jean bodin
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2022 ◽  
Michaela Valente

This book deals with a fascinating and original claim in 16th-century Europe. Witches should be cured, not executed. It was the physician and scholar Johann Wier (1515-1588) who challenged the dominant idea. For his defense of witches, more than three centuries later, Sigmund Freud chose to put Wier’s work among the ten books to be read. According to Wier, Satan seduced witches, thus they did not deserve to be executed, but they must be cured for their melancholy. When the witch hunt was rising, Wier was the first to use some of the arguments adopted in the emerging debate on religious tolerance in defence of witches. This is the first overall study of Wier which offers an innovative view of his thought by highlighting Wier’s sources and his attempts to involve theologians, physicians, and philosophers in his fight against cruel witch hunts. Johann Wier: Debating the Devil and Witches situates and explains his claim as a result of a moral and religious path as well as the outcome of his medical experience. The book aims to provide an insightful examination of Wier’s works to read his pleas emphasizing the duty of every good Christian to not abandon anyone who strays from the flock of Christ. For these reasons, Wier was overwhelmed by bitter confutations, such as those of Jean Bodin, but he was also celebrated for his outstanding and prolific heritage for debating religious tolerance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 178-200
Sarah Mortimer

In the wake of the upheavals of the 1560s, new ideas about strengthening the power of rulers began to emerge. The central concept was sovereignty, first brought to public attention by the French jurist and lawyer Jean Bodin. Bodin wanted to defend the sovereign against external and internal threats, anchoring its power in divine and natural law but also giving him (or it) considerable scope for discretion. This chapter explores the origins and implications of this new interest in sovereignty, showing how it focused attention on the power of the ruler in relation to other sources of authority, notably the Church and the conscience of individuals. At Rome, Cardinal Bellarmine argued for the limits of state authority and for the indirect power of the papacy over magistrates, but other Catholics took different approaches. In particular, Giovanni Botero’s The Reason of State offered an approach to statecraft in which Church and state worked together. Meanwhile, in the Netherlands Justus Lipsius wove together classical texts, especially Tacitus, offering a route to stability and unity in a time of conflict; he acknowledged that conventional morality was sometimes inappropriate for a statesman who would need to adapt to the times. In France, Michel de Montaigne’s ground-breaking Essays combined personal reflection with subtle commentary on the world around him, as he sought to preserve his own integrity and maintain stability within his local community.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-31
Daniel Lee

What was sovereignty supposed to be, and what purpose might it serve for our common future? This study addresses these questions by examining the legal and political thought of Jean Bodin (1529/30–1596), widely regarded as the preeminent theorist of sovereignty in early modern political thought. This Introduction offers a preview of four principal themes and arguments to be explored in this book: (1) sovereignty as a permissive legal right; (2) Bodin’s concept of positive law as duty-creating command; (3) the negative function of absolute power; (4) the pluralistic structure of the Bodinian sovereign state. Special emphasis will be placed on Bodin’s outsized, though overlooked, influence on the intellectual origins of modern public international law, whose architecture is still anchored fundamentally in the notion of a state’s sovereign right.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-172
Marc Adam Kolakowski

Pour Johann Wilhelm Stucki (1542-1607), les Juifs et Palesti-niens de l’Antiquité se constituent en acteurs d’une scène ou-verte sur le passé, un laboratoire où s’élaborent des solutions pour le présent. En effet, le parallèle est dressé par le polymathe zurichois entre le conflit biblique qui oppose Israël à ses voisins de Palestine et les guerres de religions qui secouent l’Europe de son temps. Fixer l’identité des divers protagonistes revient ici essen-tiellement à décrire sans solution de continuité leurs environne-ments, coutumes et religions : ainsi, le caractère mal défini du territoire palestinien, entre mer et terre, explique l’ambivalence de leurs mœurs et l’aspect des divinités qu’ils ho-norent, figures ambiguës à la fois marines et agricoles. En s’appuyant sur une théorie des climats récemment remise au goût du jour par Jean Bodin (Six Livres de la République, Paris 1576), Stucki rend compte d’un conflit inscrit dans la nature-même des choses. Seule solution politique viable à ses yeux : la reconnaissance mutuelle des différences et leur mise en jeu dans un processus dialectique de vicinitas ou « bon voisi-nage ».

2021 ◽  
pp. 100-102
Katie Barclay ◽  
François Soyer

2021 ◽  

Merkantilisme merupakan satu sistem ekonomi yang berkembang dengan dominan di England pada abad ke-17 dan 18. Adapun tokoh-tokoh yang berperan besar dalam pemikiran merkantilisme ialah JEAN BODIN, THOMAS MUN, JEAN BAPTISE, SIR WILLIAM PETTY, dan DAVID HUME

2021 ◽  
Rezki Amalia Fathurrahman

Seperti bahwa merkantilisme adalah suatu teori ekonomi yang mengatakan bahwa sejahtera di suatu negara ditentukan oleh berapa asset modal atau harta yang dimiliki dan besar volume perdagangan luar negeri. Konsep merkantalisme ini di sudah di jelaskan oleh beberapa tokoh pemikirnya seperti Jean Bodin seorang Filsuf dari Perancis yang membahas teori tentang uang dan harga yang menurut pendapatnya bahwa bertambah uang dan pendapatan di peroleh dari perdagangan luar negeri yang menyebabkan harga barang dari luar negeri ini menjadi naik karena bea impor dan juga pajak yang harus di keluarkan. Thomas Mun seorang saudagar dari Inggris yang membahas teori surplus perdagangan yang menurutnya bahwa surplus perdagangan atau pendapatan lebih bisa memakmurkan negara secara ekonomi. Jean Baptiste Colbert seorang pejabat negara menteri ekonomi dan keuangan dari Perancis yang membahas tentang bahwa kedudukan saudagar sangat penting dan saudagar dan penguasa atau pemerintah bersatu dalam memajukan suatu perekonomian di negaranya. Sir Willian Petty seorang ekonom, ilmuwan sekaligus filsif dari Inggris yang membahas tentang teori ekonomi dan aritmatika politik, teori tenaga kerja dan teori uang. David Hume yang lahir di Skotlandia yang membahas tentang teori harga yang mengatakan bahwa harga di pengaruhi oleh jumlah barang dan jumlah uang.

Rita Koganzon

This chapter locates the origins of the logic of congruence in modern thought. This logic turns out not to be historically liberal in origin but rather arose out of the arguments for absolute sovereignty advanced by Jean Bodin and his followers. Bodin was the first modern thinker to model the power of fathers on that of absolute monarchs and to claim that fathers wield absolute authority over their children. This model goes so far as to demand the reinstatement of the long-discarded Roman right of life and death over children. For Bodin, the family became a vehicle through which his novel conception of absolute power could be demonstrated and legitimated. Total submission under absolutist fathers was necessary to correctly educate and accustom children to their political duties as subjects of absolute sovereigns.

2021 ◽  
Muchamad Hasym

Pemikiran ekonomi David ricardo Thomas malthus dan jean bodin

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