardized Intrinsic Energy Capacitance Value (VICE). Any value below the standard is considered insufficient or in deficit, while any value above the norm is said to be in excess. At the end of the various analysis, the following main results have been achieved: (i) taking into account the characteristics of the internal and external environment of projects increases their probability of success, (ii) the choice of name of any project or program influences its mode of management and (iii) taking into account the characteristics and intrinsic capacities of the promoters or managers of projects in their implementation significantly increases their probability of success.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Cisse Abdoulaye ◽  
Aka Jean Claude Kouadio ◽  
Kouame Djaha ◽  
Vroh Bi Tra Aimé ◽  
Adou Yao Constant Yves ◽  

In the area of Lakota (Midwest, Côte d'Ivoire), where the vegetation is a semi-deciduous forest, cacao growing is practiced by people from different origins. Cacao cropping techniques seem to be influenced by some social and cultural habits, according to the people and the agroecological areas. The present study aimed to understand(1) the cacao cropping systems and to identify(2) the reasons underlying the choice of vegetal species combined to cacao trees in these rural communities. To achieve this goal, interviews were realised with cacao farmers of four villages of the area. These interviews concern farmers’ profiles, the former agriculture practices, the variety of the cultivated cacao and the plants combined to cacao trees. The results show that among the 223 interviewed farmers, 72 (32.3% of the farmers) are natives, 42 (18.8% of the farmers) are immigrants and 109 (48.9% of the farmers) are non-native Ivorians. In total, 77 species regularly combined to cacao trees were named by the farmers and they can be divided into local species and exotic species. Plots ordination shows three agroforestry systems according to ethnic group of the locality. Cacao farms with the large proportion of local species are owned by Lakota native people "Dida". The exotic species are dominant in cacao farms that belong to immigrants (Malian, Burkina Faso and Guinean people) and "Malinké" people (a non-native ivorian ethnic group). The Akan people (a non-native ivorian ethnic group) combine in a same proportions exotic and local species in their cacao farms.

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