mineral exploration
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-26
David I. Groves ◽  
M. Santosh ◽  
Daniel Müller ◽  
Liang Zhang ◽  
Jun Deng ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-91
I. O. Poleshkina

The transport accessibility of the Arctic zone is of strategic interest for Russia from the point of view of the possibility of mineral exploration and ensuring further systemic development of this part of the national territory.The objective of the study is to carry out a spatial analysis of the transport system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), to identify its topological properties and restrictions that impede providing sufficient logistics services. Based on the method of spatial analysis, the conducted study of the state of the transport system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) allowed to assess transport provision within its territory for three types of transportation: transport provision of internal regional (local) transportation, transport provision of accessibility (entry and exit) of the territory of the region, and transport provision of transit transportation across the region.The study showed that air transport is the main mode for passenger transportation, while seasonal water and winter road transportation are the main modes of freight haulage.The regions of Yakutia with access to traffic arteries and isolated from them have been identified. Calculations based on the Engel’s coefficient allowed to proceed with a mathematical assessment of the transport system of the region, which indicates its insufficient development due to the lack of year-round transportation routes in the areas of the Far North and the Arctic zone. The transport infrastructure of this part of the region are represented by seasonal winter roads and waterways, which prevents from assessing their general year-round potential. For its assessment, it is necessary to consider seasonal availability of each individual section of the network. 

2022 ◽  
pp. geochem2021-058
J.A. Kidder ◽  
M.B. McClenaghan ◽  
M.I. Leybourne ◽  
M.W. McCurdy ◽  
P. Pelchat ◽  

The Casino Cu-Au-Mo deposit is one of the largest and highest-grade porphyries of its kind in Canada, residing in an unglaciated region of west central Yukon. A batch of 22 stream water samples and eight groundwater samples were collected proximal to the deposit for the purpose of identifying the most diagnostic trace element and isotopic pathfinders associated with the hydrothermal mineralization, as well as establishing natural hydrogeochemical baselines for the area. Water chemistry around this deposit was investigated because: (i) the deposit has not yet been disturbed by mining; (ii) the deposit was known to have metal-rich waters in local streams; and (iii) the deposit has atypically preserved ore zones. Surface and ground waters around the Casino deposit are anomalous with respect to Cd (up to 5.4 µg/L), Co (up to 64 µg/L), Cu (up to 1657 µg/L), Mo (up to 25 µg/L), As (up to 17 µg/L), Re (up to 0.7 µg/L), and Zn (up to 354 µg/L) concentrations. Sulfur and Sr isotopes are consistent with proximal waters interacting with the Casino rocks and mineralization; a sulfide-rich bedrock sample from the deposit has δ34S = -1.2 ‰ and proximal groundwaters are only slightly heavier (-0.3 to 3.1 ‰). These geochemical and isotopic results indicate interaction and dispersion of porphyry related solutes in ground and surface waters and point to suitability of hydrogeochemistry as a medium for mineral exploration for porphyry-style mineralization in the Yukon, and elsewhere in Canada.Supplementary material: The physicochemical, major, trace, and isotopic data of stream and groundwaters used in this manuscript is publicly available as an Open File Report (OF 8823) from the Geological Survey of Canada.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Hydrochemistry related to exploration and environmental issues collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/hydrochemistry-related-to-exploration-and-environmental-issues

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 3
Markku Pirttijärvi ◽  
Ari Saartenoja ◽  
Pekka Korkeakangas

Geophysical electromagnetic (EM) methods are used in geological mapping, mineral exploration, groundwater studies and geotechnical investigations. Airborne EM methods have the benefit of avoiding terrain obstacles such as lakes, rivers, swamps, and ravines. Compared to manned aircrafts, drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have benefits of their own. Drone-based surveys are versatile, fast to deploy, economical and ecologically more friendly. Presently, magnetic surveying is the only geophysical method that is routinely conducted with drones. The modest maximum payload limit of drones imposes severe restrictions on the applicability of other methods including EM and radiometric methods, for example. Finnish company, Radai Ltd has been developing Louhi, a novel drone-based frequency-domain EM survey system, in an EU funded Horizon 2020 project NEXT – New Exploration Technologies. The EM system has two operation options – the first uses a large loop on the ground as an EM source and the other uses a small portable EM transmitter loop. Both systems utilize a stand-alone and light-weight three-component EM receiver that can be towed by a drone. This article presents the theoretical background of the EM methods, the solution developed by Radai Ltd, the current version of the EM device, and results from field and flight tests that demonstrate the applicability of the drone-based EM system under development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. geochem2021-050
Vincent Gallagher ◽  
Eric C. Grunsky ◽  
Mairéad M. Fitzsimons ◽  
Margaret A. Browne ◽  
Sophie Lilburn ◽  

Regional stream water geochemistry acquired as part of the Tellus programme in Ireland has been analysed to assess its potential for application to environmental assessment and mineral exploration. Interpolated geochemical maps and multivariate statistical analysis, including principal component analysis and random forest classification, demonstrate broad geogenic control of stream water chemistry, with both bedrock and subsoil contributing to the patterns observed. Surface water regulations set Environmental Quality Standard values for individual Priority Substances and Specific Pollutants that may depend on background concentrations and/or water hardness. The high resolution of Tellus stream water data and their location on low-order streams have allowed estimation of background concentrations and water hardness in the survey area, with significant implications for water monitoring programmes. Anthropogenic inputs to stream water in the survey area come mainly from agricultural sources and Tellus data suggest few catchments are unaffected. Comparison of Tellus stream water geochemistry with stream sediment and topsoil geochemistry suggest that stream water geochemistry has strong potential for use in mineral exploration, with the same base metal and gold pathfinder anomalies apparent in all three data sets. Cluster analysis indicates that base metals in stream water are associated with organic matter but statistical analysis may be employed to distinguish mineralization-related signatures.Supplementary material: Comparison of cation/anion associations using Piper plots and principal component analysis is available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5683094Thematic collection: This article is part of the Hydrochemistry related to exploration and environmental issues collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/hydrochemistry-related-to-exploration-and-environmental-issues

2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Moyagabo K. Rapetsoa ◽  
Musa S. D. Manzi ◽  
Mpofana Sihoyiya ◽  
Michael Westgate ◽  
Phumlani Kubeka ◽  

We demonstrate the application of seismic methods using in-mine infrastructure such as exploration tunnels to image platinum deposits and geologic structures using different acquisition configurations. In 2020, seismic experiments were conducted underground at the Maseve platinum mine in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. These seismic experiments were part of the Advanced Orebody Knowledge project titled “Developing technologies that will be used to obtain information ahead of the mine face.” In these experiments, we recorded active and passive seismic data using surface nodal arrays and an in-mine seismic land streamer. We focus on analyzing only the in-mine active seismic portion of the survey. The tunnel seismic survey consisted of seven 2D profiles in exploration tunnels, located approximately 550 m below ground surface and a few meters above known platinum deposits. A careful data-processing approach was adopted to enhance high-quality reflections and suppress infrastructure-generated noise. Despite challenges presented by the in-mine noisy environment, we successfully imaged the platinum deposits with the aid of borehole data and geologic models. The results open opportunities to adapt surface-based geophysical instruments to address challenging in-mine environments for mineral exploration.

2022 ◽  
Vol 268 ◽  
pp. 112750
Hojat Shirmard ◽  
Ehsan Farahbakhsh ◽  
R. Dietmar Müller ◽  
Rohitash Chandra

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