recovery methods
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Shijie Liu ◽  
Zhenhua Cai ◽  
Wenrong Song ◽  
Tao Xuan ◽  
Chengzhen Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 266
Bastien Laville ◽  
Laure Blanc-Féraud ◽  
Gilles Aubert

Gridless sparse spike reconstruction is a rather new research field with significant results for the super-resolution problem, where we want to retrieve fine-scale details from a noisy and filtered acquisition. To tackle this problem, we are interested in optimisation under some prior, typically the sparsity i.e., the source is composed of spikes. Following the seminal work on the generalised LASSO for measures called the Beurling-Lasso (BLASSO), we will give a review on the chief theoretical and numerical breakthrough of the off-the-grid inverse problem, as we illustrate its usefulness to the super-resolution problem in Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy (SMLM) through new reconstruction metrics and tests on synthetic and real SMLM data we performed for this review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 244
Alan Sii ◽  
Simying Ong ◽  
KokSheik Wong

JPEG is the most commonly utilized image coding standard for storage and transmission purposes. It achieves a good rate–distortion trade-off, and it has been adopted by many, if not all, handheld devices. However, often information loss occurs due to transmission error or damage to the storage device. To address this problem, various coefficient recovery methods have been proposed in the past, including a divide-and-conquer approach to speed up the recovery process. However, the segmentation technique considered in the existing method operates with the assumption of a bi-modal distribution for the pixel values, but most images do not satisfy this condition. Therefore, in this work, an adaptive method was employed to perform more accurate segmentation, so that the real potential of the previous coefficient recovery methods can be unleashed. In addition, an improved rewritable adaptive data embedding method is also proposed that exploits the recoverability of coefficients. Discrete cosine transformation (DCT) patches and blocks for data hiding are judiciously selected based on the predetermined precision to control the embedding capacity and image distortion. Our results suggest that the adaptive coefficient recovery method is able to improve on the conventional method up to 27% in terms of CPU time, and it also achieved better image quality with most considered images. Furthermore, the proposed rewritable data embedding method is able to embed 20,146 bits into an image of dimensions 512×512.

Acta Gymnica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
Hakan Yarar ◽  
Ümit Gök ◽  
Ahmet Dağtekin ◽  
Yunus Saçan ◽  
Hüseyin Eroğlu

Eduard Bezuglov ◽  
Artemii Lazarev ◽  
Vladimir Khaitin ◽  
Sergey Chegin ◽  
Aleksandra Tikhonova ◽  

There is now compelling evidence of the effectiveness of a range of post-exercise recovery techniques, including extended nights of sleep, cold water immersion, massage, and compression garments. Currently, limited information is available on post-exercise recovery methods used by elite endurance athletes. Therefore, this study investigated the actual methods of recovery used in this group of athletes. Google Forms were used to collect information on the recovery methods used by elite endurance track and field athletes (n = 153, 61.4% men, 38.6% women; average age: 22.7 ± 4.6 years). The most used methods of recovery were sauna bathing (96.7%), massage (86.9%), daytime nap (81.0%), and long night sleep (at least 9h) (61.4%). Recovery methods with proven effectiveness such as cold water immersion and compression garments were rarely used (15.0% and 7.8%, respectively). Overall, recovery methods were used more often when the tiers of the track and field athletes were higher. Massage and sauna bathing were the most used methods of post-exercise recovery among Russian endurance track and field athletes. In most cases, they were used in conjunction with short daytime nap and long night sleep. Higher tier athletes were more likely to use sauna bathing, massage, long night sleep, and daytime nap but not cold water immersion and compression garments as recovery methods; however, all these methods except for cold water immersion were widely used among elite-tier athletes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 605-630
James T. Pokines ◽  
Joan E. Baker

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 960-967
Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi ◽  
S.M. Alizadeh ◽  
Dmitry Tananykhin ◽  
Saba Karbalaei Hadi ◽  
Pavel Iliushin ◽  

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