InfoTekJar (Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan)
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Published By Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

2540-7600, 2540-7597

Muhammad Daut Siagian ◽  
Rosliana Siregar ◽  
Evi Adelina Nasution

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kegiatan verifikasi koleksi buku (stock opname) yang dilakukan di perpustakaan sekolah SMA Negeri 2 Medan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan waktu penyelesaian kegiatan tersebut dengan network planning (analisa jaringan kerja) yaitu menerapkan Critical Path Method atau metode lintasan kritis. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pembahasan menunjukkan waktu optimal (waktu terpendek) untuk menyelesaikan kegiatan verifikasi koleksi buku tersebut adalah selama 41 hari dengan perkiraan waktu normal.

Helmi Fauzi Siregar ◽  
Muhammad Dedi Irawan

Dalam mempelajari rangkaian digital, khususnya pada materi gerbang logika pada sistem digital ada sebuah Rangkaian kombinasi Gerbang AND, OR, NOT yang dapat dikonversi ke Rangkaian  Gerbang  NAND  dan  NOR.  Pada  konversi  Rangkaian  kombinasi  tersebut  dapat dilakukan  dengan  2  (dua)  cara,  yaitu  Melalui  penyelesaian  persamaan  logika/boolean  dan langsung dari gambar padanan. Gerbang NAND dan NOR ini disebut juga Rangkaian Multilevel yang artinya dengan mengimplementasikan Gerbang NAND atau NOR, akan ada banyak level / tingkatan mulai dari sisi input sampai dengan sisi output. Pada penelitian ini fokus pembahasan pada proses konversi dari Rangkaian kombinasi AND, OR, NOT ke Rangkaian menggunakan Gerbang NAND dan NOR. Dengan ini penelitian akan membuat suatu Prototype Rangkaian kombinasi Gerbang AND, OR, NOT yang dikonversi dengan Rangkaian Gerbang NAND dan NOR sebagai model alat simulasinya.

Hasta Triangga ◽  
Ilham Faisal ◽  
Imran Lubis

In IT networking, load balancing used to share the traffic between backend servers. The idea is to make effective and efficient load sharing. Load balancing uses scheduling algorithms in the process includes Static round-robin and Least-connection algorithm. Haproxy is a load balancer that can be used to perform the load balancing technique and run by Linux operating systems. In this research, Haproxy uses 4 Nginx web server as backend servers. Haproxy act as a reverse proxy which accessed by the client while the backend servers handle HTTP requests. The experiment involves 20 Client PCs that are used to perform HTTP requests simultaneously, using the Static round-robin algorithm and Least-connection on the haproxy load balancer alternately. When using Static round-robin algorithm, the results obtained average percentages of CPU usage successively for 1 minute; 5 minutes; and 15 minutes are; 0.1%; 0.25%; and 1.15% with average throughput produced is 14.74 kbps. Average total delay produced 64.3 kbps. The average total delay and jitter is 181.3 ms and 11.1 ms, respectively. As for the Least-connection algorithm average percentage obtained successively for 1 minute; 5 minutes; and 15 minutes are 0.1%; 0.3%; and 1.25% with the average throughput produced is 14.66 kbps. The average total delay and jitter is 350.3 ms and 24.5 ms, respectively. It means Static round-robin algorithm is more efficient than the algorithms Least-connection because it can produce a greater throughput with less CPU load and less total delay.

Ommi Alfina

With the increasingly widespread abuse of digital media, especially in the form of images or images, it increasingly disrupts the rights and privacy of everyone. Many forms of abuse that occur in digital media through internet facilities such as plagiarism of photographer's work, recognition of the rights of the image, to upload photos of privacy to internet media. Therefore, one way to secure digital data in the form of images is to randomize (encrypt) the images that we feel are very important so that the image can no longer be interpreted by others. If we need these data, we just need to return it (decryption) so that the encryption image can return to its original form. Hill Cipher algorithm is one method to randomize a data by encoding and multiplying the matrix. For its application in the form of image data, a trial is needed by creating a software which will then analyze the results into several color models such as RGB, Grayscale (Keabuan) and Tresholding (Black and White). From the test results, it can be concluded that the greater the input matrix value of the Hill Cipher Algorithm, the more encrypted image results will be obtained or in other words the more incomprehensible the visual form by humans. Then the Hill Cipher algorithm cannot be applied to the color threshold model (black and white) because the matrix multiplication obtained does not have a diverse range of values

Iin Parlina ◽  
Anjar Wanto ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto

The research conducted aims to make predictions with artificial neural metwork (backpopagation) and sensitivity analysis in the non-oil processing industry for the value of industrial exports. Data was obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia in the last 7 years (2011-2017). The process is carried out by dividing the data into 2 parts (training and testing) to obtain the best architectural model. The data processing uses the help of Matlab 6.0 software. Model selection is done by try and try to get the best architectural model. In this study using 7 architectural models (15-2-1; 15-5-1; 15-10-1; 15-15-1; 15-2-5-1; 15-5-10-1 and 15- 10-5-1) who have been trained and tested. By using the help of Matlab 6.0 software, the best architectural model is obtained 15-2-1 with an accuracy rate of 93%, epoch training = 189,881, MSE testing = 0.001167108 and MSE training = 0,000999622. The best architecture will be continued to predict the non-oil industry based on the most dominant export value using sensitivity analysis. From the architectural model a prediction of 5 out of 15 non-oil and gas industries contributes: Food & Beverage Industry, Textile & Apparel Industry, Basic Metal Industry, Rubber Industry, Rubber and Plastic Goods and Metal Goods Industry, Not Machines and Equipment , Computers, Electronics and Optics.

Diana Effendi ◽  
Bella Hardiyana

The introduction of angklung music especially for deaf students is done by replacing numeric notes with various hand movements by the teacher. It takes two teachers to produce harmonious music with one teacher focusing on melody and the other teacher focusing on chords. However, hand movements are still limited to ordinary notes. The teacher's hand movements do not yet include the crescendo and decrescence notes. In addition, if one of the teachers is unable to attend, it cannot produce a harmonious music. To overcome this, multimedia-based angklung learning aids and android-based applications are made, where multimedia allows an angklung game to be carried out without the help of a trainer. In addition, created a partitur reading with the android application to enhance the students' ability to practice outside hours. But in these discussions only discuss the design of the android based angklung application used Unified Modeling Language  (UML) diagram.. This research was funded by Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan , Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No : 108/SP2H/PPM/DPRM/2019, 08 March 2019

Nurul Husna ◽  
Farida Hanum ◽  
M Fauzan Azrial

Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pentingnya memperhatikan informasi nilai gizi yang terdapat di dalam suatu produk menyebabkan masyarakat tidak terhindar dari berbagai penyakit, salah satu nya seperti penyakit diabetes dimana penderita penyakit ini harus lebih memperhatikan kadar glukosa yang terdapat di dalam makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan beberapa produk kemasan yang terdapat di dua minimarket Kota Langsa menjadi kelompok produk tinggi gula rendah natrium dan produk rendah gula tinggi natrium dimana produk tinggi gula ini adalah produk yang dapat dihindari penderita diabetes. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode K-Means yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mencari data dalam clustering non-hierarchical, dimana clustering tersebut berusaha untuk mempartisi data yang terdapat didalamnya menjadi satu bentuk atau lebih kedalam suatu cluster/kelompok. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data nilai gizi seperti jumlah lemak, protein, gula, dan natrium dalam setiap produk kemasan. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan software RStudio untuk mengolah data dengan metode K-Means. Hasil penelitian ini memiliki dua bentuk, yaitu pengelompokkan produk kedalam dua kategori yang dihitung secara manual dan pengelompokkan produk kedalam dua kategori menggunakan RStudio beserta grafik berbentuk Plot Scatter.

Laurentinus Laurentinus

Dalam menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi Indonesia, mahasiswa dapat menempuh jalur reguler atau jalur beasiswa. Menurut data PDDIKTI terdapat yang jumlahnya 4.687 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, salah satunya yaitu STMIK Atma Luhur yang memberikan beasiswa menggunakan kriteria yang berbeda-beda setiap beasiswa. Masalah yang di hadapi saat ini yaitu belum tersedianya sistem yang terkomputerisasi yang dapat menentukan pemberian beasiswa kepada mahasiswa yang berhak mendapatkan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini membahas 2 beasiswa yaitu beasiswa tidak mampu dan beasiswa mahasiswa berprestasi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu Metode FMADM dalam melakukan pembobotan dan Metode simple additive weighting untuk melakukan perankingan terhadap setiap alternatif sehingga penilaian beasiswa yang lebih akurat dan efisien. Sistem dirancang berbasis web dan android menggunakan bahasa pemrograman opensource sehingga dapat diterapkan diseluruh perguruan tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bagian kemahasiswaan dapat lebih akurat, efektif dan efisien dalam memberikan beasiswa agar yang mendapatkan beasiswa adalah mahasiswa yang paling layak.

Boby Chandra Panjaitan ◽  
Juni Nurma Sari ◽  
Anggy Trisnadoli

In the industrial era 4.0, it has now provided automatic convenience in all aspects of the field, including the culinary business. Operationally customer relationship management has an application that is service automation, where this application is computerized technology to support service staff automatically. In service automation applications, there is software functionality offered, namely customer self-service with web customer service self-service. Martabak Djoeragan, which is a business in the culinary food field in terms of the number of sales of martabak, is very much classified. Based on transaction data in 2017 customer orders can reach more than 300 orders in a day wherein the service process Martabak Djoeragan uses a manual cash register system to serve each order, the cashier must serve one by one each customer order. Today, of course, in terms of the service aspects of the Martabak Djoeragan shop, it is necessary to have an automatic convenience in serving each customer order. The results of service automation applications that have been built based on black-box testing, UAT and Likert scales have been running according to user needs which resulted in applications that provide convenience in the field of serviceIn the industrial era 4.0, it has now provided automatic convenience in all aspects of the field, including the culinary business. Operationally customer relationship management has an application that is service automation, where this application is computerized technology to support service staff automatically. In service automation applications, there is software functionality offered, namely customer self-service with web customer service self-service. Martabak Djoeragan, which is a business in the culinary food field in terms of the number of sales of martabak, is very much classified. Based on transaction data in 2017 customer orders can reach more than 300 orders in a day wherein the service process Martabak Djoeragan uses a manual cash register system to serve each order, the cashier must serve one by one each customer order. Today, of course, in terms of the service aspects of the Martabak Djoeragan shop, it is necessary to have an automatic convenience in serving each customer order. The results of service automation applications that have been built based on black-box testing, UAT and Likert scales have been running according to user needs which resulted in applications that provide convenience in the field of service

Kunti Eliyen ◽  
Fery Sofian Efendi

Tujuan dari paper ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan metode Weighted Product dalam pengambilan keputusan penerima zakat. Zakat merupakan bagian dari harta seseorang, yang menurut agama Islam jika harta tersebut sudah melampaui batas nishab maka diwajibkan kepada pemiliknya untuk diserahkan kepada seseorang yang berhak menerimanya dengan persyaratan tertentu atau disebut dengan mustahiq zakat. Dalam perhitungan Weighted Productdigunakan beberapa kriteria acuan untuk seluruh alternatif dengan melakukan perkalian untuk menghubungkan rating atribut, di mana rating setiap atribut harus dipangkatkan dahulu dengan bobot atribut yang bersangkutan. Hasil akhir perhitungan Weighted Product adalah nilai vektor V, di mana alternatif yang mendapat nilai V tertinggi merupakan alternatif yang diprioritaskan sebagai penerima zakat.

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