active source
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2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-127
Raul Mollehuara-Canales ◽  
Nikita Afonin ◽  
Elena Kozlovskaya ◽  
Juha Lunkka ◽  

We applied active-source seismic method for the interpretation of elastic parameters in tailings facilities which is essential for evaluating stability and seismic response. The methodology uses different analysis methods on the same dataset, i.e., conventional seismic refraction (SR) to determine compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) to estimate shear-wave velocity (Vs). Seismic velocities in conjunction with tailings physics approach revealed interpretable data in terms of elastic parameters and hydrogeological conditions. The results determined the empirical linear relationships between Vp and Vs that are particular to an unconsolidated media such as tailings and showed that variability of hydrogeological conditions influences the elastic seismic response (Vp and Vs) and the elastic parameters. The analysis of the elastic parameters identified the state condition of the tailings at the time of the survey. The Bulk modulus K that relates the change in hydrostatic stress to the volumetric strain was predominant between 1.0−2.0 GPa. The Young’s modulus E in the tailings media was in the low range of 0.15−0.23 GPa. Poisson’s ratio values in all sections were in the upper limit in the range of 0.37−0.49, meaning that the tailings media is highly susceptible to transverse deformation under axial compression.

2021 ◽  
Michal Chamarczuk ◽  
Michal Malinowski ◽  
Deyan Draganov ◽  
Emilia Koivisto ◽  
Suvi Heinonen ◽  

Abstract. For the first time, we apply a full-scale 3D seismic virtual-source survey (VSS) for the purpose of near-mine mineral exploration. The data was acquired directly above the Kylylahti underground mine in Finland. Recorded ambient noise (AN) data is characterized using power-spectral density (PSD) and beamforming. Data has most energy at frequencies 25–90 Hz and arrivals with velocities higher than 4 km/s have wide range of azimuths. Based on the PSD and beamforming results, we created 10-days subset of AN recordings that were dominated by multi-azimuth high-velocity arrivals. We use illumination-diagnosis technique and location procedure to show that the AN recordings associated with high apparent velocities are related to body-wave events. Next, we produce 994 virtual-source gathers by applying seismic-interferometry processing by cross-correlating AN at all receivers resulting in full 3D VSS. We apply standard 3D time-domain reflection seismic data processing and imaging using both a selectively stacked subset and full passive data, and validate the results against a pre-existing detailed geological information and 3D active-source survey data processed in the same way as the passive data. The resulting post-stack migrated sections show agreement of reflections between the passive and active data and indicate that VSS provide images where the active-source data are not available due to terrain restrictions. We conclude that while the all-noise approach provides some higher quality reflections related to the inner geological contacts within the target formation and the general dipping trend of the formation, the selected subset is most efficient in resolving the base of formation.

2021 ◽  
Nobuo Takai ◽  
Akari Tsukamoto ◽  
Naofumi Nakagawa ◽  
Michiko Shigefuji ◽  
Shingo Nomoto ◽  

Vera Lay ◽  
Stefan Buske ◽  
John Townend ◽  
Richard Kellett ◽  
Martha Savage ◽  

Luis Henrique Rodovalho ◽  
Cesar Ramos Rodrigues ◽  
Orazio Aiello

2021 ◽  
Martin Karrenbach ◽  
Robert Ellwood ◽  
Victor Yartsev ◽  
Steve Cole ◽  
Eiichiro Araki ◽  

2021 ◽  
Tanner Shadoan ◽  
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin ◽  
Yves Guglielmi ◽  
Todd Wood ◽  
Michelle Robertson ◽  

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-45
Yao Wang ◽  
Khiem T. Tran ◽  
David Horhota

Seismic methods are often used for detection of pre-collapsed sinkholes (voids) under roadway for remediation to minimize the risk to the safety of the traveling public. While the active-source seismic methods can provide accurate subsurface profiles, they require closing the traffic flow for hours during testing and potentially cause sinkhole collapse due to ground perturbation by source excitation. To address these issues, we present a new 2D ambient noise tomography (2D ANT) method for imaging voids under roadway. Instead of using the approximated Green’s function, whose required assumption of energy balance at both sides of each receiver pair is rarely satisfied, the cross-correlation function of traffic noise recordings is inverted directly to obtain velocity structures. To adopt the concepts of seismic interferometry and derive the model structural kernel, passing-by vehicles are assumed as moving sources along the receiver array. The source power-spectrum density is determined via the reverse-time imaging approach to approximate the source distribution. The 2D ANT method is first demonstrated on a realistic synthetic model with the accurate recovery of the model variable layers and a buried void. To demonstrate its effectiveness to the real-world problems, we successfully applied it to field data for assessment of a repaired sinkhole under the US441 highway, Florida, USA. The field experimental result shows that the method is capable of resolving the subsurface S-wave velocity ( VS) structure and detecting a low-velocity anomaly. The inverted VS profile from the 2D ANT generally agrees with that of 2D active-source full-waveform inversion, including the VS value and depth of the anomaly. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to directly invert the waveform cross-correlation of traffic noise recordings to extract material property at the engineering meter scale (<30 m depth).

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