nonequilibrium stationary states
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
pp. 113206
P L Garrido

Abstract We assume that a system at a mesoscopic scale is described by a field ϕ(x, t) that evolves by a Langevin equation with a white noise whose intensity is controlled by a parameter 1 / Ω . The system stationary state distribution in the small noise limit (Ω → ∞) is of the form P st [ϕ] ≃ exp(−ΩV 0[ϕ]), where V 0[ϕ] is called the quasipotential. V 0 is the unknown of a Hamilton–Jacobi equation. Therefore, V 0 can be written as an action computed along a path that is the solution from Hamilton’s equation that typically cannot be solved explicitly. This paper presents a theoretical scheme that builds a suitable canonical transformation that permits us to do such integration by deforming the original path into a straight line and including some weights along with it. We get the functional form of such weights through conditions on the existence and structure of the canonical transformation. We apply the scheme to get the quasipotential algebraically for several one-dimensional nonequilibrium models as the diffusive and reaction–diffusion systems.

Mathematics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 673
Carlo Bianca ◽  
Marco Menale

The existence and reaching of nonequilibrium stationary states are important issues that need to be taken into account in the development of mathematical modeling frameworks for far off equilibrium complex systems. The main result of this paper is the rigorous proof that the solution of the discrete thermostatted kinetic model catches the stationary solutions as time goes to infinity. The approach towards nonequilibrium stationary states is ensured by the presence of a dissipative term (thermostat) that counterbalances the action of an external force field. The main result is obtained by employing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).

2019 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
Robert Holyst ◽  
Anna Maciołek ◽  
Yirui Zhang ◽  
Marek Litniewski ◽  
Piotr Knychała ◽  

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