matrix habitat
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2021 ◽  
Andrew Simon ◽  
Brian M. Starzomski

Abstract ContextHabitat loss threatens to exacerbate climate change impacts on pollinator communities, particularly in Mediterranean-type ecosystems where late season floral resource availability is limited by seasonal drought. While gardens have been found to supplement floral resources in water-limited urban landscapes, less is known about the role of natural habitat diversity in sustaining late season floral resources in more intact landscapes. ObjectivesWe investigated the importance of habitat integrity and diversity for bumble bees in a water-limited ecosystem, observing bumble bee community response to seasonal drought across gradients of disturbance and soil moisture.MethodsWe applied hierarchical models to estimate the effects of local site conditions versus landscape scale estimates of matrix habitat on bumble bee abundance. Floral resources, soil moisture, and other environmental variables were sampled along randomly distributed belt transects. Geospatial estimates of matrix habitat were derived from terrestrial ecosystem data. Bumble bees were sampled with blue vane traps.ResultsIn the late season we found that modified wet areas supported more floral resources and bumble bee workers as compared to dry semi-natural environments. Wetlands also supported more late season floral resources and bumble bee workers, though the latter effect was not significant. Despite higher levels of late season floral resources in modified wet environments, modified matrix habitat was negatively associated, and natural matrix positively associated, with workers in June and late-flying queens in July and August. We also detected differences in bumble bee community composition in disturbed versus undisturbed environments.ConclusionsThough wet modified habitats sustained the highest levels of late season floral resource availability and worker abundances in our study, bumble bee diversity and abundance were limited primarily by the availability of natural matrix habitat at the landscape scale. The conservation of natural habitat integrity and diversity can help support critical nesting and foraging habitat, and should be prioritized in efforts to foster the resilience of pollinator communities.

Camila dos Santos Lucio ◽  
Rosana Gentile ◽  
Thiago dos Santos Cardoso ◽  
Fernando de Oliveira Santos ◽  
Bernardo Rodrigues Teixeira ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (23) ◽  
pp. 12792-12800
H. Patrick Roberts ◽  
David I. King

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Karen Dyson

Abstract In cities, woody vegetation provides critical shelter, nesting and foraging habitat for bird species of interest. Human actions—including development and landscaping choices—determine vegetation community composition and structure, making these choices critically important to urban bird conservation. A better understanding of how bird communities are impacted by parcel-scale actions can help guide policy and management best practices to improve matrix habitat quality and quantity. Here, I examined how bird habitat use varies along a vegetation gradient created by different development and landscaping choices. I surveyed 20 commercial office developments near Seattle in the Puget Trough region of Washington, USA selected using stratified random sampling, where I quantified bird communities and observed feeding behavior. I used GLMM and PERMANOVA models with data likelihood metrics to identify the best supported variables for bird site use, along with TITAN models to identify changes in community composition along environmental gradients. I found that measures of bird effective species richness and bird community are positively influenced by the presence of more native conifers, including the presence of a stand predating development and the height and density of native conifers. Measures of the native bird community are negatively influenced by higher non-native tree density. In contrast to prior research, top-down landscape-scale variables did not explain variation in measures of the bird community on office developments. Importantly, I found that birds are associated with the same habitat on office developments as observed elsewhere. Together, my findings suggest an important role for developers, land owners, landscape architects, and tree protection policy in bird conservation.

The Condor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (3) ◽  
Sarah P Saunders ◽  
Kristin A L Hall ◽  
Nina Hill ◽  
Nicole L Michel

Abstract The increasing intensity of wetland stressors in the Upper Midwestern United States hastens the need to understand how matrix composition influences wetland bird occurrence and abundance. The optimal spatial scale for assessing species–habitat relationships is not always apparent, but may affect inference about wetland use and suitability. We developed occupancy and abundance models, accounting for imperfect detection, for 9 wetland bird species breeding in Minnesota. We evaluated land cover associations at 3 spatial scales (12.6 ha, 50.3 ha, and 4,000 ha), quantified species-specific sensitivity to wetland availability and matrix habitat composition (agricultural and developed land covers), and assessed ecoregional variation in occupancy and abundance. Amount of wetland cover was positively associated with occupancy of 89% of species and with abundance of 67% of species, but the spatial scale of support differed among species. American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), and Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) in particular were negatively impacted by anthropogenic land uses within the surrounding matrix, indicating a need to shift wetland conservation planning from the site scale to the landscape scale to capture pertinent drivers of wetland bird habitat use. Mean expected occupancy across all species was greatest in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR), suggesting that restoration efforts within this ecoregion are likely to maintain wetland bird diversity. However, given the minimal total wetland availability and predominantly agricultural matrix in the PPR, protecting wetlands and upland buffers in the Aspen Parklands or Boreal ecoregions may represent a better investment for agricultural-sensitive species such as American Bittern, Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis), and Wilson’s Snipe. Our modeling approach provides a multi-species framework for identifying habitat management priorities; future applications at broader spatial extents can continue to improve wetland bird conservation in a region with high rates of wetland loss and degradation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 1253-1262 ◽  
Dana L Nelson ◽  
Kenneth F Kellner ◽  
Robert K Swihart

Abstract Many small mammal populations respond quickly to timber harvest aimed at oak (Quercus) regeneration, which alters microhabitat. We used mark-release–recapture data collected 6–8 years postharvest from the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment in southern Indiana, United States, to model density and apparent survival of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) and white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) as a function of timber harvest treatments (shelterwood, clearcut, patch cut, and unharvested control). Density, estimated using spatial capture–recapture, increased for chipmunks in all types of harvest openings, but survival was unaffected by harvest. Chipmunk densities in unharvested forest matrix habitat averaged 58% and 71% lower relative to harvest openings and opening edges, respectively. White-footed mouse density was less responsive to timber harvest, but monthly survival rates were reduced by 13% in shelterwoods and 17% in patch cuts relative to control sites. Both rodent species tended to exhibit distance-dependent responses, with higher density of home-range centers near harvest boundaries relative to forest matrix. Structural complexity created at the edges of timber harvest openings can benefit rodents associated with edge habitat 6–8 years after harvest, presumably due to improved foraging efficiency and resource diversity. Cascading effects of rodent demographic responses are likely to affect predation and seed dispersal, which are critical trophic interactions in oak forest ecosystems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 (6) ◽  
pp. 516-523 ◽  
Amanda E. Cheeseman ◽  
Jonathan B. Cohen ◽  
Sadie J. Ryan ◽  
Christopher M. Whipps

In fragmented habitat, population persistence depends in part on patch quality and patch size relative to home-range size. The imperiled New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis (Bangs, 1895)) is an obligate user of shrublands in the northeastern United States, a highly fragmented and declining ecosystem. New England cottontail conservation efforts have targeted habitat creation; however, efforts are hindered by a limited knowledge of seasonal space use and its relationship to habitat quality, which could help inform minimum patch-size requirements and implications of competition with non-native eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus (J.A. Allen, 1890)). To address these uncertainties, we modeled home-range areas for both species as a function of season, patch size, sex, and two indicators of forage and cover availability. Home range was generally inversely correlated with measures of forage and cover resources and the response differed by season and species and did not vary with patch size. Instead, inclusion of matrix habitat within home ranges increased with decreasing patch size, placing individuals within smaller patches at a high risk of mortality. These risks may be mitigated in patches >7 ha and absent in patches >20–25 ha where predicted inclusion of matrix is lower or absent.

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