horn river basin
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2021 ◽  
Adam Klinger ◽  
Joanna Holmgren ◽  
Max Werner

<div> <p>Source parameters can help constrain the causes and mechanics of induced earthquakes. In particular, systematic variations of stress drops of fluid-injection induced seismicity have been interpreted in terms of the role of fluids, differences between tectonic and induced events, and self-similarity. The empirical basis for the variations, however, remains controversial. Here, we test three hypotheses about stress drops with observations of seismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing in the Horn River basin (Canada). First, stress drop is self-similar and independent of magnitude. Second, stress drop increases with distance from the point of fluid injection, which might be expected if in-situ effective stresses increase away from the point of fluid injection. Third, stress drops estimated with empirical Green’s functions (EGFs) are systematically larger than those estimated from direct fits to source models, which is expected if seismic waves attenuate in a frequency-dependent manner or experience site effects.</p> </div><div> <p>We probe the hypotheses with a large microseismic dataset collected during hydraulic fracturing operations in the Horn River shale gas play in British Columbia. 90,000+ seismic events were recorded by three borehole geophone arrays with a moment magnitude range of -3 < M<sub>w </sub>< 0.5. To calculate corner frequencies, we assume small, co-located seismic events can be approximated as EGFs, which effectively remove propagation and site effects from a larger target event. We target 34 M<sub>w</sub> > 0 events and search for EGFs over a 100 m radius for each event, choosing only those EGFs that satisfy multiple quality criteria. This study builds on previous work that estimated stress drops from direct fitting of standard Brune source models and found systematic high frequency resonances recorded by the geophones.</p> </div><div> <p>Of the 34 target events, we retrieve corner frequency and stress drop estimates for 22 events to test the three hypotheses. We observe that stress drop appears relatively constant over M<sub>w </sub>, but the magnitude range (0 < M<sub>w </sub>< 0.5) is currently too limited to draw strong conclusions. Second, stress drop appears to decrease, rather than increase, with distance from the point of injection (with a moderate Pearson’s correlation co-efficient of -0.5 ± 0.2); this could be caused by a direct hydraulic connection causing a reduction of in-situ effective normal stresses distal to the point of injection. Third, we observe no systematic difference between stress drops from direct source fits and EGF-based estimates, although stress drop uncertainties are large compared to standard earthquake source studies because of limited azimuthal coverage and high-frequency instrument resonances. These initial results do not support the systematic variations of stress drop for fluid-injection induced seismicity that have been observed in other datasets.</p> </div>

Fact Sheet ◽  
2021 ◽  
Christopher J. Schenk ◽  
Tracey J. Mercier ◽  
Cheryl A. Woodall ◽  
Thomas M. Finn ◽  
Phuong A. Le ◽  

2020 ◽  
Adam Klinger ◽  
Max Werner

<p>Hydraulic fracturing underpins tight shale gas exploration but can induce seismicity. During stimulations, operators carefully monitor the spatio-temporal distribution and source parameters of seismic events to be able to respond to any changes and potentially reduce the chances of fault reactivation. Downhole arrays of geophones offer unique access to (sub) microseismic source parameters and can provide new insights into the processes that induce seismicity. For example, variations in stress drop might indicate changes in the seismic response to injection (e.g. pore pressure variations). However, borehole arrays of geophones and the high frequencies of small events also present new challenges for source characterization. Stress drop depends on the corner frequency, a parameter with great uncertainty that is sensitive to attenuation, especially for (sub-) microseismicity. Here, we explore the behavior of microseismic spectra measured along borehole arrays and the effect of attenuation on estimates of corner frequency. We examine a dataset of over 90,000 microseismic events recorded during hydraulic fracturing in the Horn River Basin, British Columbia. We only see clear phase arrivals for events M<sub>w</sub> > -1 and restrict our initial analysis to a subsample of M<sub>w</sub>> 0 events that vary in space and time.</p><p>Our first observation is that some stations in the borehole array show an unexpected increase in the displacement energy from the low frequency to the corner frequency in the P and SH phases as well as high-frequency energy spikes inconsistent with a smooth Brune source model. A shorter time window that only captures the direct arrival results in a flatter low frequency plateau and reduces the amplitude of the pulses but compromises the resolution. The spikes may be caused by high frequency coda energy. We also find that corner frequency estimates decrease with decreasing station depth along the array in both the P and SH phases, a likely result of high frequency attenuation along the downhole array. The findings suggest Brune corner frequencies of moment magnitudes < 0.5 may not be resolvable even with downhole arrays at close proximity. Our results will eventually contribute to a better characterization of microseismic source parameters measured in borehole arrays.</p><p> </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (04) ◽  
pp. 679-696 ◽  
Abdolnaser Yousefzadeh ◽  
Qi Li ◽  
Claudio Virués ◽  
Roberto Aguilera

2018 ◽  
Vol 151 ◽  
pp. 11-22
Cheol Hoon Mo ◽  
Gwang H. Lee ◽  
Taek Ju Jeoung ◽  
Kyung Nam Ko ◽  
Ki Soo Kim ◽  

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